daily word - on your honor

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of an arrangement operated ‘on your honor’? For many things legal documents are involved and for others there are visible accountability systems. The concept of being on your honor dispenses with these controls on the premise that the character of those involved is sufficient to assure compliance. Have you heard it said that your true character is revealed in what you do when no one is watching? This is the same concept applied to agreements between people. What do you trust others to do on their honor? What will you do on yours?

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daily word - connections

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Do you think that the advertising industry is only promoting products, or do their messages attempt to influence your values, lifestyle, and worldview? I spoke a lot about money, for where a man’s treasure is, there will his heart be also. So there is a connection between material things and spiritual things. Will an appeal to pursue material things be successful if it isn’t attached to a values and worldview connection that opens the door? I’m not opposed to you making purchases, but are you aware of the linkage between commercial appeals and the value systems that they represent?

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daily word - Evidence

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Do you hear skeptics say that everything should be based on evidence? Do you feel that premise puts you as a disadvantage as a believer? Have you heard of court cases that pivot on the question of admissible evidence? In these cases the question is no longer about what really happened, but what one side or the other insists on rejecting from the proceedings. In this case is truth being sacrificed for process? What can you afford to exclude in your search for transcendent truth with eternal consequences?

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daily word - faith and politics

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What is your central identity marker? Most people have strong commitments for both faith and politics. In some circles these topics are avoided because they can be polarizing and divisive. Which of the two occupies the top position for you? Does your faith change to accommodate your politics, or do your politics change to accommodate your faith? If you are open to growth and change then it is reasonable to expect transitions and you should know the order of your priorities so you know what direction the changes will flow.

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daily word - advertising

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Are you immune to the effects of advertising? Does your faith give you a solid foundation that prevents you from being swayed by messages designed for that purpose? The advertising industry is betting over a hundred billion dollars a year that you are wrong. The Bible speaks of those who are carried about by every wind of doctrine. A modern addition might include cultural trends and fads. Perhaps you are too close to the situation to judge accurately and it would take an outsider to see it clearly.

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daily word - open door

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Can you read? This demanding skill is the first thing you learn in school because it opens the door for the acquisition of knowledge. Once you can read all recorded history, literature, and other written information is available to you. Are you easily threatened and heavily defended? This has the opposite effect of knowing how to read. It keeps you from being open to anything you don’t already know. If you can get over being easily threatened and heavily defended it will open doors for you in much the same manner as learning to read. There are things you don’t already know. Go find them.

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daily word - gatekeeper

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Who is the gatekeeper of heaven? Do you know the way? Is it like filling out an application for a job or admission to a school? Is it like buying a ticket for a long journey? You know the way and have applied for admission. You know that your application has been accepted. Does this place you in a position to rule on the applications of other people? If they want to apply on the basis of kindness to the least of these am I able to process their application accordingly? Will you object if I rule in their favor? What would be your standing to object?

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daily word - judge yourself

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Do you know that the Bible teaches you to judge yourself? Do you think that this applies only to examining your life for sinful behavior? What about the way you view the world; your assumptions about the way things work? Your view of the world is connected to your faith. Did you receive it as a list of doctrinal positions from your church? Have you had to alter any of your positions on these matters as a result of life experience? Do you defend your positions as an extension of your identity or do you continue to subject them to judgment?

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daily word - knowing

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Are you knowledgeable? You acquire knowledge by study and some has more value than others. Knowledge of technical systems may help you to earn a living or derive all the benefits of available technology where knowledge of sports statistics and popular culture would not. But even knowledge that is useful may have a limited lifetime. The technology you work with can become obsolete with time and your knowledge of systems declines with age. But there is knowledge that endures. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God for the knowledge you acquire about eternal things endures forever.

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daily word - Secure?

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Are you secure? Insecurity can come in many forms. You speak of food insecurity for the poor, but the more commonly experienced types in affluent countries are financial and emotional. You know people who secure and insecure in various ways. Is there also a spiritual form of security and insecurity? In the parable of the talents two servants took the talents entrusted to them and put them at risk and as a result increased them. The other servant buried his talent in the earth because he thought I was harsh and unfair. Do you know that I love you?

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