daily word - fingerprints

Dale Cresap's picture

You have a unique set of fingerprints that I gave you. It was a great advancement in criminal investigation to realize this, and that people left unique identifiers on everything they touched. Do you think I have fingerprints too? An artisan leaves fingerprints on the things he makes, and there is no difference with me. Fingerprints may not be obvious to the casual observer, but they can be seen by those who look diligently for them. Do you see my fingerprints on everything I made? I signed my work. They are on everything I made, including you and all other people.

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daily word - sovereign

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Do you regard me as a sovereign? This is a basic matter of doctrine. Do you see me asserting my sovereignty every time you think that a situation calls for intervention, or that my righteousness would be offended? So you may conclude that I am non-assertive in the way I exercise my sovereignty. Does this seem like a contradiction in terms? It is not. As a sovereign I can stay my hand if I choose. For your own part, do you want to see my sovereignty expressed in your life? Is it possible that you can make this choice?

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daily word - who decides?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know what is required to enter into the Kingdom of heaven? This is not a secret. I have made it clear in my word. Blessed are those who proclaim the good news of the gospel. Do you apply the same criteria to everyone? The same Bible says do not say, even in your heart, who will ascend into heaven, and who shall descend into hell? This decision is made above your pay grade. Would you want this burden? Who will dispute my judgments? If I let you in because of your belief and another for being kind to the least of these, in what court would you file an appeal of my decision?

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daily word - fair friends?

Dale Cresap's picture

You are familiar with the concept of fair weather friends. You know some people whose company you enjoy but they wouldn’t be the first, or second, person you would call in a crisis. Do you also know people that you may see only infrequently, but you know that you can count on them to be there for you in difficult times. You could think of these as foul weather friends. Does it take a crisis to find out who they are? Are you a fair weather or foul weather friend to others? It is possible to be both. How would you rate my friendship to you, and yours to me?

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daily word -what you can give

Dale Cresap's picture

What do you have to offer other people? Some people have great talents and they are blessed if they can offer to the world such things as music or insight or provision. Where do you see yourself in the distribution of talents? 10,000? 5,000? Most people make comparisons to others and see themselves as deficient. But what is the greatest need? What does everyone have to offer that everyone else is in desperate need of? Do you see a crisis of human dignity around you? Who do you know that suffers from a lack of respect for their essential humanity?

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daily word - bought?

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Can something be bought twice? You refer to people such as elected legislators and judges who have compromised their integrity in exchange for money as having been bought. Is it possible to be bought without money or without much money? In this case you could say they were bought cheaply. How many of my followers have aligned themselves with causes that are not Kingdom related and gotten nothing in return? You should be cautious and selective in what you embrace. Do not lightly give your heart to anything. Remember that you are bought with a price yourself and are not really for sale.

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daily word - Kingdom citizens

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Do you know some believers who identify as conservatives and others who identify as liberals? In my Father’s house there are many mansions, and room for many viewpoints. Yet I still said that my Kingdom is not of this world. Do these believers hold the same ideological positions as those of conservatives and liberals outside of the community of faith? But those are positions that are very much of the kingdoms of this world. Wouldn’t you expect something different about the positions of the subjects of the Kingdom of heaven that marks them as distinct?

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daily word - know as you are known

Dale Cresap's picture

My word promises that at the end of the age, when you enter the Kingdom prepared for you by the Father, that you will know as you are known. Does this imply that you currently do not, that even your knowledge of yourself is limited, while my knowledge of you is not? I know you better than you know yourself. Would you want such knowledge now? Would you be able to bear it? My love for you is infinite, and I can display it even knowing you better than you know yourself.

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daily word - Who am I?

Dale Cresap's picture

I asked my disciples who men said that I am, and they gave various responses from what they had heard from others. Then I changed the question to make it more personal. Who do you say that I am? Simon Peter said that I was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. This was the right answer, and I said that he was blessed because flesh and blood had not revealed this unto him, but my Father in heaven. Firsthand experience speaks with more authority than derived sources. You can learn from books but you need to make their truth your own reality. So who do you say that I am?

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daily word - chosen community?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you surround yourself by people you choose? Everyone needs human contact and a sense of belonging, and prefers the company of those like-minded. But is this really a community? If you have control over all your connections, does it meet all your needs for growth? True growth to your full potential will require you to come into contact with people you did not choose, and a true community will provide such people. If you understand that this is true, then how do you go about choosing the right people that you would not choose? Don’t worry.

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