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daily word - feeling your pain

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard anyone say that they feel your pain? This campaign slogan was a stretch, but it was good enough to win an election. Such is the human longing for empathy. How common do you think this is? When was the last time that you engaged with someone at such a deep level that they were personally invested in your story so much that you really believed that they felt your pain? Would it be fair to say that it is really rare? That makes it precious for its scarcity. Yet how much effort is involved in offering this great gift to other people?

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daily word - grades?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see salvation as a binary state, with the sheep on one side and the goats on the other? You could liken this to academic classes that are based on the pass/fail system. But most academic work is based on a scale of grades, so there are several levels of performance. What grade would you expect to get on a test of basic Christian doctrine? Do you think that such a test will be required for the entrance into the Kingdom of God? What grade would you expect to get on being kind to the least of these? What grade would you get on not causing offenses or causing little ones to stumble?

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daily word - generation gap

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think there is a benefit to connections across generations? The term generation gap is used to describe the separation of generations and this has been a risk throughout history, but most people don’t become aware of it until they experience it firsthand, first from the perspective of a young person, and then from the view of an old person. The elders think they have much to offer the younger generation and they are right. Do they realize that they have as much to gain as they have to give? Are young people in a position to see both sides of the equation?

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daily word - behind the scenes

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever worked behind the scenes? This is a common phrase borrowed from stage productions, in which the actors are in front of the scenes on stage, but much of the real work goes on behind the scenes. Some positions lend themselves to being highly visible, and others do not. If you have ever served in this way you know that it doesn’t involve much recognition or appreciation, even if it is important. Do you feel slighted and neglected because of this? You are in good company. How would you describe my influence in the world?

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daily word - listen

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you curious and inquisitive? When you talk to other people, are you more eager to hear their stories or to tell them yours? Have you ever had a one-way conversations that was lopsided and left you feeling frustrated from being unheard? Have you ever done this to someone else? You learn from listening to other people, but you have the need to be heard yourself. You can express interest in others by asking questions. Do you see this as doing them a favor? When they ask a question of you it may be their way of suggesting that you ask them about the same topic.

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daily word - vulnerable?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you afraid of being vulnerable? Do you avoid vulnerability as an experience of weakness? The alternative is to be defended. This provides you a hedge against risk and exposure. This may give you a sense of security against attack, but what else does it defend you from? Vulnerability is necessary for growth and transformation. If you avoid it you are defending yourself against your own progress. Do you see vulnerability as an attractive quality in other people or as weakness? Do you find defensiveness as an attractive quality in others?

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daily word - The News

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you watch the news? Do you do this to be informed and aware? Are there any other reasons or side effects? For the reporting of the news includes drama, sensationalism, and a source of outrage. Long ago people had very limited access to information. Since you do not face this limit, are you being a wise consumer of that which is available to you? Do you have an eternal perspective from which to assess the value of the information available to you? You understand that a container must be large enough for its contents.

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daily word - chosen?

Dale Cresap's picture

Did you choose to follow me? Or did I choose you? Who chose whom? You pursue your faith with diligence and intention, as well you should. You present the message of the gospel as if your audience had the option to say yes or no. But was it your idea to start down this path, or were you chosen for it? This would appear to be a true dichotomy, but could both aspects be true at once?  In the military a commander can give orders to his troops as he wishes, but in some cases he will ask for volunteers. He will typically choose those who step forward to volunteer.

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daily word - progress

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in progress? What do you think it consists of? Does the term make you think of the latest electronic gadget? It began much earlier. The rise of agriculture allowed the development of cities. Mechanized agriculture, fertilizer, and irrigation allowed the development of very large cities. And so population and affluence have grown. What other sorts of progress can you think of? Knowledge has increased, so more things are known, and this information is available to more and more people. What about spiritual progress? Has it kept up with these other areas?

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daily word - occupy

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you look for my return? I promised to return and you can count on this, but the wait is longer than anyone expected. What are you to do in the meanwhile? For you do not know when your master will return. I told a story about a master who went on a long journey and left his servants to take care of the place in his absence. The story implies that there was enough time for the servants to run successful businesses. Are you doing this? You can apply the principle of the story to your own life.

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