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daily word - mass produced?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that faith is mass produced? Mass production is a key to economic prosperity. But can it be applied to faith? Gospel crusades are an effort to make this work, and I spoke to large audiences in my own ministry. But I also told a story of one lost sheep that the shepherd searched for with 99 in the fold, and one lost coin out of 10 that was searched for. Does the task of evangelism seem daunting with multitudes lost in the valley of decision? Don’t let the magnitude of the task overwhelm you or be overcome by questions of scale.

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daily word - Wrestling

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you ever get more of me than you bargained for? Have you approached me with limited expectations and found that I had more in mind? Job did. He complained of his treatment and demanded that I show up so he could plead his case directly. I did show up but Job never got the chance to ask his questions, since I had some questions for him. Halfway through my questions Job is ready to tap out but I’m not finished with him. When this encounter is over Job is transformed and doesn’t cling to his questions anymore. Do you have questions for me? Are you prepared to go through this process?

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daily word - whatever you want?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the passages that promise that you can have anything that you ask for in prayer? These passages are well-known and popular. Have you put this into practice? How has that worked out for you? This is a situation that requires some thought. Do you understand it to mean that I am available for you to command, to carry out your wishes? Can everyone else do the same thing? Do you see what confusion would come about from this? It is important for you to be clear about which one of us is God. Yet within this context the promise is true.

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daily word - generous

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you generous? Do you support your church financially? Churches have real financial needs, and most provide strong encouragement, expectations, or requirements for financial support event down to the percentage of your income. If you support your church financially, do you see that as satisfying your duty to be generous? Does your church giving make you more or less generous to other worthy causes or those in need, or in giving tips to those who serve you? If you have internalized generosity as a value then you can be generous both to your church and to others in need. 

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daily word - evangelism

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you consider evangelism to be difficult work? Consumer product companies spend millions of dollars to advertise with the sole aim of getting people to buy their product. You have a much more limited budget and a more daunting task of getting people to commit their lives to following me. Is there anything working in your favor? Yes, I have put eternity in their hearts. Every person has a spiritual hunger that is real even if they can’t articulate or even acknowledge it. I have given you a place to start and something to work with to carry out the Great Commission.

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daily word - learning

Dale Cresap's picture

You can’t see me but you know I am with you. I told Peter that he was blessed because he knew I was the Christ and flesh and blood did not reveal this to him but my Father in heaven. Do you think that the same dynamic works with you? You live in a culture that oriented toward structured instruction. How much of what you know did you acquire through conventional instruction and how much did you get by revelation? Can you get everything you need without any direct input from me? Do you describe your faith as a relationship with me? If so, how open are the channels of communication?

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daily word - seeing God

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want to see me? You know fellow believers who lament that they did not live when I walked the earth; are you one of these? Do I seem distant to you when you hunger for my presence? Yet I am among you in ways you may not be aware of. When I said that in as much as ye had done it unto the least of these ye had done it unto me, I was serious. So if you want to know what I look like look at them. Do you think that you qualify as one of the least of these and by this logic that I look like you?

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daily word - liberty?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the passage about standing fast in the liberty in which I have made you free? Are you fiercely defensive of your liberty as a result? Are you aware that these words were written in an occupied country, and that neither Paul nor I advocated violently overthrowing the government? That would have been too easy. The corresponding bondage referred to is imposed from within rather than from without. Take yourself as an example. Do you suffer more from externally imposed tyranny, or from fear, bias, prejudice, addictions, and habits?

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daily word - outrage

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you angry about all the evil in the world? Furious? Outraged? Your version of what is evil may not be the same as someone else’s but the same principles apply. What do you do with your outrage? For it has the power to consume you and will if you don’t direct it constructively. Are you doing anything about the situation to improve or resolve it? This requires concrete action. Is the issue so large that it seems beyond your ability to influence and it overwhelms you?

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daily word - please me?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want to please me? Do you think it is hard to do? Do you know how to do it? You may think this involves doing my will and you are right, but do you know what my will is? Perhaps you are being too hard on yourself. Are you judging yourself by corporate performance standards or by the standards of a father and his children? Which do you think applies in this case? How does this same situation play out with your own children? Isn’t their desire to please you endearing to you whether they execute it perfectly or not? The same dynamic applies with me.

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