Can You REALLY Sing “Sweet Hour of Prayer” with Gusto?

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As a young Christian, prayer didn’t seem to work very well. In my prayers I informed God of my situations and asked for Him to help. It all seemed quite rote and redundant and uneventful. It couldn’t be called a relationship because there was no communication back. There was no conversation. Just me talking.

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Inner Healing for an Organ Prayer Worksheet

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In addition to healing prayer, great nutrition and exercise, you can restore a damaged organ in your body by removing any emotions which contributed to the organ's malfunction and any false identification you may have made with this infirmity by saying, "This is who I am." For example, "I am a heart attack victim." This free, downloadable prayer worksheet takes you through the steps.

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How Do I Come Back to God After I Have Committed a HUGE Sin?

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When we fail, we can beat ourselves up for several hours, days or months, or we can be cleansed instantly and return to peace and rest. Demons howl in laughter if I beat myself up, for I have removed myself from God’s presence, and stepped out of the Kingdom of peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17) and into the kingdom of demonic lies and accusations.

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Inner Healing Prayer Heals The Painful Scenes In Your Heart and Mind

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Inner healing is one of the most powerful prayer approaches we use. It is inviting Jesus into the scene of a painful memory, looking and then seeing Him appear on the screen inside our mind. We invite Him to move freely, tune to flow and watch the flowing pictures (vision) and receive flowing thoughts (His voice).

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Speaking Your Journaling Back to the Lord as Your Personal, Present-Tense Reality

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In working as a Personal Spiritual Trainer Coach with individuals, I get to read and affirm their journaling. Following is a dialogue I recently had with Patricia, a lady I am coaching as she begins two-way journaling.

Patricia, This is great journaling. Here is what I suggest. Turn the statements into positive, present-tense, confessions, just as David did in the Psalms. For example:

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Another CLU Course Is Transforming Lives!

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Experience prophetic prayer counseling! Below are amazing testimonies of the power of the course Prayers That Heal the Heart to bring radical transformation to individuals as well as groups. We just completed a survey of students who have gone through it, and after collecting approximately 160 responses, the view they have expressed is, "Everyone needs this course!" The e-learning module is on sale 50% off until February 13, 2019.

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Heart Prayers: Seven Elements Which Compose The Language of Our Hearts

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Questions: How do I write a message on my heart? What is the language of MY heart? How do I engage in “heart prayers” rather than prayers from my head? People tell me all the time that they have been in counseling for months or years to process their hurts and are still in pain! Or they have been praying for a miracle of healing, and it is still delayed. As I ask them what they have done, and listen to their story, I am able to help them see: They have NOT been using the language of the heart to heal their hearts. They have been using the language of their minds, analytical reason, and that is why they are still stuck!

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