Inner Healing Methods by Virkler and Lehman

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It is an honor to do a podcast with Dr. Karl Lehman on the topic of various inner healing methods. Dr. Karl has been involved in inner healing for more than 35 years, as have I. He has come at it through the lens of brain science and hearing God’s voice, and I have come at it through the lens of a Charismatic theologian. We have arrived at very similar methodologies; my guess is probably a 95% or greater overlap in the way we minister to the wounded heart. Enjoy our 60-minute discussion below.

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Pray for All Who Are in Authority - A Great Way to Be Politically Active & It Beats Fretting

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First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:1-4)

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National Day of Prayer and Repentance Sept. 26, 2020

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I gave a keynote address Saturday morning at a graduation ceremony and was asked to speak on revelation-based learning. What was amazing to me was that the prophetic apostle who was leading this conference, Paul Rosbury, felt the Lord wanted us to tune in at 11:00am, during the middle of the graduation ceremony, for a live prophetic word from Jonathan Cahn (author of The Harbinger) who was speaking at a mega rally in Washington, DC which drew tens of thousands of attendees.

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God Speaks Concerning Law and Grace – Larry Walter Shares His Journaling

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“Lord, what do You want to speak to me concerning law and grace?”

My friend, law or instructions are the things that set the boundaries for our relationship. That’s all. So many people worship My instructions and neglect Me. They are proud of their ability to memorize a list of things to do or not to do… and they even take on a new language as if because they have tuned their tongue to speak Hebrew that that is a milestone for them.

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A Lieutenant Discusses Racial Discrimination Within the NYPD

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I have never had a conversation with a black police officer about any sort of racial issue. I have never even talked with a black man about racial issues. For some reason this is just an uncomfortable subject. I remember a seminar I did 35 years ago at Bishop Joseph Garlington’s church. I made a complimentary comment to my black audience saying, “You guys are better than whites in this area" (I forget now exactly what the area was). Bishop Garlington interrupted the seminar and asked me two or three times what I meant by “you guys.” And I was afraid to provide a more specific answer because I didn’t know if I should call them Black or Negros or African Americans, and I assumed that if I chose the wrong phrase it would be offensive to them. So yes, I have never had a conversation with a black man about racial issues. This is about to change!

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Jesus Does a Miracle on the Highway

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Ruth Wilson writes: I have a testimony I would like to share with you.  I have learned so much from your book Unleashing Healing Power through Spirit-Born Emotions.  Here is another amazing experience that happened.

We live near a huge bridge that is critical for every day getting to and from work, beach, etc.  Last fall they began construction and closed down one of the lanes on the busiest weekend.  It was a Friday evening and took over 7 hours to go what normally takes 1.5 hours (with traffic).  

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A Prophetic Prayer to Pray Over the Nations by Linda Burton

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On June 27, 2020, I heard a sermon about the creation that really stirred my heart.  Then during the night, I awoke to a strong wind blowing the curtain in the bedroom.  I got up to close the window and a prayer flooded into my spirit.  I grabbed a pad and paper and started writing.  I didn’t really hear the Lord as I usually do, but this prayer just flowed from my inner being.

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