The Heavens Declare God’s Victory Over Coronavirus By Isabelle Declercq

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I received the following email from Isabelle Declercq, one of our CLU graduates. She has seen God wage war in the heavenlies and defeat the Coronavirus. His message is in the clouds that she beheld and she tells her story below. It reminds me of the verse: The heavens declare His righteousness, And all the peoples have seen His glory (Ps. 97:6)!

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The prayer below was sent to me by Ken and Sylvia Thornberg, and I want to pass it on to you. Prayer changes things. Let's come into agreement that this virus will be halted in its tracks.


“Heavenly Father, I worship You, knowing that You care about the circumstances surrounding the deadly Covid-19 virus that is attacking the people of the earth.  I believe that You have given people authority in Christ Jesus to stop this plague according to Your Word.  Jesus said: 

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My Sister May Have Coronavirus – An Email of Support

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I received an email in the last 24 hours that my sister has been terribly sick for many days, with a fever of 102. Her doctor has had her tested for the coronavirus, but it will be ten days before the results come back so we are not 100% sure of the diagnosis. Either way, right now she is separated from her family, afraid and in pain.

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Covid-19 Virus Prayer Provided by Ken and Sylvia Thornberg

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I was sent the email below from Ken and Sylvia Thornberg. They head up Freedom Encounters which appears to be an outstanding ministry. I am looking forward to getting more acquainted with them and the counseling services they offer to all. You may want to check them out, as well. The prayer below is also available in Spanish, so please forward this to your Spanish-speaking friends so they can join with us in intercession too. Thank you!

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Tongues Are Like Sniper Guns

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Praying in tongues is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:7-11). It is a gift from God, enabling us in our prayer lives. When we pray in tongues, we speak mysteries to God and build up our spirits. Sounds really good to me! Why wouldn't I want to do this?

For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself. I wish you all spoke with tongues (1 Cor. 14:2-5).

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Focused Prayer Approach

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I received this request to pass on - Global Day Of Prayer -  Christians Unite Against COVID-19.

A day of World Prayer is announced for THIS SUNDAY (TODAY) Sunday 22nd March 2020 at 12:00 local time. All Christians are invited to join FROM HOME from 12:00 - 13:00 hrs so the whole globe is covered for 24 hours. Obviously many of you will receive this on Monday, so make Monday your focused time of prayer. And praying continuously concerning this is wise for all of us.

Praying for:

  1. An end to the spread of the virus

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We ALL Need a WONDERFUL COUNSELOR as Covid 19 Becomes a Worldwide Pandemic

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The amazing thing is that we DO have a Wonderful Counselor! Yes, it is true schools and colleges and sporting events have shut down. Businesses, stores, cruises, and theme parks have closed. Nations have sealed their borders. Fear is ready to surmount reason.

In the midst of this, the Bible says:

For a child will be born to us … the government will rest on His shoulders… His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6).

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Covid 19, Fear, Panic, Revelation, Reason and Anointed Action

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I received an email today which included the following questions: What are we to think about the Corona Virus, the nation's/world's response to it?  The collapse of our economy, the sequestering of peoples.  Are we in the tribulation, last days?  How does this fit into prophecy?  How do I manage the fear I have for the safety of my children, grandchildren, and for our jobs and abilities to buy food and survive?  I feel ill equipped to navigate these waters. 

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Prophetic Prayer Releases Kingdom Promises

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Prophetic prayer begins by hearing God’s voice in your heart. For me, this comes as flowing words which just appear. For example, as I was wondering how to pray for a situation in which there was animosity, the following phrase appeared effortlessly within me as a spontaneous, flowing thought:

“My peace which surpasses all understanding shall fill their hearts and their minds, their sleep, their dreams, their bedroom, their home and their office.”

It was clear to me that I was to pray and speak this prophetic reality into the situation. This was the way God was moving in that situation. The phrase came to me day and night over three weeks, and each time it came, I declared in faith that this was God’s will, purpose and promise concerning this situation. This is prophetic prayer. In each case the timing of the fulfillment comes from the Lord. In this case, after three weeks I received a wonderful letter of peace! Prayer answered! Thank You Lord!

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Why Repeating Healing Prayers Releases MORE of God’s Healing Power

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After my heart surgery I prayed numerous times for healing of my heart. I used the prayer approach Inner Healing for an Organ. Every time I did this prayer exercise, I felt the healing power and presence of the Holy Spirit moving upon me. This was experienced as a manifestation of shaking which I believe to be my body's reaction to the Holy Spirit’s healing presence and power.

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