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daily word - image of God

Dale Cresap's picture

What is your image of me? I’m not referring to a graven image like an idol, but your mental construct of my nature. The view of those without is that I am distant, indifferent, punitive, and judgmental. Perhaps the terminology of systematic theology doesn’t help. Who would be attracted to seek a God like that? What have you found to be true from your own experience? Christians say I am a God of love. Can you make a case for this from your own life? Can you present this view to others in a convincing way to correct their misperceptions?

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daily word - belief?

Dale Cresap's picture

What term do you use to describe adherents of a faith? Isn’t ‘believer’ the most common? This is an important concept that goes back to Abraham and even before. I commended faith many times but what did I ask of my disciples? Didn’t I put more emphasis on following me? Do you know those for whom belief comes easily, but you see little evidence of transformation in their lives? Do you know any who struggle with belief, but whose lives are radically and profoundly impacted by my message? Do you remember the story of the two sons and the vineyard?

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daily word - peace in the fight

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see injustice in the world? What effect does it have on you? Does it fill you with rage, hatred, and fear? Does this motivate you to rise up and fight against it? But if you act this way, aren’t you just bringing more of the same problem? I have given you peace and love, and these are to be your most prominent characteristics. Can you abide in peace and still be motivated to act effectively against injustice? Otherwise you just stir up more strife and opposition.

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daily word - make you stronger

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard it said that whatever doesn’t kill you will make you stronger? This is an extremely negative expression and not strictly true, but there is an underlying element of truth. Is there a positive way to approach this? You have already seen unpleasant circumstances you would not choose have beneficial effects in your life. Do you see this as a series of random events? I tell you that I take great interest in this and watch over it carefully. You already have my promise that I will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear.

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daily word - good intentions?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of anyone doing the right thing for the wrong reason? What about doing the wrong thing for the right reason? If you have ever heard or overheard the remark that someone’s heart was in the right place, or that they meant well, they could be referring to this. Have you ever had things go badly despite your best intentions? Do outcomes matter more than motives? You shouldn’t be too hard on yourself in such situations, and in like manner, this is another good reason not to judge others.

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daily word - true community

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that there are two ways to form a group? One is around a common enemy, and the other is around a common interest. You would be correct in thinking that the common interest is better, but common enemy intimacy is the faster and easier method. Can you think of any groups that are animated by what they are opposed to? Most political parties and campaigns? This method is used because it works, but you don’t have to let it work for you. Resist the easy path and put in the effort to build the trust that true solidarity and community require.

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I Either LOVE the Truth or Am Under a Deluding Influence

Mark Virkler's picture

We are living in a time when domination, control, fear, deception, and emotions are running high. Our desire is NOT to be deceived, whether by fear tactics, control freaks or by workers of miracles who are not followers of Jesus Christ. We are truly in a war so we need to also be wise as serpents or our voice will be removed from the public forum, as only the party platform is allowed there, and those who disagree with the "party line" vanish.

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daily word - Tribal?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as being tribal? You may think of this as an unsophisticated primitive concept from ancient times, but it is a universal human tendency, so you are not exempt from it even if you don’t use this terminology. There is some level at which you identify with and prefer the company of your own kind. Yet even the solidarity of your group can work against you if it serves to alienate and isolate you from the rest of the human community. Group identification is not bad, but alienation is.

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daily word - worship

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know what you worship? This may sound like an obvious question, but I had a conversation with a woman at a well and told her she knew not what she worshipped. I went on to affirm worship in spirit and in truth. Do you know people who worship money? They may not describe it that way, but if they live their lives as if nothing is more important, they don’t have to go to weekly meetings for it to count as worship. The same principles of devotion apply, so this is a fair description of the most important thing to any person. So what is most important to you?

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daily word - money

Dale Cresap's picture

For what do you hear the church criticized by outsiders? The emphasis on money? You don’t have to go outside the church to hear this complaint. What do you see in my life? Did I ever take an offering? If money had been a big concern for me I would not have appointed Judas as treasurer. Yet even if I wasn’t a fund raiser, I spoke a lot about money. I commended generosity, and said that where your treasure was your heart would be also. Give and it will be given unto you.

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