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daily word - good vision?

Dale Cresap's picture

How well do you see? You are fortunate to live in an age where most vision problems can be corrected, starting with corrective lenses. You accept 20/20 as standard normal and expect to see that well. But this is not what I was talking about when I challenged my audiences about having ears to hear and eyes to see. There is a level of awareness and understanding that goes beyond taking in a visual scene. Have you ever had the experience of not being able to ‘see’ what is right in front of you, until someone pointed it out?

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daily word - new wineskins

Dale Cresap's picture

I said that new wine requires new wineskins, and this was not a one-time thing. It is an enduring principle. Do you see a need for new wineskins today? Is the current version of the church able to meet the needs of the moving of the Spirit and the needs of the surrounding culture? Is it capable of being salt with savor and the light of the world? Is it capable of holding the conversations required to address these issues? Is there any organization capable of evaluating itself and making the changes required to adapt to new conditions? What is your part in the making of new wineskins?

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daily word - ultimate truth

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you convinced of the existence of eternal truth? Do you have a complete comprehension of it? It is okay to answer yes to the first question and no to the second. This is the best answer. The deny the existence of eternal truth is to reject ultimate reality, but to claim complete comprehension of it is arrogant. And so you see in a glass darkly, knowing that one day you will see face to face. Until then you may see yourself as on a journey, driven by the tension between the knowledge you have and the complete picture you desire.

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Prophetic Perspective for 2022 by Charity Kayembe

Charity Kayembe's picture

Happy New Year! It is with hearts full of faith that we look forward to 2022, and full of thankfulness for what Father has done this past year. It's been so rewarding to empower School of Ministry students in both the US and the UK. We have also received unprecedented opportunities to minister in Asia via Zoom doing translated sessions. We equipped believers in China through teachings in Mandarin as well as believers in Myanmar through teachings in Burmese.

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daily word - big enough?

Dale Cresap's picture

When you consider a new task, do you evaluate the time and other resources it will require before you commit to taking it on? In other words, do you consider whether it is not too large for you? There are Biblical references for putting your hand to the plow, and considering the cost of a tower or the strength of an enemy you face. Yet shouldn’t you also consider whether a task is large enough? I have equipped you for great things. Don’t you feel the call for them within your soul?

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daily word - answers

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like answers? Are you quick to arrive at answers for the questions you face? An unanswered question is a source of tension, and tension is uncomfortable. Have you ever arrived at a wrong answer because you were in a hurry? Are you sure that all the answers you currently hold are correct? As uncomfortable as it is to have unanswered questions, the resulting tension keeps you looking for a better answer. So it is better to have no answer than a wrong answer.  Can you see examples from my own teachings where I left my audience with questions?

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daily word - money trees?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard it said that money doesn’t grow on trees? That is true, but food does, and food is a more basic and essential requirement for life. Do you marvel at the abundant provision available to you in the earth? Do not let the fact that it requires effort on your part to distract you from this essential truth. The fact that it is available at all should fill you with gratitude. I created a world that meets all your needs. Do you see this as an expression of my basic nature, of my goodness and love for you? I will perfect that which concerns you.

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daily word - 1 or 2 way?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know that communication can be one-way or two-way? For the flow of information in one direction counts as communication, and anything that is broadcast or printed is an example of this. You are a passive receiver with no opportunity to interact with the author. This is a successful means for the dissemination of information, and one-way communication can occur even in person, but don’t you find interactive communication to be more satisfying? In this case you can both hear and be heard, and experience a give and take exchange.

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daily word - help from whom?

Dale Cresap's picture

When you need help do you prefer to get it from those of your own community by the principle that ‘we take care of our own’? Do you find it hard to accept help from those outside of your group? Is there anyone from whom you would refuse help? Have you ever considered the story of the Good Samaritan from the perspective of the man who was hurt? How do you think he felt about getting help from a Samaritan? Have you ever been in such dire need that you would accept help from anyone who offered it, no matter how alien from your own familiar group?

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daily word - Elijah now

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you consider truth to be eternal and unchanging? You are right. But every generation needs a voice to remind them of it. Elijah lived long before me, but those in my generation correctly understood that God would send Elijah before the coming of the Messiah. I declared that this had taken place, and that John the Baptist was serving as Elijah to prepare the way for me. Do you also understand that God will send Elijah before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord? Whose voice will declare eternal truth to this generation? Don’t think of this as limited to an individual?

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