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daily word - questions

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have questions? Do you insist on answers for your questions? Unanswered questions do create tension, but being too eager to resolve these questions prematurely can lead you to accept wrong answers. It is better to live with an unanswered question than a wrong answer. Some questions do not lend themselves to simple answers and you may have to live your way into the answer rather than having one provided for you. Therefore do not resent those who leave you with questions for they are providing you an opportunity.

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daily word - sin?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you divide activities between those that are sinful and those that are not? How do you make the distinction? Is this something that can be reduced to a list? Perhaps that is too strict and too simple at the same time. Is this what you refer to as legalism? Perhaps a better approach would be to evaluate activities by criteria. Does some activity make you more caring and considerate of others, more active and engaged in your own pursuits, and more aware of the Kingdom of God within and around you? You should do more of this. Does it have the opposite effect? You should do less.

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daily word - who are you?

Dale Cresap's picture

What is your identity? Do you know? You may have some documents you can present for identification to satisfy official requirements, but this is not the same thing as understanding who you really are. Don’t assume that this is something you know automatically. It makes more sense to assume that it will take a lifetime to find out. Do you identify with your possessions, career, family, hobbies, and appearance, or other demographic markers? But these things are not you, and you should not settle for these lower levels of understanding yourself.

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daily word - family?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of family as central to the practice of your faith? How large is your family? What did I have to say about family? When I was informed that my family was at hand, I said that my family were those who did the will of God. This is hardly an affirmation of blood relations. Throughout history family ties have been a strong distinction for acceptance, and by implication, rejection of those who are without. This is the original basis of tribalism that has served to create divisions among people.

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daily word - best gift

Dale Cresap's picture

What do you think is an appropriate gift for another person? Most of these are measured in monetary terms, even if thoughtfulness counts. You can only give away what you have. Do you have a sense of confidence regarding the future? Even in difficult times, do you see the universe unfolding according to a master plan? Do you know that you have a part in it, and so does everyone else? Do you know that there is a benevolent supreme being giving you a future and a destiny for good? Blessed are those who know this, but not everyone does.

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daily word - judge not

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you consider the whole world to lie in wickedness, lost in darkness? Are you mindful of your commission to come out from among them and be separate? How do you carry this out? Do you hold it as a matter of doctrine that you are better than they are? Do the verses describing the state of the world around you tempt you to respond with spiritual arrogance? Would their answer about your behavior agree with yours? How can you reach them with my message if you hold yourself as superior? How can you hold a correct understanding of spiritual discernment and not enter into judgment?

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daily word - coming back

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you love my appearing? How do you do this? So many of my followers have studied the question of my return, which I promised, and used it as an occasion to develop scenarios and timelines and assign identities of Biblical characters to real people. How many have been correct so far? None. This alone should discourage you from making definite predictions. And yet the Biblical instruction is clear and emphatic for you to watch for my return, to love my appearing, and to hasten the day of my return. How can you do this without focusing on scenarios and dates and identities?

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daily word - prayer sacrifice

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see prayer as a sacrifice? You can make a case for this from the Bible, and  that the scent of the prayers of my people provides a sweet aroma for me. The concept of sacrifice is inseparable from cost. If you see your prayers as a sacrifice what cost is associated with them? If you only pray for your own concerns or acquisitions, how is that a burden? If you want your prayers to be sacrificial, address them to issues beyond your own personal concerns. Don’t you find this quality attractive in other people? I find it attractive in you too.

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daily word - rush to judge?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you rush to judgment? When something goes wrong, are you eager to attribute it to another person and in particular to attribute it to evil intent on their part? For instance, if something is missing do you assume that another person stole it? Yet there are many possible explanations for a missing item some of which involve inadvertent action on the part of another person and some don’t involve other people at all. If you are quick to impute evil intent and actions to others without really knowing you should ask yourself why.

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daily word - kindness

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you prepared to accept that I am present in every act of kindness? You do not struggle with this idea when it concerns yourself and those within your tribe. What about  those who are outside? How far outside? Is it easy to accept when it is another denomination within your same faith? What about other faiths altogether, or none at all? This creates a much different criteria than the nature of the kindness itself. What standard do you think those receiving the kindness would use? Does this challenge your theology?

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