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daily word - stories

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in the power of stories? I did. That is how I taught the people about the Kingdom of God. People are wired to respond to stories and storytellers have always held a privileged place in society, including the film and popular literature industries of today. Do you see common themes recurring in popular stories? The stories I told, such as the prodigal son, were radical and shocking to my audiences, to illustrate the power and love of God. Do you see them this way? Do you see yourself as a writer?

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daily word - personal?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see me as your personal savior? What do you mean by this? For this same word is widely used in your culture of individualism, and is normally understood to mean for you alone, for your exclusive use. Is this the impression you want to give about your relationship with me? Doesn’t this imply a reversal of our actual roles? Isn’t it you who is bought with a price and you are not your own? Isn’t it you who is to follow me, laying down your life and picking up your cross? Isn’t it you who refers to me as Lord, and not the other way around?

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daily word - giving?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you support my work financially? Some churches encourage this more strongly than others, but there are real expenses associated with operating a church and other worthwhile reasons for giving such as ministry to the poor. In most cases part of this money goes toward paying staff, since the worker is worthy of his hire. Do you do some of your home and vehicle maintenance yourself and hire the rest to be done by others?

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daily word - spectrum

Dale Cresap's picture

Did you know that white light is actually a combination of colors and that a prism will separate it into the visible spectrum? This is common knowledge. Do you divide people into a small number of fixed categories, defined by the way they are not like you? Yet even among your friends don’t you notice subtle variations even within a group, that people take different paths, and arrive at slightly different positions? Does it make it hard to judge people if they won’t fit in their assigned categories? Extend this principle to those you disagree with.

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daily word - who to follow?

Dale Cresap's picture

How much attention do you pay to your adversary? For you wrestle not against flesh and blood, and he walks around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. And you are not ignorant of his devices. You are a soldier in my army. What do soldiers pay more attention to, the actions of the enemy, or the orders of their commanders? Good soldiers rely on their commanders for intelligence matters, and trust them to know the big picture rather than figuring it out on by themselves and doing their own thing. If you trust me and follow me, you don’t need to pay much attention to your enemy. 

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daily word - seeing glory

Dale Cresap's picture

What do you look for when you look for the Kingdom of God? Magnificent heavenly glory? That is what people were looking for in a messiah, and most of them overlooked me because I didn’t fit the profile. Instead I spoke in familiar images of everyday things. Lost coins, sowing and reaping wheat, candles and bushels, sheep and fish. Where is the glory in that? Yet there were a few that got my message and knew that I was speaking the words of life.

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daily word - individualism?

Dale Cresap's picture

You live in a culture of intense individualism. Do you see this trait in the church as well? Is this message inherent in the gospel, or is it a cultural overlay on the church? I said that it is not good for the man to be alone, but this was not my final word on this matter. Bear one another’s burdens. Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together. No one lives or dies unto himself. You are your brother’s keeper. In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto me. Do you refer to your faith as a relationship with me?

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daily word - world view

Dale Cresap's picture

What is the basis for your hope? This term refers to your orientation toward the future. What is your expectation concerning things to come, even without knowing the details? This depends on your view of the nature of the world and your place in it. This is in turn influenced by your previous experience. If you live with the awareness that in your life so far you have been the recipient of grace and favor and mercy, this is a valid basis to expect that these things will continue.

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daily word - 2 kingdoms

Dale Cresap's picture

When I was asked about my Kingdom, in the context of something to fight for, I said that my Kingdom is not of this world. There are not many governments called kingdoms anymore, but every country has a government that serves the same purpose. So you have dual citizenship. My rules for you include following the rules of your government, in so far as you are able, and blessed are those for whom this does not present a conflict. So you have a foot in both worlds, so to speak, and allegiance in two realms.

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