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daily word - prophet?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want to be a prophet? My word teaches you to desire this gift. This is a position of honor, but prophets are outsiders, or at least on the edge of the group, so they can speak correction to it. So this is not something to pursue lightly, particularly if popularity is important to you. Do you see how I spent my entire ministry as an outsider? I declared John the Baptist to be a prophet and he was a voice crying in the wilderness. Consider how things ended for both of us and also my remarks about how the religious establishment had done the same to the prophets who came before.

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Under What Conditions Would I Seek Out the Counsel of Spiritual Advisors?

Mark Virkler's picture

People are imperfect. They have their own agendas and fears and goals. I have heard many horror stories of authoritarian pastors damaging people’s faith as they abused "their" authority. Some have told their people that God doesn't speak today nor does He give dreams or do miracles. I even had one young lady in my class who was told by a prophet who she had to marry! One person who spoke to me had quit journaling because his pastor told him God wasn't speaking. Wow! We know what Jesus' thoughts are about those who damage a child's faith (Matt. 18:6 - better to be drowned).  

"I don’t mind submitting to God, Who is perfect, but to submit to people? No way! I wouldn’t submit my life to the counsel of any other person. It is my life and I am to take control and responsibility for it. Besides, others do not understand me well enough to have that kind of authority in my life. People are imperfect." I used to believe the lie that I should not trust the counsel of others.

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daily word - hero?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want to be a hero? This is a nearly universal aspiration. Do you think there are only a few of these, who by courage and daring and great strength perform deeds of noble sacrifice? The classic story of a hero involves someone who takes a journey, overcomes obstacles and difficulties along the way, comes into a larger understanding through experiences with the unfamiliar, and returns home with honor to share the benefits of his journey. This version is more attainable than the first, although both versions have common elements.

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daily word - hope

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you judge people for coming down with illnesses like cancer or heart disease, or even the flu? You understand that these are things that no one wants, and avoids as much as they can, and so you offer sympathy rather than judgment. Are you willing to extend the same degree of grace to those with mental illness? This can make people socially awkward and do annoying things that drive people away, but is judgment justified if the condition is beyond the persons control, or even if it is within their control?

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daily word - listen

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think evangelism involves only speaking? You are called to fulfill the Great Commission of proclaiming the gospel message to every creature, to the ends of the earth. Does this sound like a one-way flow of information? How seriously do you take people who won’t listen to you? Do you want to listen to them? Put yourself in the position of your audience. Don’t you thrive on having your story heard? Listening will give you favor with the people you are trying to reach. Their stories won’t hurt you. The most basic requirement of any communication is to keep the conversation going.

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daily word - spiritual fitness

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you take physical fitness seriously? Everyone knows how to attain strength and stamina, but it takes discipline, intention, and persistence to get results. Good intentions are more prevalent than good results. Is godliness more profitable than bodily exercise? You could think of this as spiritual fitness. Is the path to obtain this as obvious as it is for physical fitness? Do you think it also requires discipline, intention, and persistence? What exercises or practices would you choose to obtain it? Do you know people who are spiritually fit? How did they get that way?

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One of the 49 Lies Is That I Am to Live Out of the Bible

Mark Virkler's picture

Ten years into my Christian life I learned to discern God’s voice within my heart. The conversations we had made me feel like I was walking with Jesus and the disciples on the Emmaus Road. As Jesus opened the Scriptures to me, I could feel my heart burning within (see Lk. 24:32). Following is one of the conversations we had.

Jesus, I have believed from my youth up that I am to live out of the Bible. There is no way this can be wrong.

Jesus spoke: But it is.

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daily word - stronger

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard that whatever doesn’t kill you will make you stronger? This isn’t true. There are things that will make you weaker even if you survive them. But it is true that adversity is necessary for development. You gain strength physically by exertion, and you gain strength in other ways by overcoming. This process works better if it is intentional and directed, and so you have coaches and teachers and trainers to guide you. Do you see me as performing this role in your life? You know that fathers chasten their sons and my chastening of you is evidence of my acceptance of you.

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daily word - only human

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard anyone excuse their frailties and shortcomings by saying they are only human? Have you ever done this yourself? Can you see how this is an insult to me? For not only are you my creation, and so embedded flaws are a reflection on my workmanship, but I further state that you are created in my image, which only people can claim, and this compounds the issue. Theologians will debate the meaning of this concept, but you don’t have to wait for their verdict to live your life now.

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daily word - abundance

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in a world of abundance? Do you think there is enough for everyone? Do you resent the rich, thinking that they have more than their share, and that they obtained it by unjust means from the poor, and that if they would just be more generous with what I have given them there would be enough for everyone? Do you think this argument applies only to those who have more than you, and not to those with less who consider you to be rich? When I created a world of abundance, I knew in advance that some would have more than others and allowed for that.

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