February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

food for life

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard it said that you are what you eat? At the basic level of chemistry and biology this is true, for your body is built from the food you eat. But in a spiritual sense your life consists of more than food and drink for you also require spiritual nourishment, for which I am the Bread of Life, and Living Water. But even with this, food still comes into the equation, for you need food to survive. You can think of food as fuel for your abundant life, just as gas is fuel for your car. You are blessed if you have many choices available to you for this and make choices that affirm and support a healthy life. 

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Mercy for all

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you rejoice in mercy for yourself? What about mercy for others? In the story of the workers in the vineyard, the landowner was generous to the workers who came late, but those who worked all day were resentful. In the story of the prodigal son, the father is gracious and joyful about the return of the prodigal son, but the elder brother is not. Doesn’t everyone want to get better than they deserve for themselves? A greater test of Christian character is to rejoice when other people get mercy too. Have you become a member of the current religious establishment? Beware of the dangers this poses.

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accept yourself

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard it taught that you are to love the sinner but hate the sin? This is a valid distinction and a true principle, but it is not easy to apply to others, because you have to understand that the evil they do is not an expression of their true identity, or at least of their true destiny. Do you find it even more difficult to apply this principle to yourself, since you struggle with persistent areas of weakness? Self-hatred is not an appropriate response, for it is not a part of the redemptive process. If you can accept others in spite of their flaws, you can accept yourself, not embracing your flaws, but in spite of them. 

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habitual virtue

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever been pleasantly surprised by being commended for something you didn’t think was a big deal or a great sacrifice? This is better than expecting recognition for a major effort and not getting it. As you are changed into my likeness you will take on my character so that virtue will become more habitual than deliberate effort. This is part of letting your light shine before men. If you do it without the ulterior motive of a calculated effort for visible recognition then I will be glorified as a result. This is an enduring principle so that those who I commend as faithful servants at the end of the age will say they have only done as they were commanded. 

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Kingdom rule?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you realize the historical importance of the rule of law? It meant that there was one legal code for all, with no privileged class making exceptions or a special set of rules for themselves. This way the expectations of the law can be consistent and uniform. This is of great benefit for civil government but it is not a Kingdom principle. Some people are called to different standards in such matters as the consumption of alcohol. One abstains and another exercises moderation. My word teaches you not to offend your weaker brother. In this case you don’t even need to determine which one is weaker. Let each one obey me joyfully according to the light of his conscience, and accept his brother without judgment or condemnation. 

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relationship rules

Dale Cresap's picture

You are familiar with my laws, but you know that the essence of your faith is a relationship with me rather than keeping rules. A relationship has a basis, and you have established ways of relating to particular people, and this varies from person to person according to the nature of the relationship. Your relationship has a basis, and it may differ from the relationship I have with another person. Therefore you should not expect them to relate to me the very same way you do. It is not your place to judge the servant of another, for it is up to his own master to commend or disapprove him. Don’t assess someone else’s relationship with me on the rules I give you. 

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move on

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever been so offended by someone else’s offense toward you that you were forced to move on to a different situation? Did you respond in bitterness and resentment to the one who made things intolerable for you? Yet afterwards have you seen that it was my will and timing for you to move on? Then you should not be angry at those who facilitate my will being done in your life. Your life will be more pleasant and your progress will be faster if you look beyond the immediate and superficial to see the transcendent and eternal behind it. Joseph knew this when he told his brothers that what they meant for evil God meant for good. You can too. 

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Do your part

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you ever wonder about the purposes for which I perform miracles? I do it to advance my redemptive work. In some cases this involves opening the door for a person to present my message. Consider Peter’s noon nap vision and Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch. I’m willing to go to great lengths to stage a presentation of the gospel. Do you think I would do the same thing for you? Can you be sure that I haven’t already? I can work behind the scenes to set things up. It isn’t always obvious that I intervened. Yet if the opportunity presents itself, be prepared to do your part in this redemptive drama. 

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final goal

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand the goal of the Christian life? You ask me for provision and healing and I give you these things, but the goal of the Christian life is not to have stuff or even to be healthy. My long-term plan is to transform you into my likeness to make you a suitable companion for me. Therefore I tell you not to seek after the things that the gentiles seek, even though you need them and I provide them for you. I want you to seek first my Kingdom, to seek those things which are above. Receiving is easy, and transformation is not. You can’t do it by yourself, but if you seek me I will make it happen. 

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let each one be persuaded

Dale Cresap's picture

My word deals with the situation of meat that is offered to idols that is then offered for sale in the marketplace. Are you confident that the meat available to you in the market was not offered to idols? Don’t be quick to say that this passage does not apply to you. Can you see an underlying principle that is universal? The passage addresses a matter that is not a doctrine essential for salvation, and you will encounter many questions like this. It also doesn’t give an absolute answer, but allows every believer to seek me according to their own conscience. Be prepared to do this yourself, and love and accept your fellow believers who get a different answer. 

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