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divided body?

Dale Cresap's picture

My word describes my people taken as a whole as one body, and so you hear of splits and contentions described as divisions in the body. Do you comprehend the seriousness of this in reference to the imagery of a body? In the natural realm, a body that is divided is dead or at the very least severely crippled. Is this what you think of when you hear of a division in my body? For I chose this imagery intentionally, with all that it implies, yet in the light of this my people take the issue of division rather casually. I want you to take division in my body as seriously as you would the division of a living person. 

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one body

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see my body as a single entity? It is, so you should, and this is your true affiliation as a Christian. Yet at the same time there is no such thing as a generic Christian, just as there is no such thing as a generic body member or organ. Every part of a body has its own distinctive nature and function. It is good for you to embrace a particular faith tradition. In doing so you should be accepting of others who do the same. There is a temptation to think that yours is superior because you practice it, but you don’t need to give in to this temptation. Embrace your faith with a clear conscience and receive as equals the other members of my body. 

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make a difference

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you met people who use mental gymnastics and complex logic to explain that their life is making a difference in the world? It may seem like special pleading to you but it does illustrate how strong the innate desire is to live a life of meaning. What is the purpose of a life without purpose? Yet the measure of the meaning of your life is not how much money you make. The number of people you help is closer, but in the absence of the infinite horizon of eternity, even that is an elusive measure. I know the plans I have for you, to give you a future and a hope; a destiny. This is your purpose and I am pleased to share it with you and guide you into it. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you pray? Prayer can be entirely spontaneous, but most Christians find it beneficial to use a systematic approach to prayer so they do it consistently. There are many different approaches to routine prayer, and there is no basis for saying that one is inherently superior to the other. Which one is best for you? Assuming that you are able to devote only a certain amount of time to prayer, choose the one that leaves you in a spiritually receptive frame of mind all day. Then you can return to conscious awareness of my presence as opportunities arise and in this way pray without ceasing. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the story of the road to Emmaus? Have you found that nearly every believer wishes they could have listened in on my expounding of the scriptures? Yet no transcript is given. How do you know that you have not had a similar experience? For I was traveling incognito and my audience was not aware of my identity. I revealed myself at the end, but those who heard me realized that their hearts burned within them even before they knew who I was. Do you know that I am with you always, and continually expounding my word? Pay attention to the times that your own heart burns within you. 

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trial and error

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe that you were put here for a reason? Do you know what it is? In a general sense you are to find your destiny in me, but not everyone knows the specific details of their own destiny at a young age. Do not be discouraged. Mathematicians and engineers solve some problems by the method of successive approximations. They get closer to the true answer in a series of trials. This can work for you too. Pursue what is in your heart now and see what happens. Keep doing this with a perspective of eternal meaning and I will use this process to guide you into your own unique destiny. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

My word speaks of liberty. Do you think this means you can do whatever you want? But that is license. Have you met people who do whatever they want, and whose lives seem to be going nowhere and accomplishing nothing? You were made for a purpose, and you will  only find fulfillment in your destiny. Even though all things are lawful, not all things are profitable for reaching your destiny. Your need to find your purpose is innate and undeniable. Consider the happiest people you know. Don’t they have a strong sense of who they are and where they are going. Go thou and do likewise. Use your liberty to make choices that will fulfill your destiny. 

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conserve energy

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you measure energy in kilowatt hours or gallons of gasoline? You are encouraged to use energy wisely and not waste it. This is a good example of civic duty, but when energy of this type is abundant you may be even more aware of human emotional and spiritual energy. You can sense when you are strong or depleted in focus, initiative, and capacity for spiritual work and growth. I have given you all you need for the mission I have set before you. It is important that you do not waste it. Don’t give your heart and attention to things that are not meant for you. Let your focus be on your mission; your eye single toward your true purpose. 

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sifted, tried, shaken

Dale Cresap's picture

My word speaks of being sifted like wheat, tried in the fire, and of all things being shaken to find that which will endure shaking. Do you imagine these as future apocalyptic events to happen in a worldwide collapse in preparation for my return? Do you think that the Christian life you now lead will prepare you for them? These things will indeed prepare you for my return, but you don’t need to wait for a widespread calamity for them to occur. These things occur in the lives of individual believers every day. Don’t fixate on external drama.

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wear your helmet

Dale Cresap's picture

Soldiers and some athletes and motorcycle rides wear helmets to protect themselves from traumatic head injury. Your head is at greater risk in these situations than the rest of your body.  Some people don’t wear helmets because they are not exposed to such risks. Yet my word describes a helmet of salvation as part of your armor. In this case everyone is at risk, for everyone’s mind is spiritually vulnerable. The weapons of your warfare are not carnal, and neither are your defenses. Your helmet of salvation enables you to resist the attacks of the enemy and take every thought captive in obedience to me. 

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