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up or down?

Dale Cresap's picture

I spoke of a straight and narrow way that leads to life. Do you expect this road to go up or down? Most believers, if they consider the matter at all, think that this road must lead uphill to take them to higher and higher places. Yet the Baptist said that he must decrease and I must increase. This is consistent with laying down your life and picking up your cross and following me. I said of the Baptist that there was none greater born of women. Do you consider this to be a high compliment coming from me? Do you see how these concepts are connected? He who would seek to save his life will lose it, but he who will lose his life for my sake will gain eternal life. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever ministered to angels? How would you know? My word says that some have entertained angels unawares, so it is possible to do it and not know it. Have you ever had angels minister to you? They ministered to me after I fasted in the desert, and were charged to keep me lest I dash my foot against a stone. The same arguments about awareness apply. These ministering spirits are still around and still engaged in the same activities. I watch over you and send you all the help you need. If it were necessary for you to understand how this all takes place I would tell you. For now you can be confident that I am on the job. The records of heaven will amaze you. 

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garage sale

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of spiritual maturity as acquiring more and more truth? Are you prepared to understand that progress involves letting go of things as much as acquiring new? You do not intend to pick up wrong ideas on your journey, but it still happens and you cannot avoid going through immature levels of understanding. They may have served you earlier, but will impede progress from your current position. I know that it is hard to release things that were once useful, but it is necessary to prevent you from being frozen in place. It is a good idea to hold a ‘spiritual garage sale’ occasionally to get rid of the clutter.  

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Forget the Past And Let Your Light Shine - Two-Way Journaling by Charles Cooper

Mark Virkler's picture

I met Charles Cooper at a weekend seminar on hearing God's voice a couple of months ago at Calvary Assembly. Charles is an anointed leader, who is just beginning two-way journaling. Charles teaches the Berean School of the Bible courses from Global University in Springfield, Mo. available through the Assemblies of God. Charles is on Calvary Assembly's Mission Board. For 11 years Charles has also been on the Mission Board of Colombia Childcare International, Inc., with the missionary, David Taylor. He does the administrative work for getting sponsorships for the children (almost 2,000 at present) in Santa Marta, Colombia. Charles has a heart passion to experience all God has for him!

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all good?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard the expression, ‘it’s all good’? this would appear to be the ultimate expression of acceptance but it is really an abdication of making distinctions. Doesn’t my word teach you not to judge? But to judge that everything is good is a judgment in itself. When a woman was caught in adultery, I told her that I didn’t condemn her, but I didn’t say, ‘it’s all good’, I  told her to go and sin no more. When you look at yourself are you aware of your need for transformation? Do you consider this to be bad news?

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Dale Cresap's picture

Concerning my coming crucifixion I told my disciples that unless a grain of wheat dies it abides alone, but if it dies it brings forth much fruit. Can you see how this worked in me? For my death brought life to the world, but I was consumed in the process. This is a universal principle of seeds that are consumed in the process of producing plants, and Paul affirmed the same principle when he said that death works in us that life might come forth in you. How do you see this principle applied in your own life? Do you have a vision for a destiny and mission of your own? Are you willing to be consumed in the process? 

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identity crisis?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is it possible for someone to be alienated from their own identity? How could you not know who you are? Yet if this were not possible, why would the phrase ‘identity crisis’ be commonly understood? Have you ever experienced one of these? People attempt to derive their identity from status symbols and other external circumstances. These things are not the true essence of your being so they leave you with an identity crisis of not knowing who you really are. They are a part of your false self. You have a true self that is based on the origin of your identity in me. You can resolve your identity crisis by letting go of these externals to be who you really are. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the principle of inertia? This is a law of physics, but the same term and concept is applied to human behavior too. Have you noticed that people become more like themselves as time goes on, whether they want to or not? Even people who have bad habits acknowledge that they are hard to get rid of. Paul said that the good that he would do he didn’t do, and saw himself as a wretched man crying out for deliverance. Have you struggled enough with your own failings that you would like to change that you see transformed lives as a miracle and evidence of my intervention?

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good stewards

Dale Cresap's picture

What connection do you see between your faith and the environment? I commissioned Adam to tend a garden and to replenish the earth and subdue it. This now falls to you, to be a good steward of the earth where you live. Yet environmentalism as such is not central to my plan of redemption. For many it has become an alternative faith, with its own doctrines and rituals and heresies. Good stewardship of the earth fits within the greater context of your faith in me. Are you able to keep this in the perspective of a complete transcendent view of the world? Saving souls is more important than saving the earth, but these goals are not in conflict.

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Dale Cresap's picture

What do you think of when you think of blessings? Do you think of money? It is reasonable for you to think of the money you have as a gift from me. My word asks: what do you have that you did not receive, and the implied answer is that everything you have is a gift from me, and this includes your money. Yet if you think that money is your only blessing, then you have settled for too little. Money is a default blessing that everyone has, in the sense that I send rain and sun on the just and on the unjust and feed the sparrows. If you want to go further I am eager to lavish the true wealth of the Kingdom of God on you. 

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