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Daily Word - + or -?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as a positive or negative person? Are you looking for truth or looking for error? If you take the truth seriously, you will be sensitive to things that are not true. Yet if you make this your search, you will find error according to the principle that you will find what you seek. Strive to agree, even with your adversary. Look for points of agreement before points of disagreement. Affirm before you criticize. This makes you a friend who is in a position to correct, rather than an enemy who just attacks, and makes it possible for you to win your brother over.

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daily word - rules or humanity?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever encountered a conflict between humanity and doctrine? Which do you think is more important? I encountered the same question in the form of whether it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or to satisfy your hunger on the Sabbath. I pointed out that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. This implies that the needs of humanity are greater than rule observation, for the rules exist for the benefit of people, and not the other way around. As the Lord of the Sabbath I was qualified to make this judgment.

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daily word - pay the cost

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like the fact that salvation is a free gift? When you go to the store do you expect to have to pay for your groceries? Do you resent this or find it objectionable? Are you willing to stop eating to avoid having to pay for food? You know that ultimately I provide all things for you, but not all things are free. A more realistic view is to consider the value and count the cost. Aren’t you willing to pay for desirable things of great value to you even if they are expensive? Is there anything of greater value than fulfilling the high calling of your destiny?

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daily word - Son energy

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard that all energy on earth comes from the sun? This is true even after the sun sets, with stored energy from the sun available in food, and hydroelectric power, and many other forms. Do you know that you get your spiritual energy from the Son? It is fairly obvious that sun energy is available at night. Are you as aware that the spiritual energy that sustains you comes from me, even when you go through a dark night of your soul?

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daily word - your gift

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to receive gifts? Do you like to give them? Have you ever gotten a gift for yourself? Many people have, but this defeats the concept of a gift and it would be more accurate to call it a purchase. Do you know that you have received gifts from me? I have given you special abilities and talents with which you can bless others. Do you know that your gift is not for you? This is the most obvious in the case of those who turn their gifts inward for themselves, such as the provider or nurturer who only provides for or nurtures themselves.

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daily word - pay the price

Dale Cresap's picture

You know that grace is free. Do you conclude from that that there is no effort involved in the Christian life? Has that been your experience? You know that some things are free and hopefully appreciate them, but when you go to the market with your shopping list you expect to have to pay for what you get. Even in my Kingdom there are desirable things that come at a cost. My economy is not like your economy of commerce. You don’t have to pull out your wallet or peel bills off your bankroll for these things. But there is still a process you must go through to obtain them.

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daily word - beyond zeal

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you find the same qualities in new converts and mature believers? The zeal of a convert is legendary, and you rejoice to see the intensity of those new to the faith. Does it discourage you to see this decline with the passage of time? Everyone has a unique path to walk, but should you expect this zeal to be replaced with something else? What? What do you see in mature believers that you don’t see in new converts?

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daily word - do it anyhow

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to have unrestricted freedom of action? Do you have a preferred way that others would respond to your actions? Have you found that you don’t always get the results you want? Would you at least like recognition and approval for the things you do right? Your obedience to me may not gain you the approval of men. In fact, there are verses that suggest that you can expect the opposite. You can make the choice to follow your highest ideals and conduct yourself according to your conscience. You have no control over the way that others respond, but do it anyhow.

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Catholics Being Transformed by the Voice of God

Mark Virkler's picture

Wow! God sure does cross denominational lines. I didn’t know that when I was first saved. That Baptist church told me that the only ones going to heaven were those who were members of our denomination. Talk about a small box! God broke that box when I went to a Wesleyan College and discovered the Methodists were also saved. The box got even bigger when Dennis and Matt Lynn, two Jesuit priests, taught me two of the four keys to hearing God’s voice. Finally, I even recognized that Catholics could be saved!

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