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daily word - revival

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you been through a revival? These are times of intense spiritual activity in the lives of churches and individuals, and are opportunities for growth for both. Devout believers would like to have them constantly, but experience has shown that they can’t be scheduled. They are sovereign works and come at appointed times and run their course. Yet what have you found to be true on an individual level? If you turn your heart to me for renewal, have I ever refused you?

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daily word - with you always

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that I will never leave you or forsake you? It is one thing to hold this as a doctrinal position and another to experience it as a lived reality. I am faithful even when you are unaware, but this arrangement works better when you are aware of my presence with you. This gives you peace and confidence. With this you can do with deliberate intention things you would be fearful to do otherwise. Don’t you find the presence of a sympathetic friend to be comforting and encouraging?

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daily word - give and take

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think you are prepared to serve me in important ways? Are you prepared to lead others in the way of life? Don’t think that you need to know everything to do this. There are many aspects to life, and you are more knowledgeable about some than others. In areas where you are further advanced you can provide guidance for others. In their areas of expertise they can help you. So this doesn’t have to be a formal hierarchy, and it can be a two way street. Every member of the body supplies something the other needs, and in turn needs things that only others can give.

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daily word - go

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of evangelism as getting the people you meet to go to your church? This reverses the direction of evangelism. The Great Commission begins with the word “Go”. It concludes with making disciples of all nations. But the initiative and first action is for you to go to those who need the gospel message. You cannot expect them to come to you. Do you understand that going to them involves more than a change of location for you? If you want to be effective it involves more than meeting them as an outsider. Paul became all things to all people that he may save some.

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daily word - inertia

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concepts of resistance and inertia? These are concepts of physics but they have broader applications. If you want to move forward in life and you encounter opposition you may think of that as resistance. But even without resistance you still need to overcome your own inertia to move ahead. How much of your life is an expression of familiar habits? Do you stay with them because they are best for you or because they are comfortable?

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daily word - room for more

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard some outsider complain that the church is full of hypocrites? This isn’t true. There is room for them too. How many people do you know that live a life that fully expresses their comprehension of virtue? Most people, both inside and outside churches, don’t live as well as they know how. Is the answer to abandon all concepts of virtue? Holding values that you strive for provides an incentive for you to improve. It doesn’t make you a hypocrite to affirm virtues that you do not yet manifest.

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daily word- Kingdom Staff

Dale Cresap's picture

On your job are you expected to follow company policies and procedures? Your employer who pays your wages probably expects this. In your job do you have any latitude for innovation and creativity? Most jobs include some aspects of both of these elements in various degrees. In another sense you are my servant, although you may look at this arrangement as being my staff member. How do you view your assignment in my Kingdom? Do you consider it a matter of rigid adherence to policies and procedures?

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daily word - loose grip

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you give to the poor? Do you consider it a virtue to be generous? Consider the generous people you know. Do they become poor by being generous? Don’t they seem to have an abundance from which to give? They can’t arbitrarily increase their resources from which to give, but I can. Some people can’t be trusted with money even from the perspective of personal integrity, but others can be trusted with the resources of heaven. If you regard what you have as a gift from me then it is easier to give it away to someone else in turn.

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daily word - every good work

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you an evangelist? My Great Commission was given to all believers, but some people have special gifting in this area. Are you an intercessor? Prayer is a characteristic of all believers but again some are called to this as a specific ministry when others are not. Is there anything in the listings of offices and callings that any believer cannot step up an do as the opportunity presents or as the need arises? Do you believe that you can do all things through me? My word speaks of vessels of honor that are equipped for every good work. You can be one of these.

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daily word - tribe?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you belong to a tribe? You may consider this to be a quaint and antiquated concept, but ancient Israel was divided into tribes, and the same impulse is present today even if you use different terminology. Do you think of your denomination as a tribe? Does it give you a unique sense of identity and belonging? Do you see your group as separate and distinct from others? Do those outside your group see it this way even if you do not? There is great value in associating with and living as a part of a faith community.

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