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Daily Word - shall we dance?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you describe your faith as a walk? When you read that I called my disciples to follow me, is walking the first image that comes to mind?  You can follow someone who is walking ahead of you, but the same term is used to describe the response of a dance partner. Which do you think is a better illustration of your life of faith? You can walk behind someone at a great distance, but dancing requires you to be closer. Is there enough closeness, intimacy, intricacy of movement, and coordination of responses between us for this to be the appropriate term to describe it? May I have this dance?

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Fr. Skip Beyer Hears God’s Voice and Prays God’s Prayers

Mark Virkler's picture

I had the unique opportunity of attending your seminar at Heartland Church in Ft Wayne. I thought I knew how to listen to God’s voice! After the seminar I started journaling daily and now I can’t stop! I’ve been filling up two Composition booklets every two weeks. It’s astounding how much the love of the Father has to give us as well as our Savior and Lord and the Holy Spirit. I’ve experienced a number of healings emotionally and psychologically. 

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daily word - blessed giving?

Dale Cresap's picture

I said that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Is this always true? You know how to receive graciously, with sincere and polite thanks for whatever is given. Do you know how to give graciously? If you find every occasion to remind the recipient of how much the item cost you, or use your gift as a basis for manipulation or leveraging influence, it is not gracious and don’t be surprised if people reject your gifts. Don’t remind people if they forget to thank you. When they express gratitude, tell them it was your pleasure, and it will be, and then it really will be more blessed to give.

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daily word - spiritual practice?

Dale Cresap's picture

What activities do you recognize as spiritual practices? Prayer and Bible study? Do you ever attend to the first reactions you form to people you pass, notice, or encounter? Try paying attention. Do you see how easy it is to fill in the blanks when you have so little to go on, seeing only their age, weight, gender, ethnicity, dress, and general mannerisms? How often are your first impressions judgmental rather than expressions of redemptive grace? You can turn these first impressions into a spiritual practice by noticing the ones that are judgmental and making it a deliberate act to release them.

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daily word - free grace?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you love getting free stuff? Do you understand as a matter of basic doctrine that grace is the free gift of God? Yet grace isn’t free in the same sense as the swag you collect wandering around at a trade fair. Grace isn’t like your other possessions that you can display on the shelf, or play with, or put away when you are tired of them. In this sense grace isn’t a possession at all. It is a life-transforming encounter. Those who receive it are forever changed by it, and my word describes them as being bought with a price and they are not their own. So grace is free but you don’t own it. It owns you.

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daily word - personally?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever had anyone tell you, don’t take it personally? This is easier said than done. The default human response is to take everything personally, to see everything from your own perspective and how it relates to you. But this leaves you too much at the center of your own world, and distorts your ability to see things the way they really are. It also gives others undue influence over you and makes you unstable if your personal worth is attached to everything. I told my followers to build their house (life) upon the rock (me) rather than shifting sand to make them immune to flattery or scorn.

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A Song for Mother's Day - by Craig Perkins

Mark Virkler's picture

Here is a song from Craig Perkins. Craig shares the following. "I wrote this during a time just before I found my mother and was restored to her. The Lord had given me a great burden for her and turned my heart from an accuser to an intercessor for her. I had written this song during a time leading up to that great reunion."

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Daily word - Judge yourself

Dale Cresap's picture

Is it easier to see your own faults in others than it is to see them in yourself?  If you see someone who likes to be in control and you didn’t have control issues, you may say to yourself that someone has to steer the ship. If you do have control issues you may resent the fact that it isn’t you. I told a story about removing the log from your own eye before you volunteered to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. When you react strongly to someone else’s offense, is it possible that your reaction says as much about you as it does about them? If you can’t avoid judging others, at least judge yourself first.

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daily word - petition and intercession

Dale Cresap's picture

You recognize intercession and petition as types of prayer. Do you understand the difference between them? Petition is understood to mean requests on your own behalf, and intercession is making requests on behalf of others. Both are valid prayers and I accept them, but do those with a ministry in prayer refer to themselves as petitioners or intercessors? To be an intercessor you must be willing to look beyond your own needs and concerns and consider those of others to be important enough to engage your time, energy, and spiritual passion, and in this manner love others as they love themselves.

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Daily Word - Represent Me

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you aware that you carry my presence, and on that basis can be influential wherever you go, just by showing up? It is good for you to know this, but you don’t need to limit it to that. This presence is intensified when you speak up and interact with other people. Let your mouth speak my words of life, and let your hands heal and minister life. For you are my representatives; ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. My Spirit is present with you always, and you have my promise on that, but my presence in you is expressed through what you say and do. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and hear your words of grace, and glorify me.

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