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daily word - Death?

Dale Cresap's picture

What is your view of death? Do you view it as something that is always tragic, or do you see it as normal; a part of the equation, so to speak? You may certainly see death as tragic for those who die young, or in the prime of life, but what about those who are full of days? The therapeutic culture you live in can only see death as an enemy to be overcome, but medical science can only do so much and will ultimately lose every time. I also viewed death as an enemy, but I overcame death in a different way, by resurrection and the promise of new life. O death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory? Do not fear even death or view it as the ultimate tragedy.

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daily word - Jump in!

Dale Cresap's picture

There are various ways to learn. Some do better by a rigorous and systematic approach, such as a school curriculum, and others jump in and try it and figure it out as they go. Adults tend to prefer one or the other, but do you know of any children who use the school approach? Don’t they just jump right in and do it, shamelessly making mistakes, but learning rapidly from their mistakes? I told my followers that I still had much to teach them, and this enduring principle applies to you too. I didn’t teach my followers in a school, but by action and demonstration out in the real world. This is an effective approach. Jump right in.

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daily word - for granted?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever been taken for granted? Have you ever taken others for granted? This is a common phrase. Have you pondered what it means? It refers to presumptuous expectations; assuming that you are entitled to some benefit without a basis for it. This leads to several bad outcomes, but always a lack of gratitude. Do you expect that I will provide for you? This is correct. What do you have that you did not receive? The implied answer is nothing. If you understand this then you can take nothing for granted and learn the joy of gratitude for everything you receive.

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Daily Word - with you always

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see my presence in the natural world around you? Is this easier to do in the spring and summer than in the winter? In like manner, is it easier during the daytime than in the night? But I created both the day and the night, and the seasons are a necessary part of my plan that I declared to be good. You may see events in your life that seem unrelated to the times and seasons and judge some to be good and others to be bad. Don’t be so quick to judge and reject. I can use things you would throw away to build beauty into your life. See how much good came from the stone that the builders rejected.

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daily word - one size fits all?

Dale Cresap's picture

You have heard of items described as ‘one size fits all’. In your experience how accurate is this statement? In this case are you surprised if it fits anyone very well? Do you take a ‘one size fits all’ approach in your presentation of the gospel? You may come to this conclusion by your regard for eternal truth and the need to present it faithfully. How successful have you been with this? Paul had a high regard for the truth and was an effective evangelist. Yet he would accommodate the needs and present state of his audience. He said he would become all things to all people that he might by any means save some. Paul got it right, and I authorize you to use all the creativity you can bring to bear in evangelism.

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Daily Word - Kingdom within

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you read in my word that the Kingdom of God is within you? Read this carefully. Note that it says within you, not about you. You hear people described as being full of themselves or all about them and it is not a compliment, or a Kingdom value. Narcissism has become a common term although the concept is enduring. John the Baptist understood that he must decrease that I may increase. Do you? Do you see your spiritual life being about acquisition, as the other aspects of your life are? I want you to understand that your spiritual life is more about releasing and letting go, that you may be a vessel full of the Kingdom of God and my presence.

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Daily word - revealed love?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe that revelation is still an ongoing process? What do you think that revelation involves? If you think it means new doctrines then you are correct in being wary of it. But it doesn’t have to mean that. Do you know that I love you as a matter of doctrine that has been handed down to you through the Bible and church instruction? Do you see it as matter of revelation if this becomes a directly experienced encounter for you? I do. This is not a new doctrine but a manifestation of one already established. Is this a revelation that you have received?

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daily word - hungry?

Dale Cresap's picture

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. Are you fully committed to your faith tradition? Do you find that everyone else feels the same way? Yet if you are convinced that you are right then you think it is normal for others to abandon their familiar practices and beliefs and convert to yours. Perhaps they feel the same about you. Yet you have seen this happen. Do you realize what intense hunger it takes for something you want to be able to let go of everything you have always known? But the blessing for those who hunger and thirst after righteousness is available to all. How hungry are you?

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bad guys?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you divide the world into good guys and bad guys? This simplistic notion is readily apparent in the movies. In some films these two categories are readily identifiable, and the whole point of the story is to kill off the bad guys. Real life is not so simple, but you do see the same dynamic in place with one nation against another, one political party against another, and one church against another. Even if the point is not to kill the bad guys they must still be defeated. The dynamics of my Kingdom are different. Can you recognize that you once were a ‘bad guy’ and are now redeemed? Don’t boast about that, but see that the point of the story is the redemption of all.

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Daily Word - Redeem Regrets

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have any regrets? These are usually expressed as wishes, as in; I wish I had done this instead of that. You know you cannot go back and make those choices over again. You know people who claim they have no regrets, and this sounds like an admirable and desirable thing, but this implies that they never made any mistakes, so it is an expression of denial and unreality. It is OK to have regrets and you can bring them to me. In the economy of the Kingdom of God I can restore the years that were lost, and take those things that were meant for evil and turn them into good. Rather than denying your regrets or expressing them as wishes see how I can redeem them.

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