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daily word - black and white?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see the world in black and white? You know what this means, and you also know that the world is in color. You have met people who insist on forcing all things into two categories even though reality does not support that. I had to deal with the same issue. Do we kill this woman caught in adultery or not? Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not? These seemingly innocent questions were meant as traps for me, but I avoided them by reframing the questions. Do the circumstances of your life seem to present you with dilemmas between a limited number of unacceptable alternatives? Keep looking and ask of me and I will give you transcendent answers to your problems as I did for these.

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daily word - seek me

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that I am inscrutable? I hide myself, but not from everyone. I am everywhere, but you can’t see me, unless you know where to look. I do not respond well to attempts to put me in a box or under a microscope, and so if you limit your inquiry to preconceived ideas you will not find me. But if you have the heart of a child, and do not reject the idea of mystical and enchanted world, then you will see me. This may start as seeing my involvement after the fact, but over time you will see me in the moment, and you will be aware of an objective reality that only those who are childlike can see.

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Daily Word - Sword?

Dale Cresap's picture

My word says of itself that it is sharper than any two-edged sword. Christians have seized upon this image of the Bible as a weapon and use it freely, although in the context of the passage cited it could be considered more scalpel than weapon. Have you ever used the Bible as a weapon against others? How effective were the results you obtained? Have you ever had it used this way against you? How favorably did you respond? You may get better results thinking of my word as a scalpel for performing necessary surgery on your own heart. Judge yourself and remove the log from your own eye, then you will be able to minister to your brother.

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Daily Word - Be Glad?

Dale Cresap's picture

I told you to rejoice and be exceedingly glad when you were persecuted for the sake of my name. Have you ever suffered persecution for this reason? Did you rejoice? What about other ways in which you suffer? For not all suffering is due to persecution, and everyone suffers in some way. How do you react to this? If you follow the commandment to give thanks and rejoice in all things it would include this too. How quickly does your spiritual growth proceed when you are comfortable and at ease? Disturbances to your settled equilibrium are opportunities for you to move forward and you can receive them with joy if you view them this way.

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Daily Word - hairpin turns?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you walking on the strait and narrow way that leads to life? Does your life of faith seem to involve unexpected twists and turns? Were you expecting predictable, uniform, linear growth?  That may be what you would prefer, but ask those whose faith you admire if that would be an accurate description of how they got there. ‘Strait’ and ‘straight’ are homonyms, but there is a difference in their meanings, and most translations are correct in using ‘strait’. This does not mean a linear path, but do not be concerned. You aren’t driving anyhow. Follow me, and let me worry about the hairpin turns. 

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daily word - children

Dale Cresap's picture

Can you point to a date on the calendar when you were saved? Do you know that I was present and active in your life before that date? I formed you and knew you before you were born. Have you encountered believers who described an innate sense of knowing my presence and goodness while they were young children, even before they said the prayer or had the vocabulary to describe what they were experiencing? Perhaps you had the same experience. If you have to adjust your theology to account for this then do so, that you may learn the truth of  my statement to suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God.

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daily word - blessed?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you more keenly aware of the privileges and advantages of others than you are of your own? This is a nearly universal human trait, regardless of your personal or group identifications. It is always easier to see how someone else has an advantage and you are deprived, whether by race or gender or nationality or cultural background, or things that are unique to your own situation. This is a bias for ingratitude and a recipe for unhappiness. It is also not an objective view of the truth. I promised that if you would continue in my word you know the truth and be free. Blessed are those who know they are blessed.

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daily word - contempt?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is there anyone for whom you have contempt? This is normally directed at your enemies, those you consider to be entirely unlike you, or beyond redemption. Beware of the great danger of holding anything in contempt. For this, like bitterness, is more a statement about you than about the object of your contempt. One who displays it is a contemptuous person regardless of the character of the one receiving it. It becomes your characteristic rather than theirs.  It is not for you to judge who is worthy of such derisive treatment. Honor all men, for all are created in my image. Love your enemies.

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daily word - poor in spirit

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you noticed that some people seem to have all the advantages of attractiveness, wealth, intelligence, charm, and popularity? Do you envy those for whom life comes easily, and wish you were one of them? These are gifts from me, for you have nothing that you did not receive, but the economy of my Kingdom operates on a different currency. Have you noticed that the gospel message seems to be aimed at those who are without; the poor and rejected and downtrodden of this world? If it doesn’t work for them it doesn’t work for anybody. The poor you have with you always, and also the rich, but they don’t understand the blessing of being poor in spirit.

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daily word - flow

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever been bored or frustrated? Boredom comes when you are not sufficiently engaged with or challenged by the task at hand. Frustration comes when it is beyond your ability or your efforts are thwarted some other way. Have you experienced both of these? Have you also had experiences where your skills were perfectly matched to the task? “Flow” is a good term for this. Do you think this happens by accident? I promised to lead you into all truth. This includes meeting your current abilities with suitable challenges.

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