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daily word - ceremony and ritual

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know the difference between ceremony and ritual? These words are often used interchangeably, but ceremonies are positive affirmations of the status quo, like parades, and rituals include a dark element. Do you see this in the sacraments of baptism and communion? Baptism is a ritual of burial, albeit in water rather than earth, but the Bible makes this plain, and communion is an invitation to identify with my death by drinking my blood and eating my flesh. If properly understood these are not things to engage in lightly.

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daily word - classless?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you live in a classless society? Some countries are acknowledged to have a caste system and others pride themselves on not having one, but can such a thing really exist? The Bible says much about the distinction between the rich and the poor and indicates that this is enduring, for the poor you have with you always. I do not require draconian policies to put an end to this difference. You have seen failed attempts to achieve this. But don’t pretend that the difference doesn’t exist. Remember that you have a duty to the least of these.

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Perfect Love Proven by Don Paprocky

Mark Virkler's picture

Jesus showed His perfect love for us by suffering the most tortuous and agonizing death for our sins. He totally sacrificed Himself, as He was innocent. He was marked and treated like a criminal - all because He wanted to restore an intimate relationship with us where we can walk and talk with Him, and He can love on us forever! Such amazing love is worth pursuing and reveals that God‘s love for us is perfect!

Isaiah 50:6 says, “I gave My back to those who strike Me, And My cheeks to those who pull out My beard; I did not hide My face from insults and spitting.”

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daily word - right values?

Dale Cresap's picture

What do Christian parents tell their children? That they must complete their education and then start a career before marrying and having children, or finding a way to serve me? This may be good advice and it is respectable in your culture, but where do you find it in my teachings or elsewhere in the Bible? Where is it written that you must take care of your own needs and secure your own future before following me? I direct my followers on many paths, and each of these is right for that person.

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daily word - want money?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have money? Everyone wants to. Do you find that people are treated differently depending on whether they have money or not? Do you do this? An objective reading of the Bible would suggest that it is better not to have money, for the poor are rich in faith, and how hard it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God, harder than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

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Are You Taking Part in This Revolution? We NEED You!

Mark Virkler's picture

Government abuse of power is causing resistance worldwide. Reformation is on its way. Every Christian MUST speak life and not death over the situation we are facing. Re-read and act on this blog: PROCLAIM HIS NAME Into the Atmosphere! We are in the midst of a fight between good and evil. Release God's angels. Bind demonic forces and cast them down.

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Perfect Love Casts Out FEAR by Don Paprocky

Mark Virkler's picture

God’s perfect love is the greatest power in the universe! It is what everyone is really looking for – unconditional, unfailing and unlimited love.  And it is readily available to us, where we can be filling our hearts with it anytime, anyplace by letting Jesus love on us through two-way conversation with Him.  His perfect love will bring healing to our hearts and set us free to reach our God-given calling as nothing else can.

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Be Filled With Perfect Love By Don Paprocky

Mark Virkler's picture

The ultimate goal for a Christ-follower on this earth should be as is stated in Ephesians 3:19, “and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.” We are to be conformed to the image of Christ, which means to be filled with the fullness of God.

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daily word - backfire

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard of anything that backfired? Weapons can be dangerous to the user as well as the intended target but now this term commonly refers to a plan or action. Have you seen this happen with sarcasm, ridicule and contempt? The one who speaks in this manner intends the blow to land on his victim, but it says nothing about the person it is directed against and everything about the one who speaks it. For the words you speak are a reflection of your own character, not of anyone else’s.

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daily word - grace

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that my grace is bestowed on a select few of great worthiness? If you understand the concept of grace you realize that this position doesn’t make sense, but you can hold one position as an abstract derivation of theological principles and another as a way you perceive and experience life. Will I not lavish grace on the least of these who represent me in the world?  Consider my statements that I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance, and that I will leave the 99 in the fold to seek the one lost sheep.

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