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daily word - stories

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like stories? Everyone does. I spoke to the people in parables and they listened gladly. Do you listen to stories for entertainment value or do you listen for deep spiritual value? Multitudes heard my stories but my disciples were frustrated with them and kept asking me to declare the parables to them. What fraction of those who heard my stories do you think comprehended their full message? What about today? Don’t you continue to find new layers of meaning in familiar passages? If all you ask of a story is entertainment that is available.

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daily word - same rules?

Dale Cresap's picture

Which principle do you think is more important: the same rules for everyone, or each man can only serve one master and will answer to him alone? Could both of these be true? The economy of grace is not like one run by a uniform code of civil and criminal justice. Doesn’t that sound like the law and don’t you claim that you live under grace rather than under the law? These are different concepts and it will be helpful for you to realize that every person is in a different place in their journey of grace.

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New Book - Motivation to Move by Karen Sue Smith

Mark Virkler's picture

Motivation to Move by Karen Sue Smith encourages the reader to engage in bodily movements as they meditate on Bible stories. The principle is that the more of our beings are involved in the learning process, the deeper it is. That is why biblical meditation beats western study. The definition of the words for meditation in the Hebrew and Greek include murmuring, speaking, imagining, mourning, roaring, and studying. God commands writing out of Scripture (Deut. 17:18), and prophetic actions are also recommended in the Bible (2 Kgs. 13:14-19).

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daily word - ice cream

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like ice cream? Who doesn’t? Can you think of a more popular treat? And yet this highly favored dish comes in many flavors, and everyone has their favorites. Do you like my presence? This is not as popular as ice cream but for those who seek it, it is even better. Even so, have you noticed that the flavor of my presence is different in the church you visit than it is where you feel most at home? In my Fathers house there are many mansions. Can you accept that my presence is a special treat even in flavors that are not your favorite?

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daily word - spiritual crimes?

Dale Cresap's picture

There are several different categories of crime. You have heard of white collar, violent, domestic, and others. Have you ever heard of spiritual crimes? Do you think this is real even if it isn’t reported in the news? Do you think spiritual crimes would consist only of things commonly understood as sins? Does this bring to mind a small number of categories? What about interfering with someone else’s spiritual development, conducting yourself in such a way that drives others away from the Kingdom of God? What would be worse than that?

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Catholic Parents - A Zoom Class on Teaching Children to Hear God's Voice By Colleen Duggan

Mark Virkler's picture

I have developed the class to specifically serve a particular group of people (right now Catholics), but we are open to ALL children who want support in learning how to hear God's voice!  

Do you desire to teach your children how to have heart-to-heart conversations with God, but you have no clue how to do it because you struggle with effective prayer yourself?  Do you bring your children to the Sacraments and teach them the rubrics of the Catholic faith but worry that they still don’t have an intimate relationship with the King of Kings?

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daily word - peaceful kingdom?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see me as a King? I was asked this question at my trial as if I were a threat to the Roman empire. I answered that my kingdom was not of this world. I went on to say that if it were my followers would fight, but it was not and is still not. Have you noticed that there is a connection between violence and the Kingdoms of this world? This question of violence is just as prevalent in your time as it was in mine. But I am the Prince of Peace. I taught at great length about the Kingdom of God and invited my followers to enter it. How do you deal with the issue of violence?

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daily word - grieve the Spirit?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand the importance of not grieving the Spirit? The Bible says you shouldn’t, and this is one commandment that should be obvious. In this context do you think only in terms of activities conventionally understood to be sin? What about excessive control? Have you ever been in a church that was so formally and rigidly structured that the Spirit had no room to maneuver? Have you ever faced such constraints yourself? Was that grievous to you?

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YOU Can Stay Healthy! Know How!

Mark Virkler's picture

Are you doing what God is asking you to do to release His Kingdom?  Every Christian must be MORE involved than the atheist is! Recent data from the Cooperative Election Study shows 20% of atheists have participated in a march or protest, compared with 6% of white evangelicals. Forty percent of atheists have contacted a public official, compared with 24% of white evangelicals. Fifty-two percent of atheists have donated to political candidates, compared with just 26% of white evangelicals.

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daily word - in the Bible?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you read in my word that it is sharp and powerful, a discerner of the thoughts and intents of men? Have you seen this in action? Do you think of the Bible as static objective truth? But the passage says that it is living. Can you find anything you are looking for in the Bible? Have you seen hateful people find things in there to justify their hatred, and loving people find things to justify their love? So if you believe in the promise of finding what you seek, be careful what you seek, for the promise is not that everything you seek will be beneficial for you.

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