Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

daily word - soul hunger

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You know that your body cannot live without food. Do you know that your soul cannot live without meaning? You know when your body is hungry. Do you know when your soul is hungry? You can live your life doing the same activities that others do, but if you do not have a sense of purpose and meaning then you are just going through the motions and your soul will wither and die. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. It is no accident that the language of appetites is used in this passage. Blessed are those who recognize the hunger in their soul and know how it may be satisfied in me.

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daily word - social church?

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Why do you go to church? Do you go to meet with me? Do you go to socialize with your friends? Do you assume that these are contradictory goals and that one is high and lofty and the other one shallow and superficial? It doesn’t have to be such a stark choice. I promised that where 2 or 3 were gathered in my name I was in the midst of them. You can find my presence in a faith community and there are aspects of your spiritual formation that cannot be completed apart from one. Life in community is more than socializing, even as I have referred to my church as a body with many members.

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daily word - prophet's reward

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Have you heard that he who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward? That sounds like a good deal. Do you know any prophets to receive? Can you apply the same principle to your day and age? Can you find something to affirm in every church, even those you do not belong to? What do you normally hear from other believers? That their church is the best in every measure that matters? That is a much greater claim than saying it is a good fit for them now. I gave gifts to every church. If you can acknowledge and receive them, then you are acknowledging my work in them, and will receive the same reward that is due them.

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daily word - Spirit Led?

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Are you led by the Spirit? Do you resent any interference in your plans? Do you see a conflict between these things? For my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts, but I am willing to share my thoughts and ways with you. Are you willing to follow them? I don’t expect you not to make plans. Most of the time you will be able to carry our your intentions. But can you hold your plans with humility, being open to switch to a better plan if I provide one? It is better still to be led by the Spirit when you make your plans so you don’t have to change them on the way.

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daily word - free to be free

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Do you like your freedom? I tell you to stand fast in the liberty in which I have made you free. Are you mature enough in your response to freedom that it gives life rather than leading to dissipation? You are free to use your freedom any way you choose, but you have seen people whose lack of restraint works against them. Don’t let that happen to you. Use the freedom of action that you have to choose for yourself the internal framework and structure that you need to build a life of meaning and purpose and intention. This is standing fast in an expression of liberty that will give you life.

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daily word - a hill to die on?

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Have you heard the expression, ‘a hill you are willing to die on’? This phrase is more commonly used as ‘not a hill I’m willing to die on’ and that is good. This implies that it is an issue on which you are not willing to stake everything. Have you found that people who are willing to pursue everything to the bitter end are difficult to be around, and that the ends can be very bitter? Have you found that the more mature and wise a person is, the more they know what really matters and are willing to let the rest go? Blessed are those who know that being willing to die on a hill is not the same as laying down your life for me.

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daily word - cost/benefit

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Are you familiar with the cost/benefit ratio? This is used by accountants and other money managers to determine if a purchase is a good deal. To do the math both the costs and benefits must be reduced to monetary measures. But there are cases where one or both cannot be assigned a dollar value. But the principle still applies. Even in the world of business managers know the value of employee morale although it is hard to express in monetary terms. I spoke of a man who started a tower and was unable to finish it, and a man who put his hand to the plow without counting the cost. Do you understand the costs and benefits of following me involve more than money?

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daily word - pruned

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Do you want to bear fruit for me? Do you see obstacles in your life that interfere with your opportunities? Behold what my word says about braches that do not bear fruit, but even those that do are pruned that they may bring forth more fruit. This is well known as a principle of agriculture. Does it seem counterintuitive that trimming back a productive plant will make it more productive? In like manner my involvement in your life is designed to make you more productive. It may feel like you are being trimmed back, but trust me to complete the good work I have begun in you.

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daily word - discomfort?

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Are you comfortable being uncomfortable? When someone tells you about a matter of great distress or heartbreak in their life are you eager to jump in with a solution? Are you tempted to provide glib commentary on the situation? Sharing of such deeply personal information leads to uncomfortable moments. If you are in a big hurry to resolve this tension and move on, then you miss the opportunity to hold reflective space in silence for your friend. Even Job’s ‘comforters’ remained silent for a while. You should be honored if someone is willing to confide in you at this level, and consider the space sacred, and be led by the Spirit in the way you respond.

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daily word - which church?

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In general you are free to select a church that works for you. If you are in a position to find a new one, what criteria are most important to you? Would you lean more toward a church that is rigorous or one that is convenient? Each choice has a downside. A rigorous church can be dogmatic and legalistic, but convenience can be viewed as lax and self-serving. Would you try to strike a balance between the two? Yet it would be false to think that you must choose between these alternatives. When the church was born on the day of Pentecost the Spirit added to it those who were saved. This policy is still in effect. Go where the Spirit leads you.

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