When Heaven Touches Earth

When Heaven Touches Earth

by Greig, Virkler, Rogers, Goll, Fuller | 140 Pages

The central theme of this book is that average Christian believers can learn to exercise the eyes of their hearts and receive Spirit-led visions to worship in heaven, to receive the Lord's healing of their hearts, His authority, and His strategies to bring heaven down to earth (Matt. 6:10). Heavenly encounters initiated and led by Jesus with angels and those who have gone before us may sometimes be a part of these visionary experiences, as they were in Scripture.

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Encounters in the Throne Room, Mediated by Jesus

Write a testimonial

The central theme of this book is that average Christian believers can learn to exercise the eyes of their hearts and receive Spirit-led visions to worship in heaven, to receive the Lord's healing of their hearts, His authority, and His strategies to bring heaven down to earth (Matt. 6:10). Heavenly encounters initiated and led by Jesus with angels and those who have gone before us may sometimes be a part of these visionary experiences, as they were in Scripture. The Lord wants believers to learn to ascend in worship to heaven, and then descend to earth to war in intercession and do the miraculous works of Jesus (John 14:12) to advance God's kingdom and bring in the final harvest of souls in the Last Days.

A call to take a step forward in faith so that one may more fully experience the manifold grace Christ has made available to His church, whom He has seated with Him in heavenly places. Let us experience these marvelous provisions daily!

“Is It OK that I Had This Heavenly Encounter?” 

My young daughter went home to be with Jesus three months ago. When receiving counseling prayer about this, God showed me a vision of her in heaven with Jesus. They were playing and laughing together and she told me she was happy and not sick anymore. This encounter has brought my husband and me tremendous peace and comfort, but someone told me that it wasn’t “safe”. I’m just wondering… is it okay? 

Answer: Yes, it is biblical to be drawn by Jesus into heavenly encounters and to worship Him in the throne room of heaven. During inner healing prayer times, we have been blessed to see Jesus give people glimpses of their loved ones in heaven and allow them to interact with them. This has provided powerful healing to the wounds in their hearts and changed their lives. The transformation is instantaneous and you can see their countenance change right before your eyes.You will read many stories in this book of people being instantly transformed through a heavenly encounter. 

Heavenly Encounters As One Worships And Prays

During Sunday morning worship services, if one looks with the eyes of their hearts (Eph. 1:18) they can see the heavenly host worshipping before the throne of God, as described in Revelation 4 and Hebrews 12:22-24. About 20% of worshippers currently use the eyes of their hearts during worship services and they see themselves as part of this heavenly celebration, participating in the worship already taking place in the throne room. We encourage every believer to learn to “look” with the eyes of their hearts (Dan. 8:1, 2 Heb. ra’ah be “to look at” NRSV; Rev. 4:1 “I looked” NKJV) in the spirit world and see the divine realities they are encountering as they worship in spirit (Jn. 4:23). This causes worship to become an amazing encounter with God and the host gathered before His throne.

Topics to be Explored

  • The difference between the sin of conversing with the dead and true heavenly encounters
  • Learn to draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Heb. 4:16) 
  • 15 pages of stories of heavenly encounters
  • 50+ pages which carefully examine heavenly encounters in Scripture
  • Much, much more


Dr. Joseph Umidi (Professor at Regent University Divinity School 26 years, Overseer Team, New Life Ministries, International, Founder, Lifeforming Leadership Coaching): The principles of "seeing and hearing" have been an important part of my devotional life since the 1980's through the life-changing processes published by Mark Virkler.  Dialogue always trumps monologue when it comes to Intimacy.  Now we have an updated version through this dynamic research that can capture the spiritual imaginations of our sight and sound generation.  There is so much more here that we have to offer a supernaturally starved era, that is both scripturally sound and spiritually safe, than the counterfeits too many have had to settle for.

John Arnott (Founding Pastor of Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship): We have also had numerous people relating visions of departed loved ones, similar to what you describe in When Heaven Touches Earth,  two of which were my wife Carol and my grandmother. I totally believe this is possible, as God can do whatever He wants to do (Ps 115:3). Happy to endorse this. Go ahead, stir the pot and upset some people.

Don Nori Sr. (Founder of Destiny Image Publishing): In many ways, this is certainly ground-breaking or, should I say, dimension breaking? You have carefully documented the work with the necessary Scripture that will lay the critical foundation for those truly seeking a more complete spiritual experience with their Lord. While carefully opening this ancient door of Resurrection reality, you are positioning the Body of Christ for a greater degree of wholeness purchased so long ago by our Lord.

Patricia King (Founder and CEO of XPMEDIA INC.):  I just finished reading When Heaven Touches Earth and I must say I have been both spiritually impacted and emotionally touched as I read this glorious work. Not only have you brilliantly expounded theologically on the subjects of controversy and question but you have called forth 95 credible endorsers. I am left only to worship... that is all I can say.  He is so worthy and so very good!

Dr. A.L. Gill (Founder of Gill Ministries International Outreach): I appreciate the many hours of study and research that went into the writing of this book. It is solidly based on the Word of God and addresses concerns that many have had regarding "heavenly encounters". It will be a blessing to many who have misunderstood these "encounters".

Barry P. Boucher, D.Min., (Rev)., Pastor Emeritus, The Life Centre Christian Fellowship, Ottawa, Canada: I am amazed, stunned and overwhelmed with the clarity, consistency and the heart burning truths on every page. I am honored to endorse When Heaven Touches Earth as one who has loved the written Word, as it has revealed the Living Word to me for over 35 years of ministry. Having travelled to 60+ nations, I hear testimonies all the time about heavenly encounters that stretch me to the max. I invite you to explore and test this thesis honestly and biblically so you too may be encouraged on your spiritual journey. 

Matt Green (Align Ministries):  This book -- It is truly what the body of Christ needs in this age and time. Andrew Murray said this about the Kingdom of God: "It is that spiritual state in which the life of God and of heaven is made accessible to men, and they enter into its enjoyment here on earth." From my perspective this book opens up the heavenly realms to God's children in a way that hasn't been seen or taught on the earth. Thank you for being obedient and may God bless you even more with His Presence and Spirit.

Alex & Donna Parachin (Co-Founders of Unstoppable Blessing Ministries): This is a must read book for this hour. It is timely and needed. Our God is an encountering God and this book provides the biblical framework and validity of God's nature in His environment that so desires to touch the earth and flow through His people. I could not put it down once I started to read it. It is compelling!

Herman and Barbara Dietsch: I fully endorse When Heaven Touches Earth as totally Biblical. It is extremely important revelation in the lives of believers today and the ministry of the Church in these end times. My wife, Barbara, and I served as overseas missionaries with the Liebenzell Mission for 17 years and are in our 33rd year pasturing at Evangelical Fellowship Chapel, Southampton, PA. This revelation is something we have just begun to explore in our own ministry here.  Thank you many times over for the tremendous help it will be to us. The book is excellently written, both in content and in style.




Take It to the Next Level

To ensure that this message transforms your life, we offer you four options. Any of these choices will assist you in internalizing this teaching, helping you to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only (James 1:22) and allowing you to produce a bountiful harvest in your life.

Opportunity 1 – Host a home or church group

This home group in Slovakia shows the excitement of learning to hear God's voice together!

We learn more quickly if we are surrounded by others who are seeking to master the same skill. Pray and ask God who you know who might want to grow in this truth also and open your home to them for 10-12 weekly sessions (or host a small group in your church). We provide several resources to help you present this powerfully and effectively in a group setting, including DVDs and application activities. Experience the joy of cultivating skills together with a group of friends! Discover how to create and post your group…

Opportunity 2 – Hire a Personal Spiritual Trainer to coach you


Coaching or discipling is the method Jesus used to train the twelve disciples.

When you team up with someone ahead of you in an area to mentor you, and you share your questions and steps of growth with them, receiving their counsel in return, you ascend more quickly into mastery in that area. We have trained coaches who have mastered this topic who will commit to working with you for a 90-day period.


Opportunity 3 – Take this as a college course from home


Christian Leadership University

Earn college credit while being apprenticed to mastery in this area! This topic is available as a course which you can take from your home through the distance learning program offered at Christian Leadership University. You may enroll in this course as a lifelong learner or apply it toward an Associate, Bachelor, Master or Doctoral degree.

Opportunity 4 – Host a seminar for your community


Transform your church and region by hosting a weekend seminar with an anointed trainer, where an impartation is released by the Holy Spirit into your community. Mark Virkler and others are available to be scheduled.

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Results 171 - 180 of 485


4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice DVDs

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice DVDs

by Mark Virkler | 10 Discs

This DVD Set of the 10-hour course will draw you into a classroom experience with others who are learning to hear from God right alongside you. It follows along with the LEARN 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice notebook (available for $4.95). Because Dr. Virkler is teaching directly from this booklet, it is recommended that you purchase both the LEARN notebook and the complete book entitled 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice. You will want to meditate on the teaching and do the exercises found in the large book if you intend to fully internalize the skill of living daily out of God’s voice.

Looking for the new Abridged Edition? See this blog post to learn more and order.

Price: $69.95

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice DVDs - Abridged Edition

by Mark Virkler | 3 Discs | 10 Sessions

A complete description is available by clicking here, where you will find information on the 60-minute version of this product. The main difference is that these 10 sessions are shorter, averaging 40 minutes each. You asked for it and it's finally available! The same core teaching now abridged, making the sessions easier to fit into your Sunday School class, home group meeting or lunch hour Bible study.

Price: $39.95

A Stroll Along the Sea of Galilee DVD

New life for your daily devotions!

The #1 Tool in the World for Introducing People to Hearing God's Voice! Pop this into your DVD player during your morning devotional time and let us paint a scene of you and Jesus walking together along the Sea of Galilee. We'll encourage you to ask Him one of the following questions, "Lord, what would You like to say to me?" "How do You see me?" or "Do You love me?" We then guide you into using the four keys for hearing God's voice, which are: quieting yourself down, fixing your eyes on Jesus, tuning to spontaneity and writing.

Price: $2.95
Counseled by God DVD Series

Counseled by God DVDs

by Mark Virkler | 4 Discs

Just Released: 35th Anniversary Edition

The foremost training series in the world teaching you how to become emotionally whole by hearing the voice of the Wonderful Counselor (Isa. 9:6)! A genuine word from the Lord heals the broken-hearted. All the “how to” books can never do what a rhema word from God can do for the inner man. You will learn to let God speak to your heart and counsel you about the basic emotional pressures of life such as anger, doubt, depression, condemnation and inferiority. You will learn to let God replace these with His opposites, as His voice releases His grace within your heart. Those whom the Son sets free are free indeed!

Price: $59.95
Prayers That Heal the Heart DVDs

Prayers That Heal the Heart Revised & Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition DVDs

by Mark Virkler | 15 Sessions | 7 Discs

Prayer counseling that breaks every yoke! Everything you need to experience deep healing of your soul and spirit. Did you know that you don’t need to be continually plagued by negative thoughts, feelings, pictures or memories?

It is not part of the "human condition" to feel the constant nagging of doubt, insecurity, or anger. No matter what sin you are trying to overcome, what lie you think you’ll always believe, or what traumas your heart has suffered in the past, you will receive total freedom and restoration by praying these prayers in faith.

Price: $69.95

Everyday Angels DVDs

By Charity Virkler Kayembe

You can partner with Heaven’s angelic hosts!

Do you have guardian angels? Does God want you to know them? Find out what Scripture reveals and how YOU can interact with the company of Heaven!

The supernatural realm permeates our natural world! Therefore, experiencing angels should be an everyday occurrence–we simply need to open our spiritual eyes to their reality and role in our lives.

Price: $59.00
Hear God Through Your Dreams DVDs

Hear God Through Your Dreams DVDs

by Mark Virkler | 5 Sessions

The DVDs and CDs correspond with the Hear God Through Your Dreams book and for maximum growth and internalization, we recommend utilizing it along with either the CD or DVD set. The book provides an outline to follow as you watch the DVDs. Also included are application exercises and classroom activities. (Note: There are 5 sessions on 3 discs.)

Price: $39.95

Hearing God Through Your Dreams DVDs

by Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe | 10 Sessions on 3 Discs

Learn How to Hear God’s Voice, Even When You Are Sleeping

Receive divine counsel nightly. Increase emotional health, wisdom and creativity.

Recorded live at Catch the Fire in Toronto!

Price: $49.95

Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions DVDs

by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe | 14 Sessions | 6.5 hours

Build a theology and experience the role of Kingdom emotions to engage and release Kingdom power! Jesus, moved by compassion, healed (Matt. 14:14). You can, too! Discover how Kingdom emotions can be born in your heart to carry the Holy Spirit's power to perform healing, as well as turn on healing genes while turning off inflammatory genes. Experience God's Kingdom which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17)!

Price: $59.95

49 Lies DVDs – 49 Religious Lies Jesus Told Me to Stop Believing

by Mark Virkler | 6 Discs

49 Video Sessions are included

This package includes 49 professionally taped sessions, each 5-12 minutes long which is my testimony of breaking free from each lie. I discuss what the lie is, its impact on my life, what Jesus spoke, my prayer of repentance and the new freedom I experienced which allows me to step into a new life in Christ.

If you have ever believed any of the following lies, then this book is for you: "Emotions are soulish;" "Money is evil or secular;" "It is wrong to seek vision;" "Don’t trust experiences;" "God gave me a mind and expects me to use it;" "Politics are evil;" God is always beating on me;" or one of 43 more such detestable lies...

Price: $49.00
