Discover a Revelation-Based Learning Group Near You!
If you are seeking to be part of a small group exploring How to Hear God's Voice, the seven Prayers That Heal the Heart, principles of Christian Dream Interpretation, or the many other topics that Mark and Patti Virkler have developed training material for, you've come to the right place!
Are you leading a home group, or are you part of a church or other organization that is running a class/workshop/seminar which utilizes the Revelation-Based Learning System? If so, please post that information so that others can join and benefit!
If you don't find a group in your immediate area, check back often. You can even use this map as a tool to start a new group and attract participants! Just add a marker to the map below and say something like "We will be starting up a new group when we have 6 interested people. Contact me to be a part of it."
Scroll down below the map to see step-by-step instructions on using the map and contributing to it. (Please review them before adding your group!)
Watch a video tutorial on using the map.
Lamad Encounter Groups -- An excellent model for your small group!
New! Find groups in a particular area by typing in a city, state, postal code, county, country, continent, or so forth in the search box on the bottom right corner of the map and clicking GeoSearch.
Be sure to zoom in very closely on the specific area you are searching for a group, because if there is more than one group in the same city, they may not all appear untill you are viewing the area at high enough magnification to read street names.
How to zoom in: double-click on the map (make sure you aren't clicking on a marker, or it won't work!). Every time you double-click it will zoom in one step closer, centered on the point where you clicked.
How to zoom out: click the - button on the left side of the map, at the bottom of the slider bar.
How to pan: click on a spot (not a marker) near the center of the map, and while holding the mouse button down, drag it around to re-center it on the location where you want to focus. Then click the + button to zoom in or the - button to zoom out.
Each colored pinpoint marker shows the location of a group. Click on a marker to view the information that has been posted about that group. The color of the marker depends on the topic of the group. The legend is displayed at the bottom of the map, but you need to scroll to see it all. Click on the blue triangle to scroll right/left and see additional colors/topics. Clicking on a color/topic in the legend will show or hide those markers on the map.