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Wading Deeper Into the River of God eBook

Wading Deeper Into the River of God eBook

by Mark Virkler | 212 Pages

This book is the story of Mark’s personal journey toward revelation knowledge. With his trademark transparency and humor, you’ll identify with his challenges along the way and rejoice in his breakthroughs as he endeavors to continually wade deeper into the river of God.

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This book is the story of Mark’s personal journey toward revelation knowledge. With his trademark transparency and humor, you’ll identify with his challenges along the way and rejoice in his breakthroughs as he endeavors to continually wade deeper into the river of God.

Learning to live in the river of God (Jn. 7:38) is simple for some, difficult for others, and nearly impossible for a few. How does one connect to this river? What is this "flow" experience? Can it be defined? Can it be taught? Can the blocks that keep us from connecting to the river of God be uncovered and removed? Gloriously, the answer to all the above questions is a resounding YES!

Christianity is the Spirit of God being joined with the spirit of man through the salvation experience, and then man living out of the Holy Spirit within him (I Cor. 6:17). Jesus could sense the movements of His spirit. He could sense the movements of the Holy Spirit within His spirit. Jesus lived out of His spirit and the Spirit of God joined to His spirit (Jn. 5:19,20,30). The Bible commands us as Christians to walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:16); live in the Spirit (Gal. 5:26); pray with the Spirit (I Cor. 14:15); and to worship in Spirit (Jn. 4:23). With this in mind, let’s learn to become believers who are conscious of the movements of the Holy Spirit within us.

Endorsement from Rev. John Arnott

“Rev. Mark Virkler was a trained Baptist theologian and left-brain thinker, rather than a right-brain visionary. He tells his story of how God slowly, patiently, and lovingly drew him out of rationalism and into Spirit encounter. The road Mark describes was long and tedious, covering 32 years. However, he is convinced now that there are some lampposts along the way which others can follow. Some of the major landmines along the path have been identified, and now one can follow his 32-year journey in just a very short time, and then be prepared to sail right on past him, into new heights and depths in the river of God.”

-- John Arnott
Former Senior Pastor
Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (Catch the Fire - Toronto)

As we wade deeper, we receive journaling like this “Experiencing the Glory of God” – from Bill Dupley,

I asked the Lord to teach me what John 17:22 means: “I have given the glory that you have given me that they may be one as we are one.”

Son, My glory is the evidence of My presence in a situation. My glory radiates from Me like light. It permeates darkness, it imparts life, it speaks life into dead things, tissue, souls, spirits. It regenerates dead material. It is life.

I have given you this glory, it radiates out from you because I am in you, I am one with you. You radiate My glory, My presence into every situation you are in, every building, every person. It is My glory, the evidence of My presence. As you become aware of this truth and your faith rises, the glory increases. Your spirit contains My glory. Your soul restrains its light by lack of faith. If your soul believes, the light of My Spirit radiates out of you.

Son, as you consider this, know that few Christians have understood the glory of God, and do not appropriate all that is possible. The shadow of Peter fell on the sick. The radiance of My presence filled the sick and they were healed, so it is as your soul believes and the radiance of My glory shines brighter through. My dunamis power flows out of My glory and heals the sick, raises the dead, cleanses the lepers.

Son, beware of the danger that comes in this. It is not your glory, it is My glory that is radiating out of you. Many men let their glory color my glory and as a result they pollute the glory of God. You must always walk in the full awareness it is not your personal power/glory that is healing; it is Mine.


Bill Dupley is a Certified CWG Facilitator


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