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Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions DVD Package

Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions DVD Package

Book | 14 DVD sessions | CDs of 5 devotionals set to music

Experience Healing for Your Body, Soul, and Spirit through Kingdom Emotions!

In Christianity, emotions are often considered to be misleading and untrustworthy—a lingering part of our fallen nature that distract us from God’s truth. But our emotions were created by God, and though the enemy may seek to manipulate our hearts, Jesus sets us free! This practical teaching will empower you to see emotions as unique channels through which the Holy Spirit works to bring miraculous life-transformation, deliverance and healing.

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Kingdom power rides on the waves of Kingdom emotions




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Experience Healing for Your Body, Soul, and Spirit through Kingdom Emotions!

In Christianity, emotions are often considered to be misleading and untrustworthy—a lingering part of our fallen nature that distract us from God’s truth. But our emotions were created by God, and though the enemy may seek to manipulate our hearts, Jesus sets us free! This practical teaching will empower you to see emotions as unique channels through which the Holy Spirit works to bring miraculous life-transformation, deliverance and healing.

Jesus died to redeem your whole person—not just your reason and intellect. This makes it possible to move beyond anxiety, confusion, and uncertainty. When you are made alive in Christ, you can hear God speaking through the emotions of your “New Self.” 

Mark and Charity help you discover how

  • Kingdom emotions can turn on healing genes
  • Cleansing your cellular memories releases deliverance and freedom
  • Heightened emotions can set the stage for supernatural miracles

Embrace your redeemed emotions and experience miraculous healing in a fresh way today! 

Kingdom Power Rides on the Wave of Kingdom Emotion

  • Jesus, moved by compassion, healed (Matt. 14:14)
  • Faith energized by love (Gal. 5:6)
  • The Kingdom is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17)
  • A joyful heart is good medicine (Prov. 17:22)

Key ideas which this book builds and expands upon

  1. Faith energized by love releases healing, miracles and Kingdom provision
  2. Restoring emotions to Kingdom emotions puts our bodies in the state where healing occurs
  3. Discover how you can consistently live in and minister from Kingdom emotions of compassion, peace, joy

This book shows the NEED for Spirit-born emotions as a facilitator of God’s healing, miracle-working power. This is quite a theological adjustment for me as I was taught emotions are soulish, unreliable and to be discarded. 

John Arnott tells the story of revival dying in a youth group in his church (many years ago), because he told them to cool the emotional manifestations. Now, obviously, in the most recent revival, he is allowing emotional intensity to continue (holy laughter, roaring, etc.) and the revival continues.

God taught me to HONOR Kingdom emotions

I moved from disdain, (thinking they were soulish), to acceptance (Jesus expressed them), to honor (the power of the Spirit rides on the wave of Kingdom emotions – Jesus, moved by compassion, healed.) Joy strengthens us (Neh. 8:10). Peace rules us (Col. 3:15). Love compels us (2 Cor. 5:14). Compassion moves us (Matt. 9:36). These are true, Spirit-born emotions which we FEEL!

I have now done “roaring” prayer workshops in several churches

In EVERY case, people experience miraculous physical healing! This book explains the theology behind it, biblical basis for it, and how readers can step into this experience themselves.

Visionary meditations are included to lead people into their own personal encounters with Jesus, allowing them to feel His emotions of love, joy and peace for themselves, thereby turning on healthy genes and unleashing healing power throughout their body.

LOVE is God’s on/off switch for unleashing healing power

Jesus, moved by compassion, healed. Compassion is a “spiritual carrier wave” that conveys God’s wisdom, healing, power and gifts to us and through us to others. Increased Kingdom emotion releases increased Kingdom power and anointing.

Kingdom emotions turn on healing genes:  Science has proven that when we are expressing the Kingdom emotions of love, joy, peace and gratitude, thousands of healing genes are turned on and thousands of inflammatory genes are turned off. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that 85% of illness and disease is caused by stress. Stress is the opposite of living in peace and joy. If we simply live in the Kingdom emotions of peace and joy, we avoid 85% of all sickness and disease!

 This training package includes the following items

  1. The book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions
  2. An accompanying DVD set, where we teach through the book 
  3. A CD set, The River of Life and New Creation Celebration, which contains five interactive, Spirit-led devotionals set to music. These evoke powerful waves of Kingdom Emotions which release Kingdom Power. 

Session Titles - Teachers are Mark Virkler 1-13 & Charity Kayembe #14

Session Title Length
1 My Rocky Relationship with Emotions Over the Years  18 Minutes
2 Where Do Emotions Come From? (Old Self Versus New Self)  23 Minutes
3 How I Step from My Old Self to My New Self 24 Minutes
4 Cultivating Kingdom Emotions and Heightened Kingdom Emotions 24 Minutes
5 Faith: Agreeing with God’s Intention to Perform a Miracle  21 Minutes
6 The Energizing Power of the Holy Spirit 24 Minutes
7 Love: God’s On/Off Switch for Unleashing Healing Power 26 Minutes
8 Kingdom Emotions Turn On Healing Genes 24 Minutes
9 Cleansing Cellular Memories Releases Healing 23 Minutes
10 Casting Out Demons and Walking in Victory 23 Minutes
11 Measure Kingdom Emotions Through “Heart Rate Variability”  23 Minutes
12 The Treasure Chest: A Spirit-Led Prayer Organizer 24 Minutes
13 Roaring, Crying Out and Prophetic Gestures 75 Minutes
14 Coherence – The Power of Unity Within by Charity Virkler Kayembe 46 Minutes

What Leaders Are Saying

“I am grateful that Dr. Mark Virkler and his lovely daughter Charity wrote this amazing book. What freedom the revelation it contains will bring to you and what a tool it will be in your hand as you reach out to others.”
From the Foreword by Patricia King

“Dr. Mark Virkler has beautifully opened the truth of the Gospel to a life of miracles in this new book. If you are hungry for the supernatural and glory of God then you will want to ingest and digest the contents of this amazing teaching. I want to highly recommend this book to you as it holds the power of revelation to completely change your life for the Kingdom of God.”
Jeff Jansen, Author of The Furious Sound of Glory


“This will be used as reference reading in Randy Clark’s Global School of Supernatural Ministry, where Dr. Virkler is a faculty member.”
Dr. Mike Hutchings, Director of Global School of Supernatural Ministry


“When understood and applied, these vital truths about Kingdom Emotions will release new life and power into the Church!”
Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark, Best-selling authors of Releasing the Divine Healer Within

“Mark Virkler and his daughter Charity have done it again! This amazingly practical book will take you on a spiritual journey to emotional healing.”
Steve Long, Senior Leader, Catch the Fire Toronto

“Mark Virkler, one of the most superb teachers of the Word of God, has published a great work in this book!”
Steve Shultz, Founder of The Elijah List

“This book is cutting-edge revelation at its absolute best! My friends Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe are a dynamite team who write edge-of-your-seat practical theology that both challenges and equips all at once.”
Phil Mason, Author of Quantum Glory and Spiritul Director of Tribe Byron Bay, Australia


From Ruedi Altorfer: Here is what I personally received from this training. It deepened my understanding of the place that emotions have, how they develop in my life and how I can partner with God so that I have more kingdom emotions. I definitely learned a lot about how to live out of my heart and how I can guide my emotions by carefully selecting what I gaze upon. That is huge in my life and I am constantly replacing bad pictures with good ones. I was already aware that I should be careful to think Godly thoughts but it never occurred to me that I should do that as well with the pictures in my imagination since these pictures influence my emotions and therefore my actions. This is so helpful to know. Another simple but profound truth is that I am not to think my emotions but to experience or feel them. Those truths changed my devotional times with the Lord.

River of Life And New Creation Celebration CD Set

This series contains five Interactive meditations set to music. Each devotional guides you into an encounter with the Wonderful Counselor. Each one contains 1) a spoken prayer, 2) with a musical background and 3) draws you into two-way journaling

In the River of Life devotional you are immersed in the River of the Holy Spirit. Don’t worry, as in a dream, you can breathe underwater! Drift off to sleep listening to this devotional. (12 minutes) 

New Creation Celebration devotionals are provided in four versions. Choose the one which best meets the challenges of the day you are facing:

  • New Creation Celebration – Replacing Emotions (40 minutes)
  • New Creation Celebration – Replacing Beliefs (22 minutes)
  • New Creation Celebration – Putting on Christ (13 minutes)
  • New Creation Celebration – Possessing Your Promised Land (9 Minutes) 

With these resources, we take you by the hand and, as a coach, lead you into heavenly encounters which release Kingdom Emotions which in turn release Kingdom Power to heal.  

Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions DVD Package Includes ALL These Amazing Resources!

Internalize by Seeing, Hearing, Reading, Writing and Doing
Title Price
Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions book $16.99
Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions DVD Set  $59.95
River of Life and New Creation Celebration CD Series $19.95
Total  $96.89
Package Price $95

PowerPoint Available

A downloadable PowerPoint set of 200+ slidesThese provide easy, continuous review of these truths until you have fully internalized them. The PowerPoint are also great for sharing these principles with others, either one-on-one or in a classroom or small group setting.

By scrolling down through these daily for a couple of weeks, you re-enforce the life-changing principles of releasing Kingdom power through the use of Kingdom emotions. This is an amazing and life-changing truth and needs to be reviewed until you “catch it.”

I used my devotional time for a couple of weeks to simply review these key principles and be transformed by them.




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Naturally Supernatural eBook

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On Things Above ebook

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Overflow of the Spirit - PDF eBook Cover

Overflow of the Spirit PDF eBook

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Playtime with Jesus eBook

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by Mark and Patti Virkler & Dr. Reuben DeHaan | 201 Pages

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Rivers of Grace eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 189 Pages

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Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge e-book

by Dr. Gary Greig & Drs. Mark and Patti Virkler | 84 Pages

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