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Take Charge of Your Health MP3s

Take Charge of Your Health MP3s

by Mark Virkler | 12 Sessions

Discover how you can take charge of your own health — keeping yourself young, energetic, attractive, and free of degenerative diseases! Discover the biblical injunctions on diet and health, and the amazing correlations between them and modern scientific research. Updated in 2015 with 20 years of fresh insights since recording the previous "Go Natural" series!

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2-Minute Video Overview


God Has a Wonderful Health Plan!


And He said, "If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the Lord, am your Healer" (Ex. 15:26)

Three keys to health are:

  1. Detoxifying your body (and soul and spirit)
  2. Rebuilding your immune system
  3. Nourishing your body's cells

We will show you multiple ways of accomplishing each of these three objectives.

Write a testimonial

Discover how you can take charge of your own health — keeping yourself young, energetic, attractive, and free of degenerative diseases! Discover the biblical injunctions on diet and health, and the amazing correlations between them and modern scientific research. Updated in 2015 with 20 years of fresh insights since recording the previous "Go Natural" series!

What Is Covered in the Take Charge of Your Health MP3s?

Mark and Patti researched 100 books on health care while developing this series, and the topics they cover show the breadth of the approach they take in maintaining excellent health. Subjects explored include: the Genesis diet; understanding how our bodies fight disease (the lymphatic system); living land, living food, living water; pure air; non-toxic household chemicals; colon cleansing; vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, herbs; exercise; faith, hope, love; Spirit-anointed healing prayer; fasting; and tissue cleansing.

The 12 audio sessions cover the above topics and are ideal for repetition and review as you drive, work or exercise. Hearing Mark teach this series releases an impartation, revelation and spiritual understanding which, if internalized, will provide you effective tools for maintaining and restoring health. Mark shares his struggle and story in an honest and down-to-earth way that relates to every listener. Every time you review this series the Holy Spirit reveals more to you. Do yourself a favor and listen to them over and over until the revelation is complete. Rushing on to another topic without internalizing this truth does not result in cultivating Christian spirituality.


What Makes this Message So Unique and Effective?

Practical, biblical approaches to health care that work!
Features How This Helps You

We understand God designed our bodies to heal themselves.

  • You discover what tools your body needs to maintain health.
  • You can provide these tools to your body.

We integrate biblical commands and scientific research with real life results.

  • You explore approaches the Bible teaches for living in health.
  • You see how medical research is proving the accuracy of the Bible in the areas of health.

We use a biblical paradigm for
discovering truth

  • You learn the approach the Bible teaches for discovering truth.
  • You apply the Bible's method for discovering truth to various health care modalities.

We explore many approaches for
restoring health.

  • By utilizing multiple approaches together you arrive at health more quickly.
  • Every approach we recommend is compatible with the Bible, so you can have peace.
We approach healing on three levels:
spirit, soul and body.
  • Healing generally occurs from the inside out.
  • You apply cleansing to your spirit, soul and body.

We use precise definitions
for each area we explore.

  • You gain a better understanding of the steps you need to take.
  • You acquire an increased ability to walk in the divine health.

We suggest many resources for additional consideration and application.

  • You can follow up any topic that interests you in greater depth.
  • The resources we recommend are those we confirmed were beneficial to us.


How to Get the Most Out of This Teaching

The video and MP3 downloads correspond with the Eden's Health Plan - Go Natural! book. For maximum growth and internalization, we recommend utilizing it along with either the audio or video set. One copy of the book per family is fine, or one for each individual would be ideal.

For maximum results, draw together some friends into a home group or Sunday school class and watch the videos over a 12-week period. Begin applying the keys to health in your own life and share your results together. The videos bring an anointed trainer to your group, and your interpersonal sharing gives you instant feedback and encouragement as you take personal responsibility for your health. An unbeatable combination!


Audio and Video Sets Contain the Following Identical Sessions
Session Title Length
1 An Unhealed Nation
29 Minutes
2 The Genesis Diet Heals
24 Minutes
3 How Our Bodies Fight Disease
27 Minutes
4 Living Land and Living Food
26 Minutes
5 Living Water
24 Minutes
6 Pure Air and Household Chemicals,
Plus Detoxifying Through Bowel Management
27 Minutes
7 Vitamins, Enzymes, Antioxidants and Herbs
28 Minutes
8 The Healing Value of Exercise
29 Minutes
9 The Healing Value of Faith, Hope and Love
30 Minutes
10 The Healing Value of Prayer
30 Minutes
11 The Healing Value of Fasting and Tissue Cleansing
28 Minutes
12 How Do I Then Live
28 Minutes


Other Products Available for This Message


Eden's Health Plan - Go Natural! ebook

Go-Natural-3D_2Mark and Patti researched 100 books on health care before writing Go Natural and the topics they cover show the breadth of the approach they take in maintaining excellent health. Subjects explored include: the Genesis diet; understanding how our bodies fight disease (the lymphatic system); living land, living food, living water; pure air; non-toxic household chemicals; colon cleansing; vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, herbs; exercise; faith, hope, love; Spirit-anointed healing prayer; fasting; and tissue cleansing.


Take Charge of Your Health Digital Videos


Take-Charge-of-Your-Health-DVDs12 video sessions

These are ideal for focused learning with the Go Natural book and for use in classroom settings. They are identical in content to the MP3s. For maximum results, draw together some friends into a home group or Sunday school class and watch the videos over a 10 - 12 week period. Discuss and practice what you are learning and share together the improvements in health that you are experiencing! The videos bring an anointed trainer to your group, and your interpersonal sharing gives you instant feedback and confirmation that you on the right track! An unbeatable combination.




Related Items


Testimonies from Those Who Have Taken Charge of Their Health

“At last a helpful, complete and balanced look on natural health and healing which doesn’t ignore or avoid the spiritual side of the equation. Written from a warm Christian perspective with sensitive wisdom without the preachy flavor.”
-- Dr. Albert Zehr

“As a result of practicing the truths in Go Natural!, I went down four dress sizes!”
-- K.F.

“I found your book, Go Natural! to be packed full of valuable suggestions for better health. Great statements such as `Cancer is not a disease. It is a symptom of an insufficient immune system’ are of inestimable value, emotionally, physically and even financially. I am glad to recommend it.”

-- Rev. Herman Riffel

“Fasting has had excellent physical consequences for me personally. I have been fasting after 2:00-3:00 p.m. daily and this combined with gradual change to the Genesis diet has had great physical benefit. I have lost weight, gotten off all my stomach medicines and am just about completely off my hypertension medicine. So, I too can testify that fasting combined with eating right solves physical problems.”
-- John Colby, MD


The History of Health Care

2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.
1000 A.D. - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.
1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.
1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.
1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.
2000 A.D. - That antibiotic doesn’t work anymore. Here, eat this root.

Take It to the Next Level

To ensure that this message transforms your life, we offer you four options. Any of these choices will assist you in internalizing this teaching, helping you to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only (James 1:22) and allowing you to produce a bountiful harvest in your life.

Opportunity 1 – Host a home or church group

This home group in Slovakia shows the excitement of learning to hear God's voice together!

We learn more quickly if we are surrounded by others who are seeking to master the same skill. Pray and ask God who you know who might want to grow in this truth also and open your home to them for 10-12 weekly sessions (or host a small group in your church). We provide several resources to help you present this powerfully and effectively in a group setting, including DVDs and application activities. Experience the joy of cultivating skills together with a group of friends! Discover how to create and post your group…

Opportunity 2 – Hire a Personal Spiritual Trainer to coach you


Coaching or discipling is the method Jesus used to train the twelve disciples.

When you team up with someone ahead of you in an area to mentor you, and you share your questions and steps of growth with them, receiving their counsel in return, you ascend more quickly into mastery in that area. We have trained coaches who have mastered this topic who will commit to working with you for a 90-day period.

Opportunity 3 – Take this as a college course from home

Christian Leadership University

Earn college credit while being apprenticed to mastery in this area! This topic is available as a course which you can take from your home through the distance learning program offered at Christian Leadership University. You may enroll in this course as a lifelong learner or apply it toward an Associate, Bachelor, Master or Doctoral degree.

Opportunity 4 – Host a seminar for your community


Transform your church and region by hosting a weekend seminar with an anointed trainer, where an impartation is released by the Holy Spirit into your community. Mark Virkler and others are available to be scheduled.

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Results 401 - 410 of 482


Divine Healing Toolbox Video Download

Divine Healing Toolbox Video Download

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  • Discover why you would choose to lay TWO hands on a person.
  • Learn to open the eyes of your heart and see what is happening!
  • Discover why the teaming up of prophets and teachers is so important.
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  • Learn to utilize various prayer modalities, including inner healing and deliverance.
Price: $4.50
Fulfill Your Financial Destiny Digital Video Download

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny Digital Videos

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 22 video Sessions

Newly recorded for 2023! Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

Price: $59.95

How Could I Have Been So Wrong? Digital Video

Mark Virkler | 16 Sessions of Streaming & Downloadable Video

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How Do YOU Know? Digital Videos

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Price: $59.95
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How to Build a Winning Team Video Download

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Naturally Supernatural Digital Videos

Naturally Supernatural Digital Video

by Mark Virkler | 13 Sessions

BRAND NEW Revised & Expanded 30th Anniversary Edition Video Series!

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Overflow of the Spirit - Digital Videos (MP4)

Overflow of the Spirit Digital Videos

12 sessions | 7 hours | by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe

Mark and Charity have teamed up again to create a training series on how to easily manifest the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. It took us several years to break through all the confusion, and present a clear, simple understanding of how to release the nine-fold manifestation of the Holy Spirit everywhere you go and with everyone you touch. It is not hard! It can’t be since these are gifts of the Holy Spirit, not things you have to work for.

Price: $49.95
