Imagine That eBook

Imagine That eBook

by Rev. Jimmy D. Smith | 85 Pages

Beginning sometime around my 72nd year, my imagination really started to wake up again.  I was reading Dialogue with God, by Mark and Patti Virkler, when wheels began to turn.  In the weeks that followed I decided that this was a “do” book, not just a “read to learn” book. I began to do what the book suggested. Somewhere along the line I felt that the Lord gave me permission to experience the freedom of using my imagination to worship Him, to talk to Him, and more importantly to hear from Him.

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Beginning sometime around my 72nd year, my imagination really started to wake up again.  I was reading Dialogue with God, by Mark and Patti Virkler, when wheels began to turn.  In the weeks that followed I decided that this was a “do” book, not just a “read to learn” book. I began to do what the book suggested. Somewhere along the line I felt that the Lord gave me permission to experience the freedom of using my imagination to worship Him, to talk to Him, and more importantly to hear from Him.

I sensed encouragement as I read and practiced what I was reading. Now understand that, at that time, I had been walking with the Lord for 61 years. I wandered off the path from time to time but was always mercifully led back. I had the blessing of good Bible teachers in the church, and the Lord spoke even deeper truths to my heart as I applied those teachings. In this way, the Lord has helped me learn to identify truth, and occasionally error, through the years. In the beginning I did not realize that my imagination was of any value to my spiritual transformation through mind renewal as promised in Romans 12:2. The more I practiced Dialogue With God, the more I sensed an awakening of something very familiar from deep within myself. It took me a while to recognize this as an asset.

To put this in perspective: I was 72 at the time of this awakening and still an active associate pastor on staff of a wonderful, Spirit-filled fellowship: New Covenant Church, in Valdosta, Georgia.

As this new imagination energy began to flow, I read the Bible with renewed eyes. I filled in color and sounds. I saw background and settings in my mind's eye that made everything a much more interesting story. As the Virklers suggested in their book, I not only saw the words that Jesus spoke to the woman at the well, but it was as if I heard Him say them, and then heard her words back to Him.  I could imagine being there, listening and watching. Isn’t that supposed to happen when you read a great story by a gifted author? I saw how the woman would try to get religious with Jesus and how He would bring her back to the real point. Of course I had read this story many times in the past. I understood the dialogue that they had with each other, but I had never felt as if I had been there. I’ll tell you more about this experience in the book.

For now, take a deep breath, try to relax, and see if the Lord will use my experience to give you a glimpse of a whole new dimension into His Kingdom that is to come—here, “on earth as it is in heaven.”

(Taken from the Preface of Imagine That.)


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