Current Special: How to Walk by the Spirit 15th Anniversary Edition + Free Video Event!
Unlock the spirit realm by being constantly aware of what your spirit is sensing

How Do YOU Know? Digital Video Package

How Do YOU Know? Digital Video Package

by Mark Virkler | 180-Page eBook | 12 MP4 Sessions | LEARN eWorkbook

How do you know? What is the process you use to discover truth? I did not ask that question during the first 25 years of my life. I used eleven different methods for discovering truth including: if my parents said so, then it was so. If my teacher said it was so, then it was so. If my pastor said it was so, then it was so. If my theology said it was so, then it was so. I have discarded them all and adopted a twelfth method, which is in harmony with what the Bible teaches. We teach you this method in this series. 

This package includes a 180-page ebook, a 12-session digital video series and a 40-page e-workbook.

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Use God's approach (paradigm) for discovering truth!

2-Minute Video Overview

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How do you know? What is the process you use to discover truth? I did not ask that question during the first 25 years of my life. I used eleven different methods for discovering truth including: if my parents said so, then it was so. If my teacher said it was so, then it was so. If my pastor said it was so, then it was so. If my theology said it was so, then it was so. I have discarded them all and adopted a twelfth method, which is in harmony with what the Bible teaches. We teach you this method in this series. 

This package includes a 180-page ebook, a 12-session digital video series and a 40-page e-workbook.

What Does the Bible Say Is the Process God Wants Us to Use to Discover His Truth?

Satan's temptation in the Garden of Eden was that man could "eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and know himself." I wouldn’t need daily walks and talks with God, letting Him reveal truth to me. I could figure it out on my own. “YOU can KNOW” was satan’s lie to Adam (Gen. 2:17; 3:5).

So now the Bible speaks of knowledge versus true knowledge, man’s knowledge versus God’s knowledge.

True knowledge is birthed in revelation from God, which comes directly to man through the Holy Spirit. To receive this revelation knowledge man must yield his heart and his mind to the indwelling river of God - to "flow." This will result in reasoning together with God (Isa. 1:18), receiving words of wisdom, words of knowledge, prophecy, discerning of spirits and much, much more.

The Bible teaches us that God’s paradigm for knowing is a broad-based approach. You will discover God’s method as you work your way through hundreds of verses that form the base of this guided self-discovery manual.

This book lays out a Spirit-anointed epistemology requiring an educational paradigm shift from rationalism to revelation knowledge. The goal of education is stated in I Timothy 1:5 - love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. These are all heart experiences, not mental exercises. And these are exactly the heart experiences that are required for us to come through the veil into God's presence and receive His voice, His wisdom, His anointing, His dream, and His vision (Heb. 10:19-22).

  • The philosopher would state it this way: “We are developing a Spirit-anointed epistemology requiring an educational paradigm shift from rationalism to revelation knowledge."
  • When Pilate asksWhat is truth?” Jesus had already stated the answer. “I am truth.” So truth is not a “what.” Truth is a person.
  • I could say it this way. When I seek truth, I discover it through a relationship with Jesus, in which I ask Him to reveal truth into my heart. The Bible says: "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." (Jas. 1:5)
  • The Spirit guides into all truth: "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. (Joh 16:13-15). Coming to truth is a process guided by the Spirit."
  • Hearing Jesus’ voice is evidence you are of the truth: "Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." Jn. 18:37.
  • With so much misinformation being presented daily on the airwaves, many are confused.  Only one side of many stories is even allowed to be told in today’s demonic climate. Actually, one of the videos in this series on "How Do YOU Know?" was rejected by You-Tube as being "misinformation." I celebrate the fact that my messages are so culturally relevant that they can be kicked off social media. The Bible is clear, one must hear both sides if they want to come to a wise decision (Prov. 18:17). This is not being allowed in America today! 
  • In the accompanying video/audio series we examine EVERY verse where Jesus talks about coming to truth, and how that is done. Each video/audio session contains Scripture, my journaling and an opportunity for you to journal and hear from God. Learn how to acquire God's wisdom in a mixed-up world!
  • The truth sets one free (Jn. 8:32), but a faulty paradigm for discovering the truth will lead one to error as evidenced by the Apostles Paul's initial training (Acts 9:1-18; Phil. 3:1-11) and by the disciples whose theology was completely transformed once Jesus opened the Scriptures to them (Lk. 24:13-35). The Pharisees studied the Scriptures but without revelation from the spirit, Jesus rebuked them over and over (Matt. 12; 15; 16). The Bible without revelation from spirit brings legalism and death.
  • The training and courses we receive must teach us how to come to our hearts and allow God to live His life through us by His indwelling Holy Spirit. Then we are eating from the Tree of Life!
  • May you adopt God’s paradigm for knowing, so you can know God’s thoughts and do God’s deeds.

Session Titles

Session 1 – Do You Know How You Know?

Session 2 – Loving the Truth or Else...

Session 3 – Revelation Encounters Transform Our Theology

Session 4 – Easily Encounter Jesus by Using the Four Keys

Session 5 – Stepping from Man’s Reasoning to Spirit-Anointed Reasoning

Session 6 – Walks in the Garden – A Return to God’s Original Intent

Session 7 – The Second Adam Restores What the First Adam Lost

Session 8 – Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation

Session 9 – An Example of the Meditation Process

Session 10 – What Is the Teacher’s Role?

Session 11 – Epistemology: A Biblical System of Knowing Truth

Session 12 – What About Issues Not Mentioned in the Bible?

Take It to the Next Level

To ensure that this message transforms your life, we offer you four options. Any of these choices will assist you in internalizing this teaching, helping you to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only (James 1:22) and allowing you to produce a bountiful harvest in your life.

Opportunity 1 – Host a home or church group

This home group in Slovakia shows the excitement of learning to hear God's voice together!

We learn more quickly if we are surrounded by others who are seeking to master the same skill. Pray and ask God who you know who might want to grow in this truth also and open your home to them for 10-12 weekly sessions (or host a small group in your church). We provide several resources to help you present this powerfully and effectively in a group setting, including DVDs and application activities. Experience the joy of cultivating skills together with a group of friends! Discover how to create and post your group…

Opportunity 2 – Hire a Personal Spiritual Trainer to coach you


Coaching or discipling is the method Jesus used to train the twelve disciples.

When you team up with someone ahead of you in an area to mentor you, and you share your questions and steps of growth with them, receiving their counsel in return, you ascend more quickly into mastery in that area. We have trained coaches who have mastered this topic who will commit to working with you for a 90-day period.

Opportunity 3 – Take this as a college course from home

Christian Leadership University

Earn college credit while being apprenticed to mastery in this area! This topic is available as a course which you can take from your home through the distance learning program offered at Christian Leadership University. You may enroll in this course as a lifelong learner or apply it toward an Associate, Bachelor, Master or Doctoral degree.

Opportunity 4 – Host a seminar for your community


Transform your church and region by hosting a weekend seminar with an anointed trainer, where an impartation is released by the Holy Spirit into your community. Mark Virkler and others are available to be scheduled.

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Results 231 - 240 of 482


Through the Bible 6: Life of Christ - Audio CDs

Through the Bible 6: Life of Christ Audio CDs

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 5 Discs

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through the Gospels, the Life of Christ, in 10 sessions. This is part six of our Through The Bible series,  which provide you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

Why are there four Gospels describing Jesus' life? How are the three synoptic Gospels different from John? What does God want to say to me through the life of Jesus? Can I really imitate Christ and be like him? Yes, Jesus came to model the lifestyle God has empowered us to live!

Price: $24.95

Through the Bible 7: Acts and Epistles Audio CDs

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 4 Discs

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through Acts and the General Epistles in 10 sessions. This is part seven of our Through the Bible series, which provides you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

In the book of Acts you discover the vibrancy of the early Church. The Holy Spirit descended upon them in Pentecost and filled them and the room in which they were seated. Empowered by the Holy Ghost, they immediatey won 3000 to the Lord. Miracles followed, many were healed, and the world was transformed by these anointed disciples. 

In the General Epistles we learn of the struggles the early Church faced, and the amazing teaching the Apostle Paul provided to keep them on track. You receive a glimpse into the heart of Paul as he passionately encourages his readers to know who they are in Christ and ascend into the heavenlies, where they are seated with Him in heavenly places, ruling and reigning. These books take you into the depths of Scriptural truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit. Pray for God to give you revelation knowledge in your heart and mind as you meditate on His Word (Eph. 1:17,18).

Price: $24.95

Through the Bible 8: Epistles and Revelation Audio CDs

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through the General Epistles and the book of Revelation in 10 sessions. This is part eight of our Through The Bible series,  which provide you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

This eighth series in the collection covers the following New Testament books: I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, Jude and Revelation.

Price: $24.95

Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams CD Set

1 CD set

Can I succeed like others have? What do I need to do? How do I go about it? What if I don't have the gifts necessary to do something great? The wonderful truth revealed in Scripture is that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary feats, especially when they say, "Yes, Lord" to the destiny He has prepared for them!

Price: $39.95

Your Extraordinary Life CDs

Mark Virkler | 16 CD Sessions on 6 Discs

Can you imagine starting new believers off with the Holy Spirit! What if the first thing you were taught as a newborn Christian was how to connect easily and daily with the Holy Spirit Who was living inside you, anointing you, empowering you and transforming you?

Price: $39.95

15 Ways Angels Minister to Us

By Charity Virkler Kayembe

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14)

Do you know the 15 ways the Bible reveals that angels minister to you? We have listed these extraordinary Scriptures on beautiful 8” x 5” Ministry Cards. They are the perfect size to slide in your book or Bible as a bookmark and an anointed reminder of the many blessings Father has provided for you through your angelic bodyguards.

Price: $2.00
4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice - Group Leader Bonus Resources

4 Keys Group Leader Bonus Resources

11 Books, 1 CD, Only $40 (Retail Value $203)

Outstanding tools to promote your event! This package includes: 10 LEARN 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice Notebooks; 50 “4 Keys” hand-out cards; 1 Teacher’s Guide, plus a CD-ROM packed with promotional items and a teaching PowerPoint with 200+ slides.

Price: $40.00
4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice PowerPoint

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice PowerPoint

by Mark Virkler | 1 CD-ROM

If you are teaching the course 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice, then these 200 PowerPoint slides on CD-ROM will make your classroom presentation powerful and attractive. If you are going to use the DVDs to teach this course, then the PowerPoint is already interwoven into the DVDs.

Price: $39.95
4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Teacher's Guide

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Teacher's Guide

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 62 Pages

If you are going to teach the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice 10-12 week course yourself, without using the DVDs, then this teacher's guide will prove very helpful. It will give you clear focus for each weekly session.

Price: $9.95

49 Lies MP3 Downloads - Religious Lies Jesus Told Me to Stop Believing

by Mark Virkler | 49 MP3 Downloads

Instantly download these 49 professionally recorded sessions, each 5-12 minutes long, which is my testimony of breaking free from each lie. I discuss what the lie is, its impact on my life, what Jesus spoke, my prayer of repentance and the new freedom I experienced which allows me to step into a new life in Christ.

If you have ever believed any of the following lies, then this book is for you: "Emotions are soulish;" "Money is evil or secular;" "It is wrong to seek vision;" "Don’t trust experiences;" "God gave me a mind and expects me to use it;" "Politics are evil;" God is always beating on me;" or one of 43 more such detestable lies...

Price: $49.00
