Current Special: Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams Free Video Event
Discover the “Unfair” Advantage of 5-Fold Counsel

How to Build a Winning Team Video Download

How to Build a Winning Team Video Download

by Mark Virkler | 1 Session

Can I succeed like others have? What do I need to do? How do I go about it? What if I don't have the gifts necessary to do something great?  The wonderful truth revealed in Scripture is that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary feats, especially when they say, "Yes, Lord" to the destiny He has prepared for them!

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2-Minute Video Overview

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Can I succeed like others have? What do I need to do? How do I go about it? What if I don't have the gifts necessary to do something great?  The wonderful truth revealed in Scripture is that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary feats, especially when they say, "Yes, Lord" to the destiny He has prepared for them!

What is in the Video Download?

There are four updated and expanded sessions totalling 77 minutes.

Only one gift list in the New Testament attaches a promised result!

It is truly interesting to me that of all the various lists of gifts given in the New Testament, only one of them includes a promise concerning what will happen if you utilize the gifts in the list. That list is found in Ephesians 4:7-11 and the promise is that we can come to maturity (Eph. 4:13) by honoring the counsel and input from a multi-gifted team of people with five different heart motivations.

By making sure you have input from several people who demonstrate the heart motivations which underlie the five-fold team, you make better decisions and you succeed more often!

The five heart motivations (voices) we must hear from are:

  1. The voice of divine creativity;
  2. The voice of unending love for people;
  3. The voice which passionately seeks out truth;
  4. The voice which insists we must share the good news;
  5. The voice which ensures that all of the above voices are heard, honored and flowing together in unison.

These voices come from the hearts of the prophet, the pastor, the teacher, the evangelist and the apostle. To learn more about these gifts and how they express themselves in a variety of situations, we recommend that you also study our book Gifted to Succeed.

Maximize Your Success by Honoring the Gifts of Those Around You!

You will become much more successful by learning to surround yourself with fivefold teams. When you draw out the input from everyone on your team, you receive a variety of perspectives and a much better overall revelation of how to move forward effectively in whatever area you are pursuing.

Even though this book is written and applied primarily toward leading a church through a fivefold team, you can apply this fivefold team concept to each of the following situations:

  • Projects you are working on
  • Challenges you are facing
  • Business decisions
  • Family decisions
  • Personal decisions

How to Get the Most Out of This Teaching

The DVD and CD (or video download and MP3) share the key idea of the How to Build a Winning Team book. For maximum growth and internalization, we recommend utilizing the book and CD/DVD set.

For even greater results, draw together some friends or coworkers into a group to watch the DVD and read and discuss the book. It is 12 chapters long, so you could do one chapter a week for 12 weeks. There are application exercises at the end of each chapter as well as 26 Application Worksheets to be completed which will assist you in applying the principles being discussed.

Discuss together the heart motivations of the various people in the group, and begin drawing out the gifts of each person as you make decisions together. (This works for a family, cell group, church leadership team, and company business executives.) The DVD brings an anointed trainer to your group who shares the heart revelation of a fivefold team of consultants. Your interpersonal sharing gives you instant feedback and confirmation that you truly are beginning to function as a team! An unbeatable combination.

Our Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams Package adds the book Gifted to Succeed to the How to Build Winning Teams Package. This book provides a foundation which you will want as you seek to create winning teams, so we highly recommend you order the package Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams if you don't already own Gifted to Succeed. This way you will have all the tools necessary to fully succeed in internalizing this message.

How to Build Winning Teams was formerly titled Dynamic Fivefold Team Ministry.

How to Build Winning Teams offers you the following benefits

An extremely practical training series teaching you how to implement effective team decision-making!
Features How This Helps You

God placed "elders" over every church, which indicates God's vision for team leadership.

  • A multi-gifted well-functioning team outperforms an individual.
  • You are more likely to succeed when you incorporate wise multi-gifted counsel.
Discusses the five heart motivations God recommends in wise decision-making.
  • You discover what kinds of individuals you should surround yourself with.
  • You learn how to seek out and incorporate multi-gifted counsel.

 Explore team dynamics.

  • You discover the positive aspects of disagreements.
  • You learn effective communication skills.

26 Application Worksheets

  • Making it easy to apply the principles immediately to your life
  • Providing quick review and instant reminders of key things to do in each situation.
Review of various administrative styles
  • You become aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each leadership style.
  • You choose God's leadership style over man's.

A Free Download for You and Endorsement from C. Peter Wagner

The Virkler Grid -- A Comparative Analysis of the Foundational Offices of Ephesians 4:11 

The reason I'm writing, Mark, is to congratulate you for your excellent work in the “Fivefold Ministry Summary.”  This is not only brilliant, but it is extremely useful….

In my opinion, this should have a wide circulation. How about making a free-standing version of it with the title “The Virkler Grid” and with a subtitle “A Comparative Analysis of the Foundational Offices of Ephesians 4:11?”
I would expect that you will see it popping up all over the place since there is nothing else like it.  The Virkler Grid could end up being a standard tool for the whole apostolic movement in years to come.
-- C. Peter Wagner
Founder of Global Harvest Ministries and co-founder of the World Prayer Center

Testimonies from those who have experienced How to Build a Winning Team

This last week I ordered a bunch of the material from your catalog. I am devouring them!! I have been having a truly WOW experience all week. 

The BEST was my encounter with the How to Build a Winning Team book. For years I have felt like a crazy person because I have perceived in my spirit that the Lord had something different in His Heart and Mind concerning how the Body is to function...Your book confirmed all that I have had in my heart for years. I really consider this week of my life to be a major deliverance because now I know that I am not crazy. I believe that there are sooo many of the body members that are suffering because they feel that something just isn't right, but are shamed into believing it is their problem. I feel that the magnitude of this problem is very similar to when Martin Luther was raised up to bring deliverance to the Lord's people. I am praying for your voice and the voice of others to be heard so that the people can be free and the Lord's heart and mind will be manifest in His Church. I believe that it is time for another "95 Theses" to be nailed to the door.

-- Andrea Bennett
McDonough, GA


Take It to the Next Level

To ensure that this message transforms your life, we offer you four options. Any of these choices will assist you in internalizing this teaching, helping you to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only (James 1:22) and allowing you to produce a bountiful harvest in your life.

Opportunity 1 – Host a home or church group

This home group in Slovakia shows the excitement of learning to hear God's voice together!

We learn more quickly if we are surrounded by others who are seeking to master the same skill. Pray and ask God who you know who might want to grow in this truth also and open your home to them for 10-12 weekly sessions (or host a small group in your church). We provide several resources to help you present this powerfully and effectively in a group setting, including DVDs and application activities. Experience the joy of cultivating skills together with a group of friends! Discover how to create and post your group…

Opportunity 2 – Hire a Personal Spiritual Trainer to coach you


Coaching or discipling is the method Jesus used to train the twelve disciples.

When you team up with someone ahead of you in an area to mentor you, and you share your questions and steps of growth with them, receiving their counsel in return, you ascend more quickly into mastery in that area. We have trained coaches who have mastered this topic who will commit to working with you for a 90-day period.

Opportunity 3 – Take this as a college course from home

Christian Leadership University

Earn college credit while being apprenticed to mastery in this area! This topic is available as a course which you can take from your home through the distance learning program offered at Christian Leadership University. You may enroll in this course as a lifelong learner or apply it toward an Associate, Bachelor, Master or Doctoral degree.

Opportunity 4 – Host a seminar for your community


Transform your church and region by hosting a weekend seminar with an anointed trainer, where an impartation is released by the Holy Spirit into your community. Mark Virkler and others are available to be scheduled.

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Results 61 - 70 of 485


Supernatural Church

Supernatural Church

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 62 Pages

This book is designed to be used in a 13-week new members' class of a church which is pursuing intimacy with the Holy Spirit. As people come to your church, they come with many different theological backgrounds and expectations as to what church ought to be like. It is crucial that you align these people's hearts and minds as they join the church, or they will end up pulling in many different directions and causing division.

Price: $9.95
Talking With Jesus - Front Cover

Talking with Jesus

by Evelyn Klumpenhouer

A full year of daily devotionals in which the Holy Spirit “opens up” Scripture!

These short, powerful devotionals for every day of the year are easy to read in less than two minutes. Each daily verse (with reference) is followed by God speaking directly to you concerning that verse. These inspiring messages provide an incredibly uplifting way to begin each day.

"Were not our hearts burning within us…while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?" (Lk. 24:32).

Price: $14.95

The Faith Zone

by Steve Long and Mark Virkler

Click here for Kindle version.


Have you ever thought that before? Most of us have thought it, or even heard it from others, at some point in our lives. But what exactly is faith anyway? And how do we get more of it? And if we did get more of it, could we actually move mountains into the sea?

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The Utter Relief of Holiness

How God's Goodness Frees Us from Everything That Plagues Us - by John Eldredge

What a relief it would be to be set free from all that plagues us -- the inner struggle with anger, or contempt, the habitual sins. Is such an experience possible?

Price: $5.00
Through the Bible

Through the Bible

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 142 Pages

Listening to God through Scripture! Were not our hearts burning within us while He was...explaining the Scriptures to us (Lk. 24:32)?  This book will guide you in letting God reveal truth to you as you meditate on the stories and teaching of those who have gone before you. Your heart will be set afire by God!

Price: $19.95
Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Management

Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Management

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 111 Pages

Does the Bible contain principles which should be followed if you are managing a business, a church or a home? Do the most successful businesses, churches and homes follow these principles? The answer to both questions is, "Yes!" Do you know what these key principles are for successful management? If not, this book is for you. The book is designed with quick, easy evaluation worksheets provided for each of the 20 principles.

Price: $12.95
Wading Deeper Into the River of God

Wading Deeper Into the River of God

by Mark Virkler | 212 Pages

This book is the story of Mark’s personal journey toward revelation knowledge. With his trademark transparency and humor, you’ll identify with his challenges along the way and rejoice in his breakthroughs as he endeavors to continually wade deeper into the river of God.

Price: $16.95

When Heaven Touches Earth

by Greig, Virkler, Rogers, Goll, Fuller | 140 Pages

The central theme of this book is that average Christian believers can learn to exercise the eyes of their hearts and receive Spirit-led visions to worship in heaven, to receive the Lord's healing of their hearts, His authority, and His strategies to bring heaven down to earth (Matt. 6:10). Heavenly encounters initiated and led by Jesus with angels and those who have gone before us may sometimes be a part of these visionary experiences, as they were in Scripture.

Price: $14.95

Your Extraordinary Life! - case of 52

by Mark & Patti Virkler | 197 Pages | $14.99 Retail (Per Copy)

Purchase a case of 52 at ONLY $4.79 each - Distribute widely - Impact future generations of Christians

Can you imagine starting new believers off with the Holy Spirit! What if the first thing you were taught as a newborn Christian was how to connect easily and daily with the Holy Spirit Who was living inside you, anointing you, empowering you and transforming you?

Price: $249.08

Counseled by God Complete Discounted Package

2 books, 13 sessions on 6 CDs and 6 DVDs, save 15%

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The foremost training series in the world teaching you how to become emotionally whole by hearing the voice of the Wonderful Counselor (Isa. 9:6)! This is your best value, putting all the tools in your hands you will need to ensure this message bears fruit in your life and equipping  you to share it with others.

Price: $115.00
