4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 305 Pages | Retail: $16.99

Have you ever wished you could just sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that states that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart? When you're worried or confused, wouldn't you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond?

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GUARANTEED to teach you to hear Gods voice!

2-Minute Video Overview

Look inside: Free sample pages!

The whole teaching on 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice has been a wonderful help and has been of great personal benefit both to myself and to my wife, Carol. Dialogue with God is worth a million dollars to any Christian who is serious about the issue of hearing the voice of God.

-- Dr. John Arnott
Founding Pastor of Catch The Fire Toronto

"I have been an active Baptist pastor for thirty-seven years. As far as I am personally concerned, seminars like 'Counseled by God' and '4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice' and ' are absolutely fundamental to the building up of the inner life. At this present time we have six ongoing classes in '4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice' using Mark's video series and one class on 'Counseled by God.' I highly recommend him and his ministry to you. I would be glad to talk with you on the telephone if you have any questions."

Rev. Peter Lord, Former Senior Pastor of Park Avenue Baptist Church


Write a testimonial

Have you ever wished you could just sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that states that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart? When you're worried or confused, wouldn't you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond?

When things don't seem to be going your way and your prayers aren't answered the way you had hoped, wouldn't it be great to hear Him tell you where He is in the midst of it, and what He is working out in your life? Are you ever just a little bit jealous of others who say with such confidence, "The Lord said...."?

Jesus promised that "My sheep hear My voice" (Jn. 10:27)

If you are one of His sheep, then He is speaking to you and you are hearing His voice! The problem is that we have not learned how to recognize His voice and differentiate it from all of the other voices that bombard our hearts and minds. Mark Virkler's teaching on the four keys to hearing God's voice has helped thousands of people of every age on every continent begin to recognize the voice of the Lord within their own hearts clearly and consistently, leading to a deeper intimacy with Him as well as greater faith, hope and joy in their lives.

Wouldn’t it be incredible if you clearly heard God’s voice every single day for the rest of your life? As a result of this teaching, you can receive daily direction from the Wonderful Counselor Who encourages you and guides you in cultivating great relationships with family and friends. You will learn divine patterns for approaching God and four vital keys that will allow you to clearly hear God’s voice every day. You will begin to discern God’s voice from other voices which clamor for your attention and how to record what God reveals to you using two-way journaling as you confirm it through a variety of methods. You WILL experience Jesus’ guarantee that, “My sheep hear My voice”. Your life will be transformed!

When you combine the book 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice with CDs for easy listening in the car and the DVDs for dynamic training of your small group, you have everything you will need to internalize this training on How to Hear God's Voice. This is the MOST PRACTICAL training series in the world teaching you how to hear God's voice!

What makes the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice better than the previous version, How to Hear God's Voice?

Since 1979 this teaching has been published under the names Communion With God, then How to Hear God's Voice and now, 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice.

We're #1 in training people how to hear God's voice! 
Features How This Helps You

4 Keys
to Hearing

God's Voice
is reorganized.

  • The 10-hour DVD teaching series now matches the 10 chapters in the book!
  • Utilizing this training bundle (DVDs, book and LEARN notebook) allows you to easily facilitate this transforming experience with a group of your friends.
  • This training module lets YOU help us saturate the world with God’s voice!

There’s more

  • Amazing examples of two-way dialogue inspire you to begin journaling.
  • Through personal journaling exercises, you develop greater intimacy with God and hear what He has to say about your life, your hopes and the dreams He has for you.

The 4 keys are
all stated in

the first paragraph!

  • You begin immediately identifying God’s voice!
  • You do not need to wade through half the book to discover what the 4 keys are!

Journaling exercises
are assigned sooner

(Chapter 2).

  • Now you spend more time developing the art of two-way journaling.
  • This increases personal wholeness, strengthens marriages and heals relationships!
We have added prayer
  • You internalize truths more quickly by speaking them with your own lips.
  • You are speaking life, thus prospering your way (Prov. 18:21).

More precise definitions
of spiritual realities are given.

  • Giving you better understanding, greater faith and enhanced spiritual intimacy.
  • You acquire an increased ability to walk in the anointing.

More web links to
Free Online


  • Links to hours of online interviews with Dr. Mark Virkler.
  • Watching and hearing this anointed teaching breaks yokes and instills faith!
  • These, plus free book downloads, add hundreds of dollars of value to this purchase.

You Can Achieve 100% Success in Teaching Others to Hear God's Voice!

Learn to impart generational advancements in the realm of the Spirit! We must pass on to our children the truths God has given to our generation. We want them to possess what we have battled for, so they can stand on our shoulders and advance the Kingdom by going further than we have gone. Don’t make them "reinvent the wheel." Teach them how to receive God’s voice and God's vision easily as the GIFTS they are from Him. 

For the ultimate in immersive mentorship, the complete 10-hour course on audio CDs and DVDs will draw you into a classroom experience with others who are learning to hear from God right alongside you. You are sure to have a great time hearing about Mark’s often hilarious experiences: the all-too-familiar trials, misconceptions and mistakes that are an integral part of the journey. A teacher’s guide is also included, allowing you to help transform the lives of others by sharing the gift of God’s voice

How to Hear God's Voice Training Is Widely Acclaimed!

  1. A key to the revival that broke out in Toronto - Catch the Fire church has had Mark Virkler teach this seminar more than 50 times in a 12-year period. They have made it one of their core values, and John Arnott attributes this training on how to hear God's voice as one of the keys to the revival. In addition, John says, "Dialogue with God is worth a million dollars to any Christian who is serious about the issue of hearing the voice of God. Mark's teaching on this issue profoundly impacted my life."
  2. Sid Roth - Sid has interviewed Mark Virkler for his "It's Supernatural" program on the topic of How to Hear God's voice. Enjoy free radio and TV interviews.
  3. Canadian Television - 100 Huntley Street has created an 8-minute production with Mark Virkler on Hearing God's Voice.
  4. Seminars on six continents - Since the early 1980's, Mark Virkler has taught on hearing God's voice in about 30 seminars annually in churches around the world. Some of the schools where Mark has taught this course include: Catch the Fire SOM, Revival Fires, International School of Ministry, Youth With a Mission, and Global School of Supernatural Ministry.
  5. Dialogue With God has remained on Bridge-Logos’ Top 20 Bestsellers list since they first published it in 1986. Over 200,000 copies of this message have been sold under its various names (Communion With God, How to Hear God's Voice, 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice, and Dialogue With God)! Dialogue with God has been a "Top Seller" for Bridge Logos for 30 years.
  6. A network of trained instructors - Over 60 "Certified Facilitators" teach this course worldwide.
  7. Additional endorsements and testimonies are available here.

How to Get the Most Out of This Teaching

The DVDs and CDs correspond with the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice book and LEARN 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice notebook. For maximum growth and internalization, we recommend utilizing them both along with either the CD or DVD set. One copy of the book per family is fine, and one LEARN notebook for each individual is recommended. The LEARN notebook provides an outline to follow as you watch the DVDs or listen to the CDs. Also included are application exercises and classroom activities.

For maximum results, draw together some friends into a home group or Sunday school class and watch the DVDs over a 10-week period. Practice the four keys weekly, sharing your results together. The DVDs bring an anointed trainer to your group, and your interpersonal sharing gives you instant feedback and confirmation that you truly are hearing God's voice! An unbeatable combination.

A brief overview of the four keys can be found here.

Testimonies from Those Who Have Learned the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice


"It’s been years since I took the course on hearing God’s voice.  It was one of the best investments I’ve ever made. 

Practicing the discipline of journaling is so vital to my friendship and peace with God.

Thank you for your products and your excellence in presenting this material." - Del Critchley


At least 80% of the testimonies we receive are about this message.

  • “I didn’t just read this book – I devoured it!”
  • “A must-have for your spiritual development!”
  • “Life changing!!!!! I can't stop recommending it to family and friends.”
  • “A game changer. I went from hearing God occasionally to hearing Him clearly several times a day.”

Examples of "what God sounds like": Read samples of two-way journaling.

To see the four keys to hearing God's voice in action, and get a feel for what this book will teach you to do, be sure to read these samples of other people's journaling:

Every single issue of our free monthly email newsletter, "God's Voice Worldwide," includes fresh new journal entries from around the globe. Sign up for this free newsletter near the top of the right-hand column of this website. An archive of these newsletters which are full of inspirational life stories and testimonies is available here.

Free Extra Bonuses

The items listed below are available free by clicking here:

  • two downloadable tracts ("4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice" and "Overcoming Blocks and Hindrances to Hearing God's Voice");
  • a one-hour streaming audio where Mark Virkler covers the four keys to hearing God's voice;
  • downloadable "4 Keys" desktop wallpaper for your computer, and more.
  • Blog: How Did Over a Million People Learn to Recognize God’s Voice?

Free Downloadable Right/Left-Brain Test

Click here to download a brain preference indicator test. 

Free “4 Keys Wallet Size Cards” – Hand them out and transform lives!

Request up to 100 of the 4 keys cards FREE with every order you place! (Excluding download-only orders.) Just specify how many you would like when checking out in the shopping cart.

You can also put these 4 keys on the back of your business cards! Imagine how that changes the dynamic of handing someone your business card, and the substantial increase in perceived value to the recipient.

Handout worksheet for teaching the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice  

Handout worksheet #2 for teaching the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice 

Another free gift for you to download, enjoy and share with your friends!

Patti Virkler, the Academic Dean of Christian Leadership University, recently finished a complete re-write of the college course syllabus for our most popular class, “REN103 Communion With God.” It goes along with our new book 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice and is an amazing improvement over the already life-changing syllabus which was written 15 years ago. Time and experience do allow us the opportunity to continually improve our initial products and we pass these improvements on to you.


We believe this is so precious and valuable, it should be distributed as widely as possible to all people, colleges, Bible schools and Schools of Ministry with the goal of getting as many schools and churches and home groups as possible teaching this course on how to hear God’s voice. So we invite you to download the new syllabus, and pass it around as widely as possible. It is free!

The personal benefit to you is that by completing all the assignments in this course syllabus, you will absolutely internalize the skill of hearing God’s voice on a daily basis and recording what He is saying to you. If you want college credit for this, you may enroll in our REN103 Communion with God course which comes complete with an instructor, tests, a final grade and college credits. Click here to learn more.

Quantity Discounts

Quantity Discounted Price
1 to 9 $14.95
10 to 19 $13.46
20 to 29 $11.96
30 to 39 $10.47
40 or more $8.97


Take It to the Next Level

To ensure that this message transforms your life, we offer you four options. Any of these choices will assist you in internalizing this teaching, helping you to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only (James 1:22) and allowing you to produce a bountiful harvest in your life.

Opportunity 1 – Host a home or church group

This home group in Slovakia shows the excitement of learning to hear God's voice together!

We learn more quickly if we are surrounded by others who are seeking to master the same skill. Pray and ask God who you know who might want to grow in this truth also and open your home to them for 10-12 weekly sessions (or host a small group in your church). We provide several resources to help you present this powerfully and effectively in a group setting, including DVDs and application activities. Experience the joy of cultivating skills together with a group of friends! Discover how to create and post your group…

Opportunity 2 – Hire a Personal Spiritual Trainer to coach you


Coaching or discipling is the method Jesus used to train the twelve disciples.

When you team up with someone ahead of you in an area to mentor you, and you share your questions and steps of growth with them, receiving their counsel in return, you ascend more quickly into mastery in that area. We have trained coaches who have mastered this topic who will commit to working with you for a 90-day period.


Opportunity 3 – Take this as a college course from home


Christian Leadership University

Earn college credit while being apprenticed to mastery in this area! This topic is available as a course which you can take from your home through the distance learning program offered at Christian Leadership University. You may enroll in this course as a lifelong learner or apply it toward an Associate, Bachelor, Master or Doctoral degree.

Opportunity 4 – Host a seminar for your community


Transform your church and region by hosting a weekend seminar with an anointed trainer, where an impartation is released by the Holy Spirit into your community. Mark Virkler and others are available to be scheduled.


Kevin's picture

Just wanted to send you a big thank you for creating your resources and teaching on how to develop better intimacy with God. The Lord has truly used you to bring God and me closer together. I have been without full-time work for almost a year, and our intimate times together through journaling have made a world of difference in this "jobless journey". Very early after my job was eliminated, God gave me a very clear message that He wanted me to focus on "being" with Him instead of "doing" for Him. The "doing" obviously continues, but it has been fueled by our times together. Ultimately, He doesn't want my money, my talents, or my obedience as a first choice--He wants ME in intimate relationship! This renewed love affair with the Lord has been so precious, and the things that He has shared with me through journaling are prized pearls that I will cherish forever. Now, I finally understand how Christians can do awesome things in His name, yet never know Him intimately. As our close relationship contiues to grow, someday standing before Him face-to-face will truly feel like a close friendship instead of a potentially awkward first meeting. We will simply pick up with the close friendship that is already there. Bless your ministry in drawing people to the heart of the Father! P.S. By the way, he has provided in so many wonderful ways this year despite the reduced income. The focus has truly been on Him first, and the other details such as provision have taken care of themselves as I've been fearlessly obedient to follow through on His leading.
DianeGardner's picture

I just finished the first lesson of the “Communion With God” course from Christian Leadership University, which includes the book "4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice" and I have taken the self-test and God has opened the flood gates. I found out that I had already been hearing God's voice and I had been confident in what He has been saying to me but now with me seeking and searching to hear Him and using the techniques in the book as well as being aware of how He speaks, it's non- stop communion. I can tell the difference between my thoughts and His voice. I am LOVING IT! I also had a breakthrough in which God pressed upon my heart to release myself from my past and when I shared my testimony and exposed the darkness by shining God's light, I was instantly set free! My extreme timidity came from the shame and guilt of my past and when I opened up for the first time ever about it and forgave myself, I was released! 41 years of being extremely shy – hindering me from progress - GONE! Hallelujah! I have my three spiritual advisers in place and have shared the wonderful news with them. Two of them quoted the same Scripture reference to me: “He who began a good work in you will complete it until the end.” I also took the brain test and found out I am slightly right-brained, which I knew by my interests that I would be. Christian Leadership University is truly more than just book knowledge. It is a “lived out experience!” This is a true blessing to me. I am glad I stumbled across your website although I now know it was God's divine directive. I am so excited about what God has in store for me in the end; eyes have not seen…
Eva Wilkinson's picture

In January 2005 I attended a "Communion with God" seminar` by Dr. Mark Virkler. The special subject was "HOW TO HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD" by journaling. The most riveting aspect for me was that even at the very first meeting we were asked to "journal": i.e. write a question, wait and record the answer we heard from Jesus. Samples of these efforts were read aloud by volunteers, (some of them children!) filling them and the audience with awe. For 3 days we learned how to be still, how to listen, and how to record what we heard. Looking back at this event 6 years later I can clearly see that this seminar sparked everything that God had in store for me in the years ahead. I arrived home on fire with determination to practice journaling, which I did every day throughout the entire year. Learning how to be still - how to use the "4 keys" - how to recognize what God had to say about my needs. I was greatly helped in this endeavor by a weekly study of Mark Virkler's book "4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice", inspired by the Seminar. It lasted throughout the coming year, during which.I filled 5 large note books of messages. I found a joy in my times with the Lord which I had never known. I marveled at new insights I received, and became eager to share them! I selected special "Words" to type and store, filled with increasing desire to share them with other needy people. By the end of 2005 I was convinced that a book of selected journalings was meant to be my next task. The next two years were filled with decisions: how to organize the passages chosen into categories - name them and give each a motive for a cover page, which I designed, pick special paper and colors, type the text and have it all checked and edited. Though I was blessed along the way with expert and loving advice and help, including the difficulty of finding a printing company to handle the job - I am still astounded at how it all came to fruition! After a lifetime of floundering and avoiding seeing a vision through, there at the age of 94 I actually had my first published book! I dedicated it to Dr. Virkler and sent it to him; he loved it and promoted it in his ministry. With the publicity of this event came renewed interest into my "Life Story", which I had produced in photocopy several years earlier. It soon became obvious that most of that collection was obsolete, and irrelevant in my present life. It was time to another book! "Pebbles from God's Courtyard" came on the market, in July 2010, published by a Christian publisher. . It is a collection of 9 stories about people and experiences of my long life , as they appeared at the age 95! Dr.Virkler kindly wrote a foreword in it. I still marvel at the miracle of it! The years of writing this book were really "Old Age" years I was in and out of hospitals from accidents and lung problems. There were times of total discouragement and weakness. Through it all my dear housemates and other friends challenged and sustained me with every kind of help. Others were ever ready with loving words of encouragement. And - above all - I learned more of the power of God's ever-present love than I had ever known. He would not let me give up! In the process I came to accept myself - His beloved child, for whom He had a purpose for as long as I was on earth! It took me so long to really believe this, and the wonder of it is still changing my attitude. This has made it not just possible but exciting to pass it on to others. I have spoken to several women's groups, sharing new insights, and encouraging believers. These events promoted renewed interest in my book "Journaling with Jesus" which is a devotional. It is not time-bound; I am still nourished daily by the messages, and I have no problem announcing this, since I am not the author! Everything has become worthwhile once again. There do come times when in my weakness and self-centeredness I cry to Jesus "Take me home already - I've had enough" But I can't stay there. Each day is a special gift. I am beginning to really understand that He is in charge - even of the day of my Homecoming - and I am learning slowly and painfully: "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"


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EFT for Christians: 52 Tapping Devotions

by Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)

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