Through our ministry, Fire For the Nations, we’ve been to 13 countries so far, and though I love traveling to different cultures and learning new things, several countries are etched in my heart forever – like the Philippines! I love the heart of the people there for Jesus!
A ministry there that we work closely with, Light Bearer Ministries in Butuan City, on the lower Mindanao Island, has an awesome children’s ministry. They minister to hundreds of children each month, feeding, sometimes clothing, and ministering God’s love to them. There the children know how to REALLY worship, and are given the same authority as adults in ministering in many ways. They have a powerful kids worship team, dance team, and are forming drama teams and ministry teams to go throughout the city and beyond!
One thing they do in their church is allow the children to paint what they see in the spirit during their adult worship times, then the kids bring their art work to the front and share what they saw. It was so awesome to watch these kids being given credence to their vision and to see what God was showing them, not to mention the incredible artistic anointings that were coming forth. I want to share one of those today.
Christian, a 12 year old boy from this church, is a typical boy full of fun and energy, but is very shy about his obvious talent and gifting. Watching him during the worship time, he took the time to wait on God for direction and to watch for the vision! He was tuned in to worship, closing his eyes and being patient before beginning his work, then once he received the picture, began flowing with his paints, pausing occasionally to close his eyes, smile and worship with the music as it played behind him.
His picture portrayed he and Jesus beside the water with mountains in the background and a beautiful full tree in the foreground beside the water. The water was sparkling, and the sky a beautiful blue with light clouds. Both he and Jesus seemed to be looking off into the distance to the left, gazing at something known only to them. I was amazed at his talent, and the peace he exhibited while painting.
When he got up to share, he was very shy and quiet about what he saw, and is obviously still learning about how to share publicly what is a personal thing for him. However, there is no mistaking what he saw or how he felt in receiving it as I watched him! Christian is on the children’s prophetic art team, and is being trained, encouraged and taught how to best serve the Lord by hearing, seeing, and then walking out through his giftings what God has given him.
How awesome is it that he is being trained to do that now rather than waiting until he is older and wasting that time? How many other kids could be serving the Lord and blessing others by being released in the same way all across the world? The day is here – the time is NOW!
Karen’s calling is to bring children into the manifest presence and glory of Jesus, lead them in experiencing His deep abiding love, clear unmistakable voice, wise Godly direction for their lives, and to ignite a spirit-led passion for serving Him in many ways at any age.
She is available for children’s and adult conferences, retreats, church dates, camps, leadership training and regional equipping sessions. Fire For the Nations hosts a summer camp for kids and periodic kids mission trips during the year. Her first book, KIDS CAN is now available. For more information on the book or to schedule dates, check out the website (, or email her at
GOD bless you.
by Anonymous
I am very galad to read your work with kids God bless you and your minsitery.please contact me
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