I will vote for the most pro-life candidate, because God hates the shedding of innocent blood (Prov. 6:16,17).
I will vote for the most pro-Israel candidate, because God blesses those who bless Israel & curses those who don't... (Gen. 12:3).
I will vote for the most pro-debt reduction candidate, because the borrower is servant to the lender (Prov. 22:7).
I will vote for the most pro-work candidate because God says if a man does not work, let him not eat (2 Thess. 3:10).
I will vote based as close as I can on God's Word (2 Tim. 3:16) knowing that whoever gets elected, God is the one who puts all men in authority (Dan. 2:21).
Here is another example of a
by Anonymous
Here is another example of a so-called "christian" using the Bible to justify their own personal beliefs. The absurdity of these Bible verses you used is highlighted by the last one, "I will vote based as close as I can on God's Word (2 Tim. 3:16) knowing that whoever gets elected, God is the one who puts all men in authority (Dan. 2:21)." The next President of the United States will be based on which candidate gets the most votes. Therefore, GOD will not have put Obama or Romney in office. Further, if you believe God is responsible for who the President is, then GOD put Barack Obama in office in 2008. President Obama is pro-choice on the topic of abortion. When President Obama is re-elected, based on your logic, he will GOD's pick for America. If you don't believe this, then you're a hypocrite and therefore not a Christian.
Does God choose even base men to rule?
by Mark Virkler
Yes, we believe that “the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.” (Dan. 4:17 KJV). So, yes, we believe that God placed Barack Obama as President of our nation four years ago. While we may not know His purposes, we trust His love toward us.
However, trusting in the sovereignty of God does not negate our responsibility to follow His commands and precepts. We are to live our lives according to His Word, and that includes every aspect of our lives. There are not some areas which are sacred and therefore subject to Scriptural oversight and other areas that are secular and thus free from the laws of God. Our Christianity is to permeate everything we do and every decision we make. The Scriptures above speak to the issues that our nation is currently facing, and so they become guiding principles I use in making my decisions about who I will vote for. If the Lord has revealed other Scriptures to guide you in your voting decisions, then of course you must follow His leading. And if you would like to share those other Scriptures with us to help us all make wiser decisions, we would be grateful.
And whoever is elected next week, we will pray for him and trust that our God still reigns.
Who's the bible Leader?
by Anonymous
Rommey, is a mormon
Can I vote for a Mormon
by Mark Virkler
Here is one blog which provides some reflections concerning that question. http://www.cwgministries.org/blogs/november-elections-are-coming-soon-wa...
Also, when I vote for the president of the United States, I am not voting for him to be my pastor and spiritual leader. I already have my pastor and spiritual advisers. I am voting for the person who will be a godly leader so the nation can experience the blessing of God. Mormons hold many of the values I do. They love the Lord, honor the Bible, believe in the family, believe in helping the poor. In addition, I want to vote for someone with leadership experience and expertise, as well as business expertise, as our economy is currently near collapse.
by Anonymous
Amen! Good word Mark.
from Jean Jones
by Anonymous
At times we tend to keep queit when things are
not going on well but as servant- leaders we need to speek out until we see the Chunge taking place. We are to be "Jesus" to others. Finally, many people more especially Christians we have the tendency to think and confess that we are poor and I had that in mind but latter I came to realise that we are queit so rich and we are to lend not to borrow. The little we have that can make a difference if we can only believe that God
made us to be creative not necessarily complaining and accusing Him the reason why we are areated. One of my best song that I used to sing when I was alittle boy it was saying "Little is much when God is in it, labour not for wealth and fame, there is acrown I will put on if I pray in Jesus name" infact through this song I learnt that I should not just sit doing nothing but rather I need to work hard so that I can become a blessing not only in our countly but worldwide
and the living example is Dr Mark Virkler and their family for the contribution which they made in the area of spitual eduacation, Christian Entrepreneurship, Health and many areas that I can not tell but I am fully convinced that, what he
has written on the blog is exactly what he has been doing as the result of God's call. We pray for you, and take seriously what you are always teaching us knowing that in your speeches there is God's widom and life. May I take an opportunity to inform those who will come across this blog or Mark Virklers messages that they will not regret but rather will exeperiance the power of the Holy Spirit.
Weston, Malawi.
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