Do you think things that are intact are better than things that are broken, and unbreakable things are best of all? What use is something that is broken? If it doesn’t work and isn’t worth repairing you throw it away. Yet I said that whoever falls on this rock would be broken, and that was better than the alternative of having the rock fall on you. Hearts can be broken, and this is painful, but it is better than the alternative of making your heart unbreakable. I also teach that the sacrifices acceptable to me are a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart. If you understand the value of this you will come and fall on the rock of your own choice to break your heart.
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How to Hear God’s Voice
daily word
by Anonymous
My whole family (6 of us over 15 )have been meditating on the Words Holy Spirit gives you for us, for I believe two years now. Someday you will know the impact it has made in all of our lives to get thru horrible adversity. We have been in the "Word Faith Movement" I guess you could say for 23 years however, learning to hear God's Voice from your example, and Dr. Virkler's teaching has been invaluable.
Thank you so very much for developing this Gift for the Body
by Dale Cresap
Mary - I am both honored and humbled by your reply. Thanks for your kind words. They encourage me to continue on the path set before me.
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