Introducing Samson - Missions Director of Friends' Meet - India

Mark Virkler's picture

Overview from Pastor Vijay Christian: Samson is an anointed and passionate evangelist, head of our missions, takes care of monthly village evangelisms (preaching gospel in 4 to 6 villages), heads boot camp to remote tribal villages. He is our office accountant and main vocalist of our A2J band.

Greetings to you in the matchless name of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. Hi, I am Samson and I want to share my testimony with all of you. I was born in a Hindu family. Though I was a Hindu, I used to go to a church nearby my house every Sunday. Slowly my family members accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. In every Sunday school, I was very much influenced by the stories and songs taught by my Sunday school teachers.  

At the age of 13, I left the church and made friendship with this world and my relationship with Jesus decreased. I studied in a central school where the students come from different states in India and new friends entered in my life. Due to my friendship with them I learned many bad habits from them and started implementing those bad habits in my life. I stopped praying to the Lord and stopped going to the church. I used to watch movies along with my friends by ditching the classes and every Sunday instead of going to the church I used to go to playground for playing games and with my friends.

Days passed like that and my friendship with the world grew stronger and my mind completely filled with evil desires and evil thoughts. My heart became hardened like stone. I used to be mad at my parents and hated them for all things. I even hated God completely and used to tease pastors and spiritually growing people. Sin completely occupied my heart and mind and as the days went by I lost peace in my life. Everyone started hating me because of my rude manners.

One evening that really transformed my life is December 1st 2001. Friends Meet Ministries was having their 1st anniversary meeting at the railway new colony in Visakhapatnam. At that time, I was on my way to my house thinking to end my life by committing suicide. I heard melodious songs from that meeting. Suddenly, I stopped my bicycle at the gate and started listening to the songs from outside the gate. The worship music comforted me and as the worship continued I slowly entered into the campus with fear.

Then God touched my heart and drew me close to him. The tears just rolled down my face and it was the first time I wept like that in my life. The speaker came and gave a message on the “lost son” then I realized that God is speaking to me through His Word. The Word of God opened my spiritual eyes to see Him. The meeting was finished and the spirit of repentance moved in my heart. As I was on the way to my house I remembered the greatest sacrifice which God had given to save me from my sins. That night I prayed earnestly to the Lord confessing all my sins with tears, and slowly my heart became empty and new joy and strength came into my life. Then I came to know that Jesus forgave my sins and made me as a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

I was introduced to Friends’ Meet Ministries in February 2002. I started regularly attending the weekly gathering and God blessed me with spiritual food which helped me to grow in the Lord more and was baptised. Soon I was taking on more responsibility, and I was put in charge of the library department. Their God started to give me vision and goals in my life.  Vision was “Helping the poor and needy” with the Goal of  ”catching many souls for the kingdom ”.

GOD blessed me with many new talents and used me in many areas for his glory. On December 29th, 2005  God called me for his full time ministry. Later guided by my leader Vijay Chris, I asked the Lord to give me a specific calling in my life. After a month of serious and sincere prayer God revealed my calling as an “evangelist”.  I explained my calling to my parents, first they rejected me, and then later God gave them the heart of acceptance.

 In year 2006, my mother suffered with severe anaemia and she was in the hospital for 9 months. At that time, Satan tried to take me away from my calling by bringing negative thoughts in my mind. One day in my deep suffering I lost hope and was very much disgusted because for many days I am praying for my mother’s health but there is no improvement in her condition. Day by day her health was sinking. There was no peace in my heart and in my mind I was fully distressed. At the end, God strengthen me through his servant Vijay Chris by giving me comfort from the Word of God. He spoke through the Word of God regarding God's peace which guards both mind and heart.( Philippians4:7). The words removed all my ignorance and strengthen me with peace and joy. My mother went to be with the Lord on September 17th, 2006.

God comforted in all the areas of my life and like a mother hugged me and made me to stand firm in my calling. God started using me as an evangelist in many villages and tribal areas to preach good news to many people. Once I am useless but God made me useful for His work. (Philemon 1:11)  As an evangelist, I started my practical ministry in 2007 reaching villages, proclaiming gospel in various lives. Every month we are going to do village outreachs as a team of 20 to 30 people to reach rural and remote areas to proclaim gospel and to transform the villages. We used to travel 45km to 60km in auto rickshaw to reach villages. We reached 5 to 6 villages in every month.

We also did public park evangelism to reach park visitors and we did beach evangelism to reach many youth. As a part of our vision we do hospital evangelism. It’s like we distribute fruits as a token of love to patients and we pray for their sickness to be healed and share gospel to them. God has given us thoughts to start market evangelism in the open air vegetable and fruit markets. We started it in a few public markets and shared gospel and we have seen a great result. God has given vision to do a ”Boot camp” to train people in missions. We did it for 30 people and took them to interior tribal areas. We taught them about importance of missions and evangelism. People were blessed and took commitments in there lives to be a missionary.


  1. Missonary trips to interior villages and tribal areas.
  2. Evangelism camps for 3 days.
  3. Film ministry
  4. New tracts printing
  5. Bible distribution
  6. Support 5 village evangelist monthly with monthly expense of rs.2000/
  7. Organize gospel crusades in villages
  8. Run effective evangelism seminars
  9. Evangelism at slum areas
  10. To construct missions stations.
  11. Take teams to expeditions around the world to reach nations with gospel.

Estimation of costs: (Money conversion scale: $1 U.S. = $53.85 RS or multiply rs by .0185671 = dollars)

  1. For one evangelism with travelling and food rs.3500/
  2. For one crusade in village costs rs.5000 to rs.6000/ (chairs, stage, lighting & sound system)
  3. Tracts printing (rs4000 for 10000 tracts)


  1. 24 seater vehicle (rs.20 lakhs)
  2. LCD projector with screen (rs.1lakh)
  3. Camera (rs15000/)
  4. Tents and sleeping beds.

Please pray for me, for my family and for my ministry. God called me as a mission’s director and I want to be faithful to his greatest call and reach many unreached areas to build his kingdom.

                    Thanking you,

                     In his service    
                     Evg. Samson
                     Mission Director
                     Friends’ Meet    

Take Action: Let's Support Friends' Meet!

You can find out even more about Friends' Meet Ministries and how you can support them on our website: To make a one-time contribution, please click here. If you'd like to set up a monthly pledge, please click here. Our initial goal is to provide $700 a month so they can rent a new main headquarters, and then to raise monies for this leadership team. Any additional funds raised will help support their individual ministry projects. Thank you so much for being a part of what God is doing in India in our generation!

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Anonymous's picture

I would be very interested to go on a mission to India.

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