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What Is My Daily Health Routine? Revised 2025

Mark Virkler's picture

Two years ago, God directed me to focus on Vibrant Health through Miracles and Gifts of Healings. This research is done for now. 120 articles record my progress, and they are all listed here! My health is greatly improved, although I still find a couple of things I am working on. Seems like the healthier you get, the more in tune you become to when things are not working perfectly, and then you go after those things. Patti and I both have big visions from the Lord. Patti feels she will need to live to 120 to fulfill hers!

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A New Discovery I Recently Made in the Area of Natural Health (I-H20)

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For 40 years I have been passionate to pursue maximum health and vitality as one of God’s wonderful gifts to us! Here is one of my great discoveries, water that heals.

GIA Wellness is a company headquartered in Southern California. For over 10 years, GIA has pioneered a 21st-century 360° approach to promoting optimal wellness focused on super hydration, energy, and nutrition.

GIA's cornerstone product is the “i-H20 activation system.” GIA also offers optimal nutritional products and energetic solutions that protect us from the wireless world we now live in, hence the 360° approach to our overall well-being. GIA’s patented and proprietary technologies are the science that set us apart from others.

GIA is an acronym for Growth, Inspiration, and Abundance. Growth in our health and well-being, Inspiration to help us live our best life, and Abundance helping us to alleviate financial stresses.

A 90-minute educational and inspirational Wellness Webinar
by Charity Kayembe and Mark Virkler

And here is another presentation exploring how to share GIA's wellness products as a home-based business.

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My Life-Changing Encounter with God through Triathlons! By Sue DeJesus

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Sue has been called by God to be an “Elite Athlete.” She has responded to this call and she shares her adventure and her journaling with us all. Sue was at a recent Hearing God's Voice seminar in Virginia, and I was thrilled to meet her and hear her story. I asked if she would share with us what God has done in her life through the triathlons she has trained for and won!
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Scientific Studies Defiled by Money WILL NOT Lead to Truth

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Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Marcia Angell was the Editor-in-Chief at the New England Journal of Medicine for 20 years.

After twenty years of editing and publishing scientific papers, she has become deeply skeptical, not only about peer-review, but about the entire process of journals and even about “experts.” She said:

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Life Expectancy Decreased Last Year by 1.5 Years in the U.S.!

Mark Virkler's picture

According to this article, “For all comparable countries that have reported provisional or estimated life expectancy for 2020 (Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and U.S.), life expectancy at birth decreased in 2020 due to COVID-19.”

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New Book Released: Inevitable Healing by Steve Wallace

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Steve is a friend and a graduate of Christian Leadership University. He has incorporated the 4 keys to hearing God's voice into his new book Inevitable Healing. I had the honor of writing the foreword, which is below, and gives you a good overview of what is inside. The book is available here and here.

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Vibrant Immune Systems in the Midst of Coronavirus + What Really Are the Numbers?

Mark Virkler's picture

May I provide you with a lot of exciting statistics about the coronavirus? Click here for an EXCELLENT review of the data with a decidedly reassuring spin which I REALLY encourage you to read. It WILL calm your heart. It is a full article, written by a retired Data & Analytics Leader who managed modeling teams at the highest level for He also has a passion for medicine, and has built FDA programs. His research and conclusions should remove all fear.

In the chart below you will see that the death rate in the USA from Covid-19 is plunging, and is currently down 72% off its peak.

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