February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

Make Quarantine an Amazing Time of Personal Spiritual Transformation Through eLearning

Mark Virkler's picture

The Lord has given me a specific spiritual project to complete during my weeks of quarantine. I am loving it and working diligently with His anointing to accomplish it. It is to re-write our book Prayers That Heal the Heart so it is much more user friendly.

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Are You Experiencing 20/20 Vision?

Mark Virkler's picture

Years ago Derek Prince introduced me to the concept of 20/20 vision. His revelation came from Acts 20:20 which speaks of meeting “publicly and house to house.” Derek’s point was you need BOTH kinds of meetings if you want to experience maximum Christian growth. The public gathering ought to provide more mature fivefold ministry, and the home group more intimate care, sharing and personal ministry. I believe that with the technological advancements available today, the home group category can include internet groups, as these provide interactive live streaming video and audio allowing us to see and hear one another share. Group members can give and receive personal prayer ministry, prophetic ministry, healing and deliverance in these internet groups.

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How Do I Prepare a Spirit-Anointed Training Encounter for My Small Group?

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Let's discuss how to prepare for a Spirit-anointed classtime and the seven ingredients within a Spirit-anointed small group meeting. If I can identify and define these steps, I can pursue them. I don't want things to just happen occasionally by accident. I want to know where I am seeking to go, and a good path to get there.

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Defining Spirit-Anointed Teachers and Spirit-Anointed Teaching

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Every one of us has experienced fascinating teachers as well as terrible teachers. I have been in groups where man’s ideas were shared and groups where revelation knowledge was shared. I choose to be a fascinating teacher with a fascinating classtime, so I need precise definitions of what these are so I can press into them.

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Nothing Has Worked on My Personal Intimacy with Christ Like My CLU Courses

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I have been a Christian for 26 years and served in various ministry leadership opportunities for nearly the same period of time. Although I went through good discipleship training programs as a young man, and even though I have studied the Bible for all those years, nothing has intentionally worked on my personal intimacy with Christ in such guided, diligent and detailed fashion as my courses with CLU.

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WIRED for Revelation - The Bible and Science Agree, And Enlightenment Transforms US

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We’ve all had BIG moments in our lives where God showed up with amazing revelation and we were instantly transformed. Paul had such a blinding light encounter in his conversion on the Damascus road (Acts 9) where the entire course of his life was forever changed.

In addition to these huge life-transforming revelatory encounters, we have daily revelation from God which transforms. One such example is Paul having a dream at night of a Macedonian man, motioning for to come on over to Macedonia. Paul awoke and acted on his dream by going to Macedonia (Acts. 16:9,10).

I know you can identify in your own life similar large and small enlightenment experiences (Eph. 1:17,18). I sure can!  

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How Biblical Meditation Makes You a Tree of Life in BOTH Your Brain and Your Lifestyle

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How blessed is the man who delights in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season, And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers (Ps. 1:1-3)

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Is God’s Definition of “Knowing” More Than Intellectually Comprehending?

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You will know (Ginosko) the truth, and the truth will make you free (Jn. 8:32). 

I have had several people tell me, “well, I read your book and tried what you said and it didn’t work for me.” To see if they know the truths in the book I respond by asking what exactly they tried. If it was the four keys to hearing God’s voice, they often only tried a couple of them, and when I ask them what the 4 keys are, they generally are not even able to state all 4.

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Does the Bible REALLY Say Study to Show Yourself Approved?

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I sure hope the Bible says to study, because when I was a young Christian, I memorized this important command from the King James Version:

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15 KJV).

This resulted in me devotedly applying my mind and intellect to the acquisition of knowledge of the Bible for many years. However, one day I discovered that the New King James Version replaced the word “study” with the accurate meaning of the Greek word spoudazo (G4704), which is, “Be diligent.”

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What Does It Mean When God Says He Watches Over His Word To Perform It?

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Lord, You have said You watch over Your word to perform it.

  • The LORD said … I am watching over My word to perform it (Jer. 1:12).
  • For I the LORD will speak, and whatever word I speak will be performed (Ezek. 12:25).
  • Like apples of gold in settings of silver Is a word spoken in right circumstances (Prov. 25:11).

The underlined word in each of the above verses is dabar (Strongs # H1697). The definition, according to Brown, Driver, Briggs is: speech, word, speaking.

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