We Are the Bridge

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We are the bridge between conservative traditionalists who anchor their Christian life on a solid biblical foundation and those who easily experience the supernatural essence of Christianity, effortlessly seeing and living in the Spirit. If you have a passion to live and walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25), and do not have sufficient understanding of how you can do so, let us help you.

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Prophetic Prayer Releases Kingdom Promises

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Prophetic prayer begins by hearing God’s voice in your heart. For me, this comes as flowing words which just appear. For example, as I was wondering how to pray for a situation in which there was animosity, the following phrase appeared effortlessly within me as a spontaneous, flowing thought:

“My peace which surpasses all understanding shall fill their hearts and their minds, their sleep, their dreams, their bedroom, their home and their office.”

It was clear to me that I was to pray and speak this prophetic reality into the situation. This was the way God was moving in that situation. The phrase came to me day and night over three weeks, and each time it came, I declared in faith that this was God’s will, purpose and promise concerning this situation. This is prophetic prayer. In each case the timing of the fulfillment comes from the Lord. In this case, after three weeks I received a wonderful letter of peace! Prayer answered! Thank You Lord!

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Can You REALLY Sing “Sweet Hour of Prayer” with Gusto?

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As a young Christian, prayer didn’t seem to work very well. In my prayers I informed God of my situations and asked for Him to help. It all seemed quite rote and redundant and uneventful. It couldn’t be called a relationship because there was no communication back. There was no conversation. Just me talking.

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Is the Bible the Only Trustworthy Source of Truth?

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I always appreciate people who are willing to grow and be stretched, and here is a comment from Jackie who took our training on Hearing God’s Voice and is struggling.

I took the Hearing God's Voice course and have realized that this material is not Biblical. Though it is littered with Bible references, and seems to promote careful discernment at first, the scripture verses are out of context and the material promotes false ideas. Yes, we are called to be still at times, and yes God does prompt and lead His people, but the idea that all positive spontaneous thoughts are from God and any negative thoughts are Satan, and all analytical thoughts are from us, is totally unBiblical. I find instead that the Bible urges us to use our minds, to use wisdom and discernment and test everything to ensure it lines up with the Bible. In 2 Peter 2, it urges us to "crave the pure milk of the word" in order to grow, not tune to spontaneity. The Bible is the only trustworthy source of truth. Our spontaneous thoughts change depending on mood, circumstances, etc. How can we depend on them to lead us in godliness?

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600 Blogs Topically Categorized & Linked: Trusted Information at Your Fingertips - Freely Reproduce

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Full Listing of ALL Mark and Charity's Blogs AVAILABLE HERE.

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A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver (Prov. 25:11).

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Make Your Devotional Times Living Encounters With The Living God!

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Is there anything better than the standard devotional time we have all been taught?

Let's agree to define the standard devotional time as a quiet time which includes Bible reading, prayer, worship and intercession. It may include a prayer list and a Bible reading plan. I certainly have nothing against this as it has benefitted many people. I have NOT had such a devotional approach for at least the last 35 years, if not longer. I do something different.

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What's More Important Than Bible Study?

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The following two-way journaling is from Pamela Jones, a Christian Leadership University student, completing the Communion With God course on a graduate level. It is so powerful to hear God speak to all of us His passionate desires for our lives. I thought it was Bible Study. He says it is being in His Presence. Lord, teach us to walk in Your presence!

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