Current Special: How to Walk by the Spirit 15th Anniversary Edition + Free Video Event!
Unlock the spirit realm by being constantly aware of what your spirit is sensing

Cancer FREE! By Margaret Cornell

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Tony and Margaret Cornell are the UK Representatives of CWG Ministries. They also teach seminars on hearing God’s voice and several other CWG topics. A few months ago Margaret was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. Now after some very intensive prayer and two-way journaling and six very fierce sessions of chemotherapy, she is cancer free.

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Positional Prayers of Forgiveness, Victory, Thankfulness and Rejoicing Attract Miracles

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These “positional prayers” embody the kingdom attitudes of faith and gratitude which position me to receive God’s miracle. The key ideas for this blog were presented to me by Kurt Green, a prophetic naturopath, who is passionate to see people receive all God has for them. Pray these and feel the release!

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Lord, What About the Release of Your Power Through Me? by Margaret Cornell

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Background to the Journaling: Earlier in the day my son Ben had sent me a little video of his children playing in the park and they were in a little play castle and his three year old  boy Blaize was pretending to sell and buy ice cream through the castle window . As I closed my eyes to see where He was, Jesus and I were standing watching them, and He said:

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Ellen, a Missionary to Namibia Describes Her Process of Healing

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"I have been “sick” for about 30 years (I turn 50 this year). At age 16 I had my first hip surgery and since then many other difficulties. I developed fibromyalgia and that got worse over the past few years. In December 2015 I was bitten by a spider and got a myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and several viruses caused Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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Get Trained in Healing and Minister Overseas with Steve Stewart

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I went with Steve Stewart to India for 10 days on a Journay of Compassion and prayed for many to be healed and saw powerful results, as did all 36 people in our group. I encourage you to go and minister with Steve - it is an amazing experience!

Below is a link to a recent interview Sid Roth did with Steve Stewart. I believe you will love Steve's spirit. His passion and ministry approach is that EVERYONE who goes with him prays for the sick and sees them healed.

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How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit & the Gift of Speaking in Tongues

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Question: A few years ago, I asked the Lord to baptize me in the Holy Spirit, and I believe He did. I have more joy and more power to live a godly life than ever before. But I didn’t get the gift of speaking in tongues. Do you think it is really necessary for the Spirit-filled believer to speak in tongues? I want all God has for me, but I’m just not sure that includes tongues. P.C.

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