Current Special: How to Walk by the Spirit 15th Anniversary Edition + Free Video Event!
Unlock the spirit realm by being constantly aware of what your spirit is sensing

Resurrection Power: The Dead Are Still Being Raised! - Charity Kayembe

Charity Kayembe's picture

I pray you are experiencing God’s supernatural love and power during this most holy of weeks. We know the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us and gives life to our bodies (Rom. 8:11). We also know Jesus commissioned us to not only preach the gospel of the Kingdom, but to demonstrate it by healing the sick and raising the dead (Matt. 10:7-8). I want to share a testimony we received this week from one of our partner pastors who is doing just that!

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The Power of Visionary Intercession by Charity Kayembe

Charity Kayembe's picture

Ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science both reveal that observation causes transformation. We know that as we gaze upon Jesus we are transformed into His glorious image (2 Cor. 3:18). We have also explored how quantum physics correlates with our walk in the Spirit. We learned about the “Observer Effect” and that a simple understanding of this principle states that when we observe something, we change it. Just our very act of looking at something affects it.

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When Neurosurgeons Dream God's Dreams

Charity Kayembe's picture

What would you do if you had been struggling with excruciating pain and no one could figure out why? You’d seen pastors and counselors and been prayed for. You’d seen doctors and specialists and been tested. All the results kept coming back normal, but you could no longer even go to work because of the debilitating pain in your body?

Well, if you’re Brian McLaughlin, you would tell your doctor you believed God was going to give her a dream in the night, and then she would know what to do!

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A Working Definition of Anointed

Mark Virkler's picture

When I was asked in a seminar this week how I defined “anointing,” I was astounded that I couldn’t answer the question with a precise, clear definition. So I admitted that I couldn’t adequately answer the question, and decided on the spot that I would explore Scripture and get a simple, practical, working definition of what it means to “be anointed.” On reflection, I realize that some believe the anointing is shaking or falling down or roaring or shouting. These may all be responses to the anointing, but what exactly is the anointing?

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Kingdom Compassion, Kingdom Power, Kingdom Increase!

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Chris Harrison is a missionary in Asia. Below is the testimony of his miraculous healing from near death, which was followed by a great expansion in the miracles he saw manifest. Listen to him tell his story and answer the question I asked him as to what he feels brought about the increase in miracles. His answer will build your faith, your compassion and the number of miracles you personally experience!

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Vibrant Immune Systems in the Midst of Coronavirus + What Really Are the Numbers?

Mark Virkler's picture

May I provide you with a lot of exciting statistics about the coronavirus? Click here for an EXCELLENT review of the data with a decidedly reassuring spin which I REALLY encourage you to read. It WILL calm your heart. It is a full article, written by a retired Data & Analytics Leader who managed modeling teams at the highest level for He also has a passion for medicine, and has built FDA programs. His research and conclusions should remove all fear.

In the chart below you will see that the death rate in the USA from Covid-19 is plunging, and is currently down 72% off its peak.

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Don't Agree Things Are a Pain in the Butt Unless You Want a Pain in Your Butt - By Linda Burton

Mark Virkler's picture

Last summer as we were moving furniture, I felt my lower back go out of place.  I fell to the floor crying out, “My back, my back.”  As I lay there I prayed, “Lord Jesus, please lay Your hands on my back and heal it.”  In a little bit I was able to get up and move about with discomfort but not intense pain.  Then every day I noticed less discomfort and more flexibility. 

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My Sister May Have Coronavirus – An Email of Support

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I received an email in the last 24 hours that my sister has been terribly sick for many days, with a fever of 102. Her doctor has had her tested for the coronavirus, but it will be ten days before the results come back so we are not 100% sure of the diagnosis. Either way, right now she is separated from her family, afraid and in pain.

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