February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
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daily word - too much money?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is it possible to have too much money? The Bible doesn’t say that money is the root of all evil, but the love of it is. Do you know anyone who thinks they have too much? The Bible doesn’t condemn money as such, but it creates issues you should be wary of. The poor are rich in faith, but it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. You have seen cases where affluence has allowed people to be indulgent and undisciplined, and trust in themselves and their wealth.

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daily word - Baptism

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you been baptized? Do you see this as an essential significant milestone in the practice of your faith? How many ways have you been baptized? For John said that he baptized with water, but one would come after who baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire. He was referring to me. Did you see your water baptism as a transformative event? It can have this effect if you apprehend it correctly and are fully invested in it. This is not something to be done casually. What about baptism in fire?

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daily word - popular?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you noticed that being a Christian is less popular than it used to be? Has a favorable impression of Christians several decades ago turned neutral and even become negative by the general population in recent years? Can you face this issue and ask yourself if Christians have done anything to contribute to a declining image? Is it easier to be a Christian when it is a popular thing to do? Yet throughout the span of history and geography there have been times of persecution of believers, and you may be called on to pay a price for your allegiance to a Kingdom not of this world.

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daily word - beyond church

Dale Cresap's picture

It is normal for those who are saved to belong to a church. This gives you a sense of belonging and community that everyone craves. Do you derive your identity from your church? How strong a contrast does this create from those outside? One of the doctrines of your faith is that I created all people and love all people. Do you see a possible conflict between these things? Does your connection to your church give you a stronger or weaker connection to all of humanity? In secular circles these forces work in opposition.

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daily word - spiritual birthday

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you remember the day that you were saved? What milestone could be more important to your faith, and what could be more important to your life than your faith? So this is the ultimate event for believers. You celebrate your birthday. Do you celebrate the day you were born again? You may not keep track of this on the calendar, but would you celebrate it as a beginning or an end? It could be argued both ways, and also as neither one. You were a spiritual being even before you were saved, and I was at work drawing you to me. You didn’t arrive the first day you trusted me.

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daily word - awesome

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you noticed that every new soft drink is described as awesome? This deeply meaningful word has been cheapened by overuse. Yet it has a real meaning. Do you have a source of awe in your life? The same question would apply to the closely related concepts of mystery and wonder. Do you understand how desirable these things are? Do you seek them out? You are surrounded by them if you can comprehend them. Yet in a greater sense you cannot comprehend them or they would not be awesome, but you can be aware of them, and captivated by them, and surrender to them.

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daily word - refuge

Dale Cresap's picture

I promised that you would not face any temptation that you could not withstand because with it I would provide a way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. Does this seem contradictory to you? Do you like the idea of escape? Do you dislike the idea of enduring? Is there a way that these concepts can be reconciled so that both are true? I told my disciples that I had meat they knew not of, and that where I was going they could not follow. Have you found that there is a place of spiritual refuge where you can go to escape your afflictions even as you endure them?

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daily word - carry your cross

Dale Cresap's picture

One of the things I promised was a cross to carry. I left the door open for you to decide whether to pick it up or not, but doing so was presented as a condition of being a disciple. Are you aware that you are carrying a cross? Have you ever cried out that yours is too much for you to bear? I can sympathize with this statement. Another man was pressed into service to carry mine when I could not. I know what you are capable of; do you? Have you ever complained that your load is too great and found that you could bear it after all? I do not willingly afflict my children.

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daily word - follow me

Dale Cresap's picture

The gospels record the events of my life. You study them as sacred scripture. What do you take away? Do you see the unique events of my life serving to prove my identity? Do you see them as anything more than that? Do they provide a pattern and an example for you? Peter declared that I was the son of God. I said that he was blessed because flesh and blood did not reveal this to him. Do you have the same basis for acknowledging my identity? Then you can use the events of my life as a pattern and example. Didn’t I call those who believed in me to follow me?

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