February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

daily word - relay race

Dale Cresap's picture

Boats generate wakes. You have seen this and perhaps even felt it if you have been wading near the shore or been in a small boat when a large boat passes by. Do you see a larger scale application of this concept? A spiritual one? There have been spiritual movements throughout history that have influenced all that came after them. As a result you don’t have to recreate the whole structure of doctrine and church government from scratch. You have the benefit of those who have gone before you to build roads and cities and also to build churches and cathedrals.

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daily word - eyes to see

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have certain expectations for the way your Christian life will proceed? Have they always proven correct? When I came to earth my people were expecting a messiah and they had clear expectations about what a messiah would look like. In general I did not meet their expectations and they were not aware of my first advent even though I lived and walked among them. Do you think the same thing could happen again even among those who identify as my followers? I came teaching about the Kingdom of God and I still do.

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daily word - use it or lose it

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the passage that says, to him who has more shall be given, and to him who has not even that little he has shall be taken away? Does this seem unfair to you? Does it seem like a spiritual version of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Are you also familiar with the phrase, use it or lose it? This is a better explanation of my teaching and you have seen it in effect in your own life. Do the skills you practice improve? Do those you neglect atrophy? This does not add or detract from anyone but you. So the meaning is fair and obvious.

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daily word - music

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see the spiritual nature of music? Music has been a part of spiritual worship from the beginning, even before the church. Music is also a large part of the secular entertainment business and you have heard criticism of music in church being a form of entertainment. You know it should be more than this, but a purely intellectual and rational age doesn’t know what to do with music or have a basis for comprehending meaning beyond the lyrics. But you who are spiritual should comprehend the meaning of melody.

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daily word - broken spirit

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a broken spirit and a contrite heart? If this phrase is familiar to you from the Bible you know that it is the sacrifice acceptable to me. Do you know anyone that you would describe this way? Do you find these qualities attractive in others? Do they see them in you? How do you go about acquiring these qualities? Is there a simple progression of steps or a program of instruction that will accomplish it?  Can you imagine that such an outcome is possible without suffering? Is this something that you want badly enough to count the cost and consent to the process and pay it?

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daily word - on your honor

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of an arrangement operated ‘on your honor’? For many things legal documents are involved and for others there are visible accountability systems. The concept of being on your honor dispenses with these controls on the premise that the character of those involved is sufficient to assure compliance. Have you heard it said that your true character is revealed in what you do when no one is watching? This is the same concept applied to agreements between people. What do you trust others to do on their honor? What will you do on yours?

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daily word - connections

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that the advertising industry is only promoting products, or do their messages attempt to influence your values, lifestyle, and worldview? I spoke a lot about money, for where a man’s treasure is, there will his heart be also. So there is a connection between material things and spiritual things. Will an appeal to pursue material things be successful if it isn’t attached to a values and worldview connection that opens the door? I’m not opposed to you making purchases, but are you aware of the linkage between commercial appeals and the value systems that they represent?

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daily word - Evidence

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you hear skeptics say that everything should be based on evidence? Do you feel that premise puts you as a disadvantage as a believer? Have you heard of court cases that pivot on the question of admissible evidence? In these cases the question is no longer about what really happened, but what one side or the other insists on rejecting from the proceedings. In this case is truth being sacrificed for process? What can you afford to exclude in your search for transcendent truth with eternal consequences?

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daily word - faith and politics

Dale Cresap's picture

What is your central identity marker? Most people have strong commitments for both faith and politics. In some circles these topics are avoided because they can be polarizing and divisive. Which of the two occupies the top position for you? Does your faith change to accommodate your politics, or do your politics change to accommodate your faith? If you are open to growth and change then it is reasonable to expect transitions and you should know the order of your priorities so you know what direction the changes will flow.

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daily word - advertising

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you immune to the effects of advertising? Does your faith give you a solid foundation that prevents you from being swayed by messages designed for that purpose? The advertising industry is betting over a hundred billion dollars a year that you are wrong. The Bible speaks of those who are carried about by every wind of doctrine. A modern addition might include cultural trends and fads. Perhaps you are too close to the situation to judge accurately and it would take an outsider to see it clearly.

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