February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
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daily word - thoughts?

Dale Cresap's picture

An old philosopher said, I think, therefore I am. He derived his identity from his thoughts. Do you? Do you think you are the sum of your thoughts? Yet do you have perfect control over your thoughts? Do you ever have thoughts that are unwelcome and seem to be intruders? The Bible tells you to take every thought captive, and this implies that your thoughts are not the essence of your being. Do you find this difficult to do?

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daily word - charmed life

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you walk in the darkness or in the light? This is an important distinction and all believers would claim to walk in the light. What does this mean? Are you aware that you live a charmed life in an enchanted world? You may see this as connected to your belief, but I send sun and rain on the just and on the wicked alike, and open my hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. You have insight and awareness that you live in a benevolent world. Everyone lives in the same world but not everyone can see this reality even though they receive the blessings.

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daily word - the beginning

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you share your faith in fulfillment of the Great Commission? Are you a recruiting agent for your church? Do you see these as separate activities? Even if you do, those to whom you proclaim the gospel message may not. Would you consider your efforts to be successful if you see people entering the Kingdom of God even if they don’t go to your church? What is the bare essence of your faith that is the logical starting point for sharing the good news of the gospel?

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daily word - sheep?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that I am good at everything? What about marketing? I referred to my followers as sheep. I said that my sheep hear my voice, and told Peter to feed my sheep, and you want to be a sheep in the story of the sheep and the goats. But being referred to as a sheep is not considered a compliment in any other context. In fact it is an insult, implying that one lacks resolve and fortitude. Would any marketing firm have recommended a sheep as a promotional image or logo? How do you reconcile these images? Do you still want to be my follower if it means identifying as a sheep?

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daily word - answers?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you find answers to all your problems? Some problems are small and have clear answers. If you lose your car keys you keep looking until you find them. Some problems are large and don’t have easy answers, such as navigating relationships and finding direction in life. Some problems don’t really have solutions in the conventional sense, but by your own continued development you may outgrow them. Have you ever experienced this yourself? Have you had a problem that became unimportant to you even though it didn’t go away?

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daily word - best of heaven

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you expect to go to heaven? What do you expect to find when you get there? Gold and precious stones? You don’t get to visit in advance like a real estate open house, and the Bible gives a limited amount of details, but gold and precious stones are mentioned. These are highly prized and sought after on earth. Is the desire for these things the motivation to seek the Kingdom of God? Would you expect to find anything else there that is even more valuable? In that day you will see me as I am, and know as you are known.

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daily word - in the dark

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the story of me wrestling with Jacob? Do you remember what time of day it happened? It was at night. Do you think this is a significant detail? It is because I wanted to break off the engagement before dawn. So he was wrestling with me in the dark. This is pertinent because those who wrestle with me do so in the dark. Do those who struggle with the difficult questions of being describe this as wrestling with me? But that is exactly what is happening, and it works better if they are ‘in the dark’ about it.

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daily word - wrestling

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a favorite sport? Football? Soccer? Baseball? Basketball? I do. Mine is wrestling. You may recall that I wrestled with Jacob. Job wrestled with me as well, even though that term was not used, that was the activity taking place. You can extend this concept to see the same action in principle with Peter, and Paul, and John the Baptist, and others. Can you see that struggling with me is more common than not in those who press onward toward the mark of the high calling I offer them? Have you ever wrestled with me and found it to be a beneficial experience?

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daily word - mourning

Dale Cresap's picture

I said that those who mourn were blessed, for they would be comforted. Do you mourn? Do you think this only applies when you experience the death of someone close to you? Do you consider yourself blessed when you experience the mourning that accompanies it? Is death the only thing that causes you to mourn, or are there other things that cause this reaction? As you progress and grow in life you will need to let go of old things that you may embrace the new things I am leading you into.

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daily word - Kingdom now?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you noticed how much I had to say about the Kingdom of God? I came declaring the Kingdom, and most of my teaching was on this subject. Do you think of the Kingdom as future and far away, referring to heaven as your destination when you die? But I declared the Kingdom as a present reality, here and now. I cautioned that when you were told that the Kingdom was in a particular location you didn’t need to travel to take part, for I said that the Kingdom of God was within you. But when my accusers called me a king I said that my Kingdom is not of this world.

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