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Heart Prayers: Seven Elements Which Compose The Language of Our Hearts

Mark Virkler's picture

Questions: How do I write a message on my heart? What is the language of MY heart? How do I engage in “heart prayers” rather than prayers from my head? People tell me all the time that they have been in counseling for months or years to process their hurts and are still in pain! Or they have been praying for a miracle of healing, and it is still delayed. As I ask them what they have done, and listen to their story, I am able to help them see: They have NOT been using the language of the heart to heal their hearts. They have been using the language of their minds, analytical reason, and that is why they are still stuck!

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if it were possible

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you found any verses in the Bible that give you comfort and caution at the same time? I warned that difficult times would come including false teachers who were so effective that if it were possible that the very elect would be deceived. The verse implies that it is not possible for the elect to be deceived and in this you should find comfort. Yet it also implies that it will be a close-run thing, and as such you are admonished to be diligent and vigilant. Stay on your toes for the threat is great and it will take all the discernment and wisdom available to you to stay in the truth. If you do this you cannot be deceived. 


leaving town for a few days.

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Lord, Can I Trust the Thoughts and Pictures Which Come from My Heart?

Mark Virkler's picture

(Journaling from Mark Virkler)

Well, Mark, that is a question many have asked, including you. When you first began journaling, you asked, “How can I trust a flow that comes from an evil and desperately wicked heart?” Because that is what you believed you had based on your understanding of Jeremiah 17:9.

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Christian Nation?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you live in a Christian nation? You can be glad if you do, even if the definition of this is up for grabs. Different people understand it differently. Even if churches don’t receive direct government support it is easier for your life as a believer if you live in a culture where your faith is readily accepted. Is easier always better? My church grew and spread in a hostile climate. The situation you have now is rare in human history, and the pendulum can swing the back the other way. The nature of faith is such that it should endure whether in sympathetic surroundings or not. How well will your faith endure if it is not popular? 

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Dale Cresap's picture

In the Garden of Eden there was no effort required to obtain food, but ever since there has been. I use the imagery of harvest to refer to the work of evangelism as well as for the ingathering of food. I looked out at fields of grain and told my disciples that they were even now ready for harvest, and told them to pray that the Lord would send forth laborers for the harvest. This is an enduring principle and your time is always ready. This premise implies that there is effort involved but my yoke is still easy and my burden is light. When you are led by the Spirit your labor in my vineyard will bear fruit. 

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other sheep

Dale Cresap's picture

I told my disciples that I had other sheep who were not of this fold. They didn’t get it at the time, but I was referring to you. Do you understand that this is an enduring principle in my Kingdom? Now that you are safely in the fold I still have other sheep who are not of this fold. Do you understand this better than my disciples did? I want you to rejoice in this, and enlarge your circle to include these sheep. This will require you to enlarge your comfort zone, but that will be beneficial for you even if you find it uncomfortable. My circle will always be larger than yours, and I look forward to the time there will be one flock with one shepherd. Help bring it about. 

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church purpose?

Dale Cresap's picture

What is the purpose of a church? Is it for you to join and be involved in, to support its vision and programs and ministry mission? Or is it to support you in finding your destiny and equipping you to carry it out? The answer is both. Have you ever been involved in a church that only emphasized one of these things; typically the first? That is a valid purpose, but it doesn’t exist in isolation from the second purpose. A healthy church will have a way in which you can serve, but it will look for a good fit for your own spiritual development. You can serve me by supporting the vision of your church, but in the economy of my Kingdom this does not conflict with having your own sense of purpose and vision and destiny. 

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I Don't Have Anyone to Share My Two-way Journaling With

Mark Virkler's picture

Question: I am reading Mark Virkler’s book, 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice, and taking his course on hearing from God and have already done 2-way journaling. I don't, however, have a single person to show my journals to and to verify the messages. This is not something I have ever really heard done before. Does Dr. Virkler have a suggestion for how to advise me on this? These Skilled Journalers Are Willing to Confirm Your Journaling 

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off the deep end?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of someone ‘going off the deep end’? This is a common expression and it is not meant as a compliment. It implies a loss of control. You have heard this used even in regard to the way people practice their faith. Yet do you want to go deeper in your Christian life? In this case depth is a good thing. So how do you go deeper in me without going off the deep end? I have provided safeguards for you if will use them. Recognize the authority of my word. Realize that I have given you people who can speak wisdom to you. You may recognize my voice even if it comes from unexpected sources. There is safety in a multitude of counsel. 

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walk with me

Dale Cresap's picture

There was a garden of Eden in which I walked with Adam and Eve. Do you long for such a place? Yet they were expelled from the garden, and it was no longer available to them or their descendants. Instead you live in a world you refer to as fallen, in which you have to labor and toil for the earth to bring forth its fruit. Theologians have explanations for all of this – how it happened and what it implies – but don’t let that make you miss the most important point. For even in this fallen world I am available to walk with you in every place and circumstance of life whether you call your location paradise or not. 

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