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good work

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see the need to earn a living as being a consequence of the fall? Does this give you a negative view of work as an unpleasant necessity? This would be a dismal perspective on something that requires so much of your life. There were those employed as servants in my time who had no control over the  terms of their employment. My word instructed them to seek freedom if they had the opportunity, otherwise to view their positions as serving me. You don’t have to be an involuntary servant to hold this perspective. Be glad if you have voluntary employment, and look at your job as sacred service for me. 

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be patient

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you lament that the people to whom you present the gospel message do not respond? Do not be discouraged. Multiple exposure is more often necessary than not. In addition, life has a way of catching up with people. Over time, false ideals and ways of living will be challenged by real life. Nature sides with eternal truth. Some people have to go their own way until it is obvious that it isn’t working. Be patient. You are called to plant and water. When the time is right there will be an open door and I will bring to their remembrance the message you gave them and the seeds you planted will grow. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

You share the good news of the gospel by telling people that I have a plan for their life, and you are right. You want them to respond to me, but my plan for them is not a stock, one-size-fits-all answer. It is a unique destiny crafted just for them. Would you like to know your own? But I do not show it to you all at once. Yet I will show you enough today for you to do what you need to do today. It may not seem significant to you, but if you are faithful in these small things, I will build them into great things. Trust me to the point that you can give yourself completely to the task at hand, and I will build it into a destiny. I will complete my good work in you. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

My word set forth religious practices including sacrifices in the Old Testament. But even there I made it clear that to obey was better than sacrifice. Sacrifices may be very costly, but they can still be a calculated expense that leaves you in control. To obey is an acknowledgment that you are not in control; that there is a higher authority over you. This makes obedience the ultimate sacrifice. It is a matter of surrender. This is superior to all religious rituals, and it is what I ask of you. You speak of my love as unconditional and you are right. Let your surrender to me be unconditional as well. 

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brother's keeper?

Dale Cresap's picture

Am I my brother’s keeper? This question was first asked in a disingenuous way by someone who had just killed his brother. It was never really answered, and so it remains as a timeless question. Are you your brother’s keeper? Do you view all of humanity as connected and related? My word proclaims liberty. Do you see liberty as an expression of autonomy and isolation? I didn’t secure your freedom for you to spend it on yourself alone. Don’t be so blind as to fail to see your connection with others. You are your brother’s keeper. What this requires of you is a question you should keep asking and answering. 

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too authentic?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is it possible to be too authentic? Authenticity is very desirable, but you have encountered people who used it as a basis to utter anything that was on their mind. Yet my word says only a fool utters all his mind, and even a fool, when he holds his peace, is esteemed as a man of understanding. You can be authentic and hold your peace. Consider my own example at trial. I was surrounded by many accusers yet I remained silent. Have you noticed that those with real wisdom are sparing with their words, and that when the time is right they can capture the essence of a matter with a brief concise statement? You do well to use your words as a wise master builder, and avoid the danger that is present in a multitude of words. 

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Going Back to the Basics: My Love Affair with Jesus - by Monica McKeen

Mark Virkler's picture

One of the biggest secrets about God’s Kingdom is that the Kingdom of God is not something that you can point to and say, “Here it is” or “There it is” for it is a Kingdom that is found in our hearts and wherever His will is done.

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a good world?

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you see the world? When I created it I said that it was good. But shortly after that there was the fall. So is the world still good? This is more than an abstract hypothetical question for theologians. It affects the way you approach life. If the fall dominates your view of the world around you, then the world is a scary and dangerous place, and fear is a reasonable response. If you believe that my declaration of goodness still dominates, then you can go forth into an unknown future with confidence that there is purpose and a guiding benevolence that watches over it (and you). You are not currently living in Paradise, but don’t let the fall dominate your view of life and diminish it. 

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where to meet me

Dale Cresap's picture

Where do you encounter my presence? Is it in times of silence and solitude? The world is full of distractions and it may be easier for you to hear from me apart from them. Yet there are those who encounter me in the presence of other people. The former group are more introverted and the latter group more extroverted. Neither is wrong or right, but a given person will tend one way or the other. Behold I am with you always, and a discerning person will see me alone or with others. Learn the value of balance and seek to discern my presence in ways outside of your familiar comfort zone. 

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