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Daily Word - sifted

Dale Cresap's picture

I told Peter that Satan desired to sift him like wheat. I told him that I would pray for him that his faith would not fail. Note that I did not say that I would not allow Satan to do this. You can see from the account that followed that Peter was sifted like wheat, and his faith did not fail. Is this a process that anyone would volunteer for? Yet consider those you know who are the most mature and established in their faith. Do you know any of these who has not also been sifted like wheat? I prayed for them as I did for Peter, and I will pray for you too. You can see that when Peter was converted he did strengthen his brethren, and you will too. Can you see that this is an essential part of the transformative process, and not oppose it.


Please pray for a coworker facing an endometrial biopsy on Wednesday.

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Daily Word - who you are

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see a universal pattern that people begin life with an identity imparted by their family, and from adolescence onward try to build an identity of their own? Do you understand that scientists labor to discover the laws of science, but do not create them? The behavior of matter is inherent in its nature, and scientists seek only to understand it. In like manner you are mistaken if you think you are creating an identity. Your identity was inherent in you when you were fearfully and wonderfully made. You do not enter this world comprehending it, but if you walk with me you will find out who you really are. 

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Daily Word - who is my neighbor?

Dale Cresap's picture

How seriously do you take my admonition against name-calling? I said that those who use terms that are fairly mild by today’s standards are at risk of severe consequences. Do you apply this strict rule equally to those outside of your faith tradition or outside of your political persuasion? It is easy to solidify your group identity by denigrating those outside it, but it does not serve my redemptive purposes. You can respect the essential humanity of others even if you don’t agree with their positions or approve of their behavior. In response to my teaching about loving your neighbor I was asked ‘who is my neighbor?’ and told the story of the Good Samaritan. Everyone. 

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Daily Word - those who serve

Dale Cresap's picture

How many people do you encounter in the course of a day that serve you? Think of clerks, salesmen, technicians, and waiters as examples. Do you realize that they are real people? Yet how often do you think of them only in terms of their functional service to you? They have real identities and lives and names, and most of them wear name tags. Are you willing to see them as I see them, in the essence of their humanity, even as they perform some menial task on your behalf? This isn’t as difficult as you may think. You can start by making eye contact and calling them by name. 

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Daily Word - body temple

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you been taught that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? This is clearly stated in my word. Has this only been presented to you in a negative sense, as an admonition that your conduct should be up to this standard? This truth should make you neither fearful nor arrogant. You can also see it from the positive side, that you carry my presence with you wherever you go. In the temple of your body, you can mediate divine intention to those you encounter. How many times in my word have I plainly declared your authority to act in my name? You have a commission as my ambassador. Exercise it. 

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Daily Word - Power of Love

Dale Cresap's picture

My word speaks of love and says that though you have all knowledge and capabilities and make all sacrifices, if you have not love it is of no benefit. Do you find this to be discouraging? But there are two sides to this coin. Consider the converse, stated in a positive way. If you have love, you have everything. Have you ever seen this, or experienced it yourself, that people without the greatest skills or credentials or titles were more effective than those with them? What makes the difference? Loving intention will align you with eternal purpose and give you power unattainable by human effort. 

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Daily Word - revealed humanity?

Dale Cresap's picture

According to the creeds and doctrines of your faith I am both human and divine. Most people who encountered me on earth saw me as being human only. I didn’t look any different from other people and they had no reason to think otherwise. There were some who realized I was divine, such as Simon Peter, and I said he was blessed  because flesh and blood had not revealed this to him, but my Father in heaven. How do you see me? As divine only? If you have not known me in my humanity then it is too easy for you to think of me as distant and alien. Do you see the importance of both? Do you need a revelation of my humanity?

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4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice Are All Mentioned in This Song

Mark Virkler's picture

Dear Mark,

I believe the Holy Spirit led me to a song recently that I wanted to share with you.

I am a worshipper of God, and as such, I commonly play instrumental  worship music during my 4 hours of class time each day. Practicing this discipline helps to keep me very focused.

I have found myself profoundly blessed in my morning early devotions to find music from an artist I have never heard of before until a couple days ago. Her name is Laura Woodley Osman.

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Daily Word - End Times?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a preferred scenario for the end times and my return? Do you find that most believers do and that there are many options to choose from? Have you found this to be a contentious issue between believers? Are you aware of how many believers have made definite predictions throughout the ages and been wrong? It isn’t strictly necessary for you to build a detailed scenario and defend it, but here is a question to help guide your thoughts on this matter. Does you view of the end times have a direct effect on making you a better person today? If not, you should change your scenario. 

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