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Daily Word - authority

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of authority only in terms of titles, offices, and academic credentials? Do you think that only these things qualify you to serve me? Note that I had none of these things. Would you say that I still had authority? When I was questioned about my authority I pointed out that I was healing the sick and raising the dead. These things would seem to be strong credentials in their own right, but my critics were not convinced. Have you ever been challenged regarding your authority when you are serving me? I have commissioned and given you all the power you need to minister in my name. When you are doing my work questions about your authority reflect more on those who ask than they do on you.

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daily word - are we there yet?

Dale Cresap's picture

If you have ever traveled with children, you know what question to expect: ‘are we there yet’? this does not make for a more enjoyable trip. Do you see your life as a spiritual journey? In keeping with this metaphor, have you ever asked me the same question? People who have completed a great success are said to ‘have arrived’, but to claim that you have arrived spiritually is to prove that you have not. Humility and wisdom require you to understand that you still have far to go. Do not be discouraged by this. Let your perspective be that you are on the journey of a lifetime and that it takes a lifetime so you can enjoy the trip.

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daily word - worry and prayer

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard it said that there are two sides to a coin? This implies that there is an alternate or opposing viewpoint on every issue. You are familiar with the Bible passages that tell you not to worry; not to take thought for things you cannot change. Worry is unproductive mental anxiety. You pay a price in expending mental energy for no benefit. The other side of the ‘coin’ of worry is prayer. This also is mental effort, but it is not anxiety. Rather it is the means to release yourself from anxiety by placing your concerns in my hands. It is also not unproductive, for the fervent effectual prayer of the righteous avails much.

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Daily Word - Have it all?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard it said that you can have it all? This idea is only accepted in affluent cultures, but even there it isn’t true. You have vast opportunities available to you but your finite capacities force you to make choices. Haven’t you observed this already, that those who claim to be able to have it all end up so scattered and diffused that they don’t really excel at anything? Consider the high achievers you know. Don’t they focus their effort on a few things and do them well? The direction of your life will be determined by your choices. Do you understand that saying no to some things is necessary for the full and abundant life I promise you?

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Daily Word - trust your guide

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you ever feel that when you are following me you don’t know where you are going? This is normal. I called Abraham to come and follow me to a place that I would show him [later]. He got up and went without knowing where he was going. The call I offered to my own disciples was to follow me. It wasn’t to follow me to a particular destination according to a schedule provided in advance. This is an enduring element of the life of faith and so you face it yourself. If you want to make progress you need to let go of your desire to know every step ahead. You just need to trust your guide.

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Daily Word - Too Intense?

Dale Cresap's picture

The history of my interaction with people started with encounters with individuals such as Abraham and Moses and Jacob. Further along I proposed an encounter with all my people at once, but as the time approached it was too intimate for them and they came up with plan B; that Moses would meet with me and serve as an intermediary, to relay my expectations back to the people. Have you seen this same dynamic in effect ever since, including current times, that people prefer not to deal with me directly? This is their preference, and there is never a shortage of volunteers to be the middle man, but it is not what I prefer. I want a direct encounter with each of my people. Is this what you want? Can you handle it?

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Daily Word - The Poor

Dale Cresap's picture

One of the most famous statements I made was that the poor you have with you always. Even unbelievers are familiar with this, but don’t draw the wrong conclusion from it. Don’t use it as an excuse to avoid ministering to the poor. Early believers understood their duty to those less fortunate around them and ministry to the poor was a central feature of the early church. My statement has proven true throughout the ages, despite programs to eradicate poverty. Do you find it discouraging to minister to the poor knowing the job will never be finished? You could also see it in a positive light that you will never run out of opportunities.

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Daily Word - give and receive

Dale Cresap's picture

What is your response when you receive a compliment? Do you feel obligated to contradict the person who gives it and say that they are wrong? This is false humility and goes against the kind intent that was offered. True humility can accept a compliment graciously without being false, arrogant or conceited. This is being considerate of the person giving the compliment as well. Put yourself in their place. I said that it was more blessed to give than to receive; but it is more blessed to receive than to reject. Be generous in both the giving and receiving of compliments.

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Daily Word - See the Kingdom

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you a physicist? You don’t have to be a scientist to be able to see that gravity holds objects to the earth, or to solve time speed, and distance problems in your head concerning oncoming vehicles. You make observations about your experience of the way the world works and live your life accordingly, and this works remarkably well for everyone. Do you believe in fate? People who can’t make the transition from obvious physics to obvious spirituality tend to see the world in terms of fate and miss the big picture. I spoke of those who could discern the weather patterns from the sky but couldn’t see the Kingdom of God. Don’t be one of them.

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Daily Word - Prayer approach?

Dale Cresap's picture

What is your approach to prayer? Do you see it as a way to get what you want; to get me to do what you want? There are plenty of verses in the Bible to assure you that you can have anything you ask for. Are you willing to reconsider your perspective on prayer, and see it as a way to get you to want what I wanted all along; that you should be conformed to me rather than the other way around? These positions may seem like polar opposites but they don’t need to be in conflict as much as it would appear. If your heart is true to me we will both want the same thing, and both get our own way.

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