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Daily Word - call down fire?

Dale Cresap's picture

When you encounter those with opposing faiths or viewpoints, what type of outcome would you prefer? Are you looking for a confrontation as between Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, a showdown to be decided by calling down fire from heaven? Yet when my own disciples wanted to call down fire from heaven on those who opposed us, I corrected them. Persuasion and entreaty are the tools you need to do my work. Remember that you have a silent partner in this process. Learn to be sensitive to the leading and the presence of the Holy Spirit who goes before you to prepare the way. Then your yoke will be easy and your burden light.

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Daily Word - the cross

Dale Cresap's picture

What do you think of when you see the cross? It is the universal symbol of the Christian faith. Do you see it only as that? It had a far different meaning before and during my time. It was in widespread use as the most feared and horrible means of prolonged execution. It is no longer used for that today and would be forgotten were it not for me. I endured the cross and transformed it into a symbol of redemption. This is what I do, even in this extreme situation. How then should you look at the cross? Neither as an instrument of torture and death, nor as an abstract icon of faith, but as a symbol of the transformation I brought to it, and you, and all things. 

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Daily Word - Which Son?

Dale Cresap's picture

A certain man had two sons, and the younger one took his inheritance early and squandered it in dissipation. He made horrible choices but life caught up with him and he learned from his experiences. This led to a real transformation as he returned to his father. His elder brother, on the other hand, did everything right but at the end of the story it is apparent that his good choices didn’t do him much good. Has life ever caught up with you and made clear to you the importance of returning to me? Based on this story would you say that it is more important to do everything right or to be open to learn? 

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Daily Word - Equal?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in equality? If anyone could make a case for equality it would be me, because I said that I was one with the Father. Yet I also did not consider equality a thing to be grasped, but emptied myself and took on the form of a servant. Do you find that discussions of equality lead to grasping assertions of equal worth? But grasping is an unattractive and ungracious quality, and it is not necessary in my Kingdom where other dynamics prevail. For I promised that if you humble yourself then I would exalt you in due time, and also that the first would be last and the last first. If you believe this then become as a little child and a servant, and see what happens.

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Daily Word - god-forsaken?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of some place described as ‘god-forsaken’? This is a harsh judgment, and not consistent with my word. The psalmist understood this when he declared, where shall I go from thy presence? Everywhere he went he found that I was there already. You also have my promise that I will go before you. If you hold my omnipresence as a matter of doctrine, you should also hold it as a matter of experience. How can you experience peace if you don’t know that I am with you? How can you walk in my redemptive purposes if you are unaware of my presence? Not only are there no places that I have forsaken, there are no people I have forsaken either. 

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Daily Word - broken heart?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is your heart soft and sensitive? You may think of this as a gender related quality, and expect to find it more often among women than among men. Yet when I lamented the hardness of heart of my people it was not gender specific, nor was it later when I said today if you will hear my voice harden not your heart. Yet again when I said that the sacrifices acceptable to me were a broken heart, a broken and a contrite spirit it was not targeted just at men or at women. Do not impose your concepts of gender stereotypes where I do not. A broken and contrite heart is the acceptable sacrifice for all my people. 

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Daily Word - journey?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see your life as a journey of transformation? Are you going anywhere? Israel was in bondage in Egypt and I delivered them from their oppressors. Yet this was not the end of their journey, but just the beginning. I wanted to transform them and this was a far more involved and demanding task than just releasing them from bondage. Have you encountered people who seem to take their problems with them wherever they go? Have you ever done this yourself? it is easy to change location. A change of heart is not so easy, but this is what I wanted for Israel and for you too. You can take this journey  without leaving home. 

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Daily Word - see me in you?

Dale Cresap's picture

How do other people discern my presence in you? I gave you a commission to spread my message, and promised that I would dwell within you, and that my Spirit would go before you. Do you see these things as being related? I have placed my light within you, and told you to let your light so shine before men that they may glorify me (not you). My presence in you is not for you alone, but that you may be a blessing to the nations. Do you think that your work in carrying out the Great Commission is only a matter of intellectual persuasion? I want you to realize that it is active in every dimension of humanity, and is primarily spiritual. How do people see me in you? 

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Daily Word - brother's keeper?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you your brother’s keeper? This question was first asked in a disingenuous way by someone who had just killed his brother. Obviously he did not see himself as his brother’s keeper. Yet the question still remains. What duty do you have to others? What duty do you have to strangers? Are you obligated to render aid to those in need when you are able to do so? You may encounter needs beyond your abilities, and you may argue your way out of duty to those you can help, but my word and your conscience commend you toward helping where you can. The story of the Good Samaritan was not meant only for Samaritans. Everyone can be one. 

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Daily Word - on file?

Dale Cresap's picture

Does the government keep a file on you? Do retailers learn about you by monitoring your purchases? My word records an incident in which a would-be miracle worker admonishes an unclean spirit in the name of Jesus of whom Paul preaches. The spirit responded that he knew of Jesus and of Paul, but not of him, and this incident did not end well for this man. You have a spiritual adversary. Are you  concerned that he keeps a file on you? Or should you be more concerned if he didn’t? it would be nothing to brag of if you didn’t cause him enough trouble to notice you, but I can protect you from his attacks. 

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