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Daily Word - seeing me?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see me in everyone you see? If you accept the premise that everyone is made in my image then you should see some resemblance of me in everyone if you look hard enough. Some people make this easy for you through their lives of devotion to me, and the light and love that emanate from them. Other people make this hard for you because of the lack of those qualities. But is the problem in this case their lack of favorable presentation or your lack of discerning vision? You can’t change them to make my presence in them more obvious, but you can ask me to give you eyes to see.

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Daily Word - love errors

Dale Cresap's picture

Is it important to you to be right all the time? Yet you realize this is an unrealistic goal. If you can’t be right all the time, then at least you can improve the quality of your errors. Have you ever made critical judgments of others that turned out to be false? Is this a greater embarrassment and cause for remorse than giving people favor and the benefit of the doubt and being wrong for doing that? As much as you would like to render prefect judgment, only I am capable of doing that. Do you think that I err on the side of mercy and grace? Is this a judgment of you or me? As long as you know in part resolve to let your errors be on the side of love and grace.

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Daily Word - Vocation

Dale Cresap's picture

 Do you have a vocation? In modern terms this is the way you earn your living. Or in some circles, it is the type of school you go to if you don’t go to college. Earlier generations understood this term in a different way. To them a vocation was a life mission given by God. It could have been something with an income attached, but not necessarily. The most important thing you do in your life doesn’t have to be the way you earn your money. It doesn’t need to have a title and office connected with it either. But if it is an assignment from me you will find it to have meaning and purpose, to be satisfying and fulfilling, and it will bear fruit in the Kingdom of God.

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Daily Word - change order

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see things in yourself you would like to change, that you would like to improve? Do you think I will love you if you change? This is an attitude of legalism rather than grace, but it is the default mode of human thinking. This is the reverse of transcendent logic. You can change because I love you now. If you receive my love and walk with an awareness of it you will have confidence in the way I value your intrinsic worth, you will know that you are held securely, and you will be able to live in an undefended state. These are the precursors to the real transformative change I offer you.

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Dale Cresap's picture

The Bible speaks of Pharisees. Do you know of anyone that goes by this name? Do you know of anyone who acts like this even if they don’t claim the title? How many Pharisees actually read the Bible? These things were written for you, not them. There are certain temptations that are characteristic of the unsaved outside the church, and others that those belonging to the religious establishment are prone to. Are you as aware of these as you are of the problems of ‘sinners’? I am building my church and I want you to be a part of it. I also want you to be aware of traps you will encounter so you may judge yourself and not be judged, or trapped.

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Daily Word - Connections

Dale Cresap's picture

You turn on a light switch and the lights come on, even if there is considerable distance between the switch and the light fixture. In most cases, the wires are installed so they are not visible, but the cause and effect relationship between the switch and the light coming on give you confidence that they are connected. Are there any other connections that exist even though they are not visible? What about spiritual connections? Can there be spiritual connections between people? Between cause and effect? These connections are as real as the wiring in your house. Blessed are those who have eyes to see them.

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Daily Word - Revelation?

Dale Cresap's picture

You refer to the last book of the Bible as Revelations. Do you think that term applies to the entire Bible and not just the last book? Presenting information as revealed truth is a strong claim to make. You expect everything else to be based on references to original sources or some sort of validation. Scripture claims to stand alone and be an original source itself with no need to refer back to anything else. So it comes down to your willingness to accept its claims of truth. Everyone is free to make this decision for themselves, but only those who receive it as the words of life will eat the fruit thereof.


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Daily Word - spirit aroma

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you wear perfume? Aroma is a powerful influence, so much so that even consumer products sold as ‘unscented’ have some aroma. Some things have a natural aroma such as flowers and fruits, and you can identify apples, oranges, and grapes by their pleasant scent. The fruit of the Spirit doesn’t grow on a tree, but it can grow on you, and in a spiritual sense it also has an aroma that is pleasant to those who encounter it. Have you detected this on others, and been aware of how their presence changes the atmosphere even before they say anything? Do you wear spiritual perfume?

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Daily Word - prayer and action

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think it is more important to pray, or to act? It is commonly accepted that diet and exercise are both beneficial for your health, and are typically mentioned together, but they are distinct concepts. Diet and exercise are also understood to work better in combination than either alone. So it is with prayer and action. Both are acts of faith and obedience, and neither is a substitute for the other. Prayer should come first, as a means to get direction for action. How long should you pray? Continue in prayer until you know what specific and concrete actions to take, and then do them.

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Daily Word - kingdom above

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you recall my teaching that my Kingdom is not of this world? Do you also recall my warning that many would come in my name bearing messages that were not from me? Do you see any connection between these? You should be suspicious of anyone coming in my name and proclaiming a kingdom that is of this world. Political movements have used my name to claim authenticity and validity for agendas that were very much their own, and of this world. That is not to say that either this world or the political process is evil. It is saying that you should be wary of anyone using my name to justify theirs.

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